I generally tend to steer clear of threads from Prophecies and Predictions mainly because they're usually a bit kooky and rubbish and not something
I'm interested in.
Last night I had a dream that really troubled me, and I'm sure that's all it was but I wanted to share it because I still feel a bit strange about
I'm on this site daily, sometimes loads, sometimes only maybe once, and I greatly dislike Elenin threads, and threads about 2012 prophecy,
earthquakes etc, they really bug me, because people are so ADAMANT that something will happen.
In this dream, we were all waiting for this alignment. But it wasn't an alignment as we think of them, where bodies line up, but they were going to
form a specific pattern, almost like a constellation, but they would move in their orbit, into these positions. We knew this alignment spelt the end
for us.
As time was counting down and the last star was moving to its place, there was a sudden desperate need to be with my family, to spend my last moments
with someone, who in this case was my mum (we've not been talking these last couple of weeks until yesterday, so I think that's why she was the one
in my dream who it was most important for me to be with).
We took refuge inside a pub, and were looking at the sky, at the stars making their alignment. We ran outside, for god only knows what reason, and the
final star was in place, making the top point of a five pointed star around the sun.
There was an incredible earthquake and my mum and I clung to each other. Then it stopped. Nothing happened. We looked at each other, and then
Just the utter fear and certainty that death was coming was absolutely horrifying.
I think perhaps people who have dreams that are prophetic about earthquakes and alignments and comets are more likely just influenced by what they
have read and seen on here
Please just take this with a pinch of salt, I'm certain it's nothing more than a scary dream, but I wanted to share it because I'm sure it was
fueled by ATS