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Satan means truth in sanskrit

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posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by NZkraw
Satan translates as TRUTH in Sanskrit. Many Sanskrit words have "Satan" in them, and they all pertain to something important and Spiritual like above said "truth", and others to "Enlightenment" and so on.

So you are saying that the middle-east Semitic language group is based in Hindi and Sanskrit? I also think you just called a group of people a pejorative name. We are not allowed to say certain words according the the terms of ATS and you just violated that very thing.

But on topic, just because a word is spelled a certain way in one language does not mean it is mistranslated in another language. Even Spanish and French have words that look the same but do not mean the same thing.
edit on Wed Oct 5 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed quote

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 12:21 PM
Interesting thread.

I am open and respectful of the views and opinions of anyone. We all have to find our own way in our own time.

What strikes me as funny... and maybe this is slightly off topic but... is how individuals seem to take the information and twist it around to suit their own needs. I can take any religion and/or belief and bend it to make it work for "me" based on what's going on in my life. But that doesn't mean it's right and it certainly doesn't make it true.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 12:39 PM
If you're familiar with Satanism.. it's a philosophy on how one should conduct one's life. There's absolutely no entity they believe to be true. No God, No Satan. Any worship of Satan is purely metaphorical.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:40 PM
Using religion as means to control.

Very interesting.

God/Satan could be ideas symbolised as entities.

Pondering time.S/F

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:50 PM
ok ...first you the english language speakers have all one single handicap(that is enaf by the way, you don`t need the second), you KEN NOT GO TO NEXT LEVEL OF ENCRIPTED TRUTH OF SPEAKING , so you cannot understand some hidden information about the real history of the worl!....please if you really want to evolve try to find and compare the Romanian alphabet with Sanscrit alphabet and then you can try to find the real way of knowing...otherwise all these "discussions" are empty because you all are out of the real time and space....belive me you all only promote (maybe with no intention) a big F lie...just that..oo if you only manipulate humans for your own good that s something else....BIBLE is a f big lie and you all promote that for ever and ever BIBLIA=BELIAB=BELSEBUB=BAAL=ALB(WHITE) =SATAN(THE SAME THING...SO go to sleep little boys or play in the sand , before you turn into goyime(these are the hebru words for humans (slaves animals)) all are a bunch of false ..but hey this is the life no?? a big f lie!!

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:52 PM
This could very well be since I am Satan, risen and reborn in the flesh of a regular christian woman. That makes me the Spirit of Truth, Jesus Christ would come and in his name. When people finally understand; that Satan was defeated at Calvary's cross and then decided to accept that Free Gift of salvation before it was too late. So Jesus or the King of Kings, cast Satan into a Bed, and told her to play day for about 1000 years. Now that its been 2000 years, I hope People will Hear, and remember the only Sin that will not be forgiven; is for grieving the Holy Spirit; sent back to Warn US about the dreadful and terrible day of the Coming of the LORD.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by NZkraw
reply to post by Evanzsayz

Well, Sanskrit being the oldest known language in the world, Translates Satan as truth.
Satan being the hebrews 'adversary/enemy' places their god in a not so high place.
The enemy of truth is lies. Since He is their enemy, their god is of lies.

It could be either or, they could be refuring to it as that because they worship satin and this is what they have been told he represents as Satanist are told today or this could be one of the biggest conspiracy's on earth to keep us away from real truth that satin is truth. But I do not believe that because what I have seen in the main stream industry of people selling their soles, its ruthless.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by 1MrsJesusChrist

lord=dor-el=miss him...but onli in romanian or sanscrit....vede (hindu)= to see (only in romanian)..soo gues what you jyahoo need to grow up

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by xxsomexpersonxx

I thought it was known that the hittites and the philistines had annunaki blood still in their lineages.
That is why God had them all slain even the livestock.
Why the livestock? Hmmm?
Moving on, the book of Enoch may be of interest to the OP can be found on the web by googling it....
Worth a read.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 02:03 PM
by the way on ats i tried to open a new thread with these secret Profile Log in encryption of the language one of humans ...seems did not liked someone who did not understand nothing ....because HE COULD NOT understand such a thing !!!!(language handicap)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by NZkraw
LIE ..sanskrit has 6000-7000 years old....but is not the oldest..gues who !!...on Romania they found a 9000 year old writing ..??? what??? the jew academy did not told you about??? have the american way of life the best no?....coke, food , guns , nuclear weapon , so you don`t give a s...on this ....f.....m no??

