I also recently read someone else's thread, who was "for" or pro-OWS.
I flagged it, in fact, there was around 100 flags if I recall properly, along with plenty of stars for the OP.
And this thread disappears? Yet, anything slandering OWS is appropriate.
I suppose if my previous thread which I poured a fair amount of time into, is "recruiting" by telling people to become active in spreading philosophy,
then my very first post and introduction on this forum is also "recruiting" by asking virtually the same thing.
My first post can be viewed here, which would theoretically constitute "recruitment" by asking others to become more spiritually engaged and
Why is that thread still available, but yet anything pro-activism be it politically or generally is not? I may be going out on a limb, but I would say
that is "unfair and unbalanced", and straight out biased to not allow pro-OWS posts.
I'd also like to go out even further on my thin little limb I'm hanging onto and say that by ATS not allowing pro-OWS posts that it would seem there
is a agenda at play.
Best regards.
(edit to add)
For those unaware of my reason of ranting, I originally posted a thread that was pro-OWS/pro-activism and a moderator thought it was a nice idea to go
ahead and immediately throw my thread into the "Trash bin" under the terms that it was trying to "recruit" people.
edit on 5-10-2011 by b3l13v3
because: (no reason given)
Interesting I missed that. Well, the rant may be unwarranted but regardless one of my threads was removed because I was "recruiting" people by asking
them to become active.
I'd say that's rant-worthy, eh?
edit on 4-10-2011 by b3l13v3 because: (no reason given)
I gave you a flag purely because I have noticed with a disgust the way all the conspiracy forums and talk hosts like AJ are slamming this movement . I
mean really what is this . I've already been banned from the glp site for requesting the spy ring leader to show his real links as to why hes so
against the movement as a George soros or whoever , movement .
Honestly if you look hard enough you will realise why all the sites are gainst this movement of people .
This entire ideology of ATS has once again made my heart turn away from the old. I place undue blame on them yet again. I see the posters slandering
this movement, and I realize the reason for it. The sugar coated, entitled, video game playing, American public schooled, McDonalds eating, starbucks
sipping, interracial marriage accepting, homosexual embracing, anti war believing, independent minded, children of tomorrow are the ones starting this
thing from the grass roots and the older generation is not. I fear to post this next sentence, but if I take flack, so be it. They are jealous. The
old and worn out are jealous. They took the system lying down, without so much as a peep. Their children (or grandchildren), who have reaped the
benefit of their labour under the oppressive machines are the ones to fight back. How angry it must make old age feel. How dare the youth trample over
their hard work?!How dare they invalidate the machine that the elders worked so hard to maintain and oil! How dare they demand for an alternative
future when so many crumbs are available to them! How dare they make me question my game of monopoly...how dare they make me realize
that...that...that it all goes back in the box:
How dare youth look to tomorrow and craft a future of their own.
I dare because this is my desire. A boy has a right to dream...you filled our heads with these stories of doing, living, and being anything that we
desire. This is your fault, our fighting back, this is your doing. Humans don't simply become numb to these things because of cartoons, sugar, and
video games. The stories you told us by our bedside before delivering us to the darkness stayed with us as a beacon of light. The warm touch of your
loving embrace sewed within our hearts these beliefs of justice, peace, and love. It was you, through your loving care, and back breaking work that
created this entitled revolution of the masses. We watched as you toiled, and wondered "Why aren't we rich". We watched as economic downturns took
away your hard work. We watched, balling our fists as our invincible parents were subject to a machine that stood over us all. You inspired us, old
age, you inspired the passion found within our hearts.
I say to you all, be not jealous, be not envious, be not with contempt, hate, or scorn. Support us. Dare to believe one last time. Dare to be young
again and believe in a future in which all men, and all women, of all nations can be free. If he maketh us to lie down in green pastures, why not
return to his plans. If we experienced the fall, why do we not simply wipe off the mud. Let us do this together, for the mocking ridicule from those
who inspired us stings a lot more than you can imagine. We don't need you, because we can do this without you. However, we want you. We want to tell
our children that this fight had no age barriers, cultural barriers, or language barriers. We want future generations to know that at this moment, at
this time, we stood together, and dropped all pretenses. All it takes is the ability to believe, and believing in something doesn't cost a damn
thing...you taught us this old age. Now please, drop the old adage of "Do as I say, not as I do." and dare to to follow your words, dare to follow
your fanciful tales....dare to be young again.
Peace shall occupy this world. Justice shall occupy our minds. Love shall occupy our souls.
This is was always coming. Now, we just have to accept the fact that it's here. Let's occupy this planet together.
edit on 5-10-2011 by TheOneElectric because: (no reason given)
clap , clap , clap !!! . gee you are a great writer . That was a brilliant speech and very very true . Are you a young person or middle aged . i wish
that the old people would listen and here the truths of this fear they are feeling . All of them . Those like the people behind these forums I suspect
have a dark ulterior motive .
I have seen footage of old people out on the streets in NY anyway . But they are working class old . the ones that are suffering now . Thse pampered
30s something have no idea what awaits them yet . they just think if they serve there masters they will be rewarded .
Dam ...seems to be refusing to take it . Do you have it on FB ? How do you give stars anyway . sorry Im a stupid elser who cant manage this new