Search 'Global warming news' on Google and you will get:
About 188,000,000 results
But has all that info and the many million conversations and arguments about it around the world got us anywhere?
Now it doesnt take many ats members to come to the conclusion that the media almost always has an agenda.
We have seen blatent media blackouts on figures like Ron Paul and events like OWS, so why does global warming get such coverage?
Is it fair to assume there is a reason they want us to be thinking about global warming? Because we all know how easy it is for them to hide an issue
from public attention, just think about FOX picking americas president or the countless examples of fear mongering and arguing about inadmient issues
inside the big issues, or asking politicans pointless questions. we all know the list goes on and on..
They would have known people were opening their eyes and i think the most logical idea to control them would be to redirect their passion on to an
equally worrying but irellivant issue.
Its no different to the war on terror.
They got us to fear and argue about the terrorists while not questioning the fact we were going into an irrelivant country in the issue.
I think it is time to stop arguing about global warming and climate change, its only a small issue inside a big issue.
In recent decades we have seen growth in the strong opposition to the blatent monopoly of resource companys who give the people no real option but to
buy their oils. Is it any wonder that the media highlights an issue such as global warming?
Human caused global warming could be very real, at the same time it may just be natural.
Why take the risk?
Its obvious that there is a natural global climate procsess, and we do know that humans alter it in some way..why alter it if we dont know the
effects? its easy to say mother nature is already doing it, but does that make it ok for us too?
We have efficent renewable alternatives, and they are not expensive or unreliable.
Dont argue about global warming.
Listen to the old saying 'its better to be safe then sorry'
The media and tptb want you to argue.
I ask you to say this in any future global warming conversation:
'global warming could be real, but i dont want to find out the hard way. Lets look at the real; the fact we are using a finite unrenewable resource
that has very negative effects for no other reason then the fact corporations havent given us another option. I dont want to argue with you because we
are all on the same side'
what do people who dont believe in human caused global warming have to loose by saying 'lets stop using fossil fuels'?
if your wrong well you have have just saved out earth
if your right youve atleast stopped many negative effects and helped us develop a better, cleaner society.
Do you want your children growing up in a world where they cant see the stars?
Where they cant take a breath in their city without getting chocked with dangerous chemicals?
Where their fellow animals are dying and their habitats are being destroyed?
Where there could be serious long term effects of removing substances from the ground?
The risk is not worth the cause!
Lets work together and fight for a green world.
With love, univerSOUL.
edit on 5-10-2011 by UniverSoul because: (no reason given)