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by NZkraw

ok if you really want to see something ...i have the place(tomb), where satan stay, for real on google earth, check Romania, Mountain Trascau..that is the place--the geologists said that the mountain is empty below !!!...and from Google you will see a FACE(very upset face!!)....and i have a town called VEDE(hindu)..strange no??...but hey who want to know, we are insignifiant on wall street...
edit on 5-10-2011 by sabalsis1972 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by UniverSoul

Originally posted by faithplusone
reply to post by UniverSoul

I see you have no knowledge of the word of God whatsoever,so please take some time researching the Bible before saying such things,He is a loving God,but he needs us to fear Him so we do not stray from the right way.
But in this age very few fear Him,and even less people love and praise Him....

You have free will,but choose your consequences wisely,i do not think i deserve eternity with Lord in heaven,but i will try my best...when you look this world with your heart,only love really matters.

With love,your brother

right so you get your info from one verse but then ignore the others? what makes one relivant and not the other?

i know the word of god better than most christians. trust me or test me i dont care

no creator would need to use fear if he was as powerful as you say..anything to do with god is the word of man.
your right not many fear him now because we wernt forced into it like generations closely before us.

if there was a god i think he would want people who didnt believe in him to go to heaven, sort of like a screening proceses. people who did believe in him proved guliability and could be easily tricked by the devil.

remember what it was like before you were born? thats what heaven is like.. some of the best insight we have into the afterlife is what we wernt even around to see.

so if only love matters why all the killing and hate and fear?

with chocolates, but i ate them brother.

edit on 5-10-2011 by UniverSoul because: (no reason given)

When you are a child you fear your mother and father, it is part of love. If you didn't fear them you would have no respect or love for them when you are older because they didn't give you the respect of keeping you from harm. When I tell my son "No" It's not because I hate him, it's because I'm trying to protect him. He will fear my judgement but respect it all the same. Can you see the understanding now.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by AnimositisominA

Originally posted by NZkraw
reply to post by AnimositisominA

Thank you, every lie does have it's truth that is true. Iam Theistic, but i still have lots to experience yet

I think that you may have quite a violent awakening coming to you. If I may offer a bit of advice, then I'd say don't be so quick to discount other beliefs and don't be afraid to shed that label of satanist if or when that time comes. You seem naive, but that's alright. Anyone like minded that doesn't want to take advantage of you won't be quick to judge.

To NZkraw

I love the fact that you are going the right way from that direction. Hilarious. I would love to see your face expression when you figure it out. It will be priceless
. I can't stop laughing. Perfection. I love you man you made my week. Keep on waking up and keep to the core. Love.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Dezero

Originally posted by UniverSoul

Originally posted by faithplusone
reply to post by UniverSoul

I see you have no knowledge of the word of God whatsoever,so please take some time researching the Bible before saying such things,He is a loving God,but he needs us to fear Him so we do not stray from the right way.
But in this age very few fear Him,and even less people love and praise Him....

You have free will,but choose your consequences wisely,i do not think i deserve eternity with Lord in heaven,but i will try my best...when you look this world with your heart,only love really matters.

With love,your brother

right so you get your info from one verse but then ignore the others? what makes one relivant and not the other?

i know the word of god better than most christians. trust me or test me i dont care

no creator would need to use fear if he was as powerful as you say..anything to do with god is the word of man.
your right not many fear him now because we wernt forced into it like generations closely before us.

if there was a god i think he would want people who didnt believe in him to go to heaven, sort of like a screening proceses. people who did believe in him proved guliability and could be easily tricked by the devil.

remember what it was like before you were born? thats what heaven is like.. some of the best insight we have into the afterlife is what we wernt even around to see.

so if only love matters why all the killing and hate and fear?

with chocolates, but i ate them brother.

edit on 5-10-2011 by UniverSoul because: (no reason given)

When you are a child you fear your mother and father, it is part of love. If you didn't fear them you would have no respect or love for them when you are older because they didn't give you the respect of keeping you from harm. When I tell my son "No" It's not because I hate him, it's because I'm trying to protect him. He will fear my judgement but respect it all the same. Can you see the understanding now.

Hopefully you are not a schizoid paranoia/megalomania case like the black 'god' from OT. This 'god' entity clearly being unsuited for parentship of any kind.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by NZkraw

Just because one word resembles another in a different language, does not mean they both share the same meaning.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 03:01 PM
The only ones who know the “Truth” are the dead and perhaps the only thing they know is it was better to be alive.

For you Satanist you have faith that your belief is truth but again you have faith not unlike the Christian who has faith that bible is the truth. Both have faith (belief) and yet neither has proof, because this would only come from experience.

And for everyone, of every race, sex or religion death is the only experience that cannot be shared with the living. All go into that place, go alone and none who have completed the journey can return as dead men tell no tales.

The truth perhaps is in the knowledge of knowing what will harm your soul and harming others souls and to not partake in this. Hate, bigotry and ignorance are true evils and are used by many religions to justify the horrible nature and darkness of a soul. If it is condemnation of another person’s beliefs or persecution for ones views both are wrong but born out of belief they are right. That only they know the “TRUTH” when clearly neither sees the whole picture.

Basically I have hard time believing any religion on earth and each can be used as tools to divide us or to bring us together. When any religion (or individual within) forces its ideals, beliefs or truths they all appear no different to me. Ultimately it comes down to how you choose to live, that is the “Truth”

edit on 5-10-2011 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by apushforenlightment

Fear does not equal respect. Not in my book anyway. Being forced to respect someone out of fear equals repressed anger and resentment. I respect my parents and never had a fearful bone in my body.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Dezero

Originally posted by UniverSoul

Originally posted by faithplusone
reply to post by UniverSoul

I see you have no knowledge of the word of God whatsoever,so please take some time researching the Bible before saying such things,He is a loving God,but he needs us to fear Him so we do not stray from the right way.
But in this age very few fear Him,and even less people love and praise Him....

You have free will,but choose your consequences wisely,i do not think i deserve eternity with Lord in heaven,but i will try my best...when you look this world with your heart,only love really matters.

With love,your brother

right so you get your info from one verse but then ignore the others? what makes one relivant and not the other?

i know the word of god better than most christians. trust me or test me i dont care

no creator would need to use fear if he was as powerful as you say..anything to do with god is the word of man.
your right not many fear him now because we wernt forced into it like generations closely before us.

if there was a god i think he would want people who didnt believe in him to go to heaven, sort of like a screening proceses. people who did believe in him proved guliability and could be easily tricked by the devil.

remember what it was like before you were born? thats what heaven is like.. some of the best insight we have into the afterlife is what we wernt even around to see.

so if only love matters why all the killing and hate and fear?

with chocolates, but i ate them brother.

edit on 5-10-2011 by UniverSoul because: (no reason given)

When you are a child you fear your mother and father, it is part of love. If you didn't fear them you would have no respect or love for them when you are older because they didn't give you the respect of keeping you from harm. When I tell my son "No" It's not because I hate him, it's because I'm trying to protect him. He will fear my judgement but respect it all the same. Can you see the understanding now.

You might have to use fear in this world to condition your child but from my point of view it is a bad action. You are building up bad Karma but you are probably giving love that balances it out. Your child will have a problem getting thru the conditioning from you and the rest of the world. But it is a evolution where the sins of the father is slowy dissapering with every generation as we become more civilized. The true god do not need fear to control me. I do what my conciess tells me because it is the right thing to do. But thats the difference with enlightning religons as new age and buddhism and Christianety from my point of view. You need fear to stay in place. I choose to do what's right and I follow god because I love him and respect him. If god was hateful, egocentered, bullying then I would stand up to him an tell him to change. God is a teacher and loves when we ask why and what. He don't want us to hide in fear but stand tall and ask why do you do like this. He always answer in his own way
. But sometimes you get the answer after a log while but then all makes sense. The eternal hell that bible tells about is a lie. I will never stand for souls to be casted down in misery for all time. Do you think god is worse than me or have an ego. God is infinate, allknowing and love everything and never give up on any soul.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by AnimositisominA

Those of us who follow the true path of light prefer to be called Luciferian.
Hail Lucifer my brothers!
Very sad to see people still stuck with their eyes closed in Yawehs darkness.
One day your eyes will be opened for you, and you will weep at the Truth.
We will rejoice.

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