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YOU are a Victim of Propaganda

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posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by dplum517
reply to post by tommyjo

So .... you have shown that someone wants to make money off of something?

Really? why would anyone want to make money........

Are you serious or was that sarcasm? Who wouldn't someone want to come up with a scam that lets you sit at home on your ass doing very little while some gullible twit(s) directly or indirectly pays you to make stuff up? Once upon a time they were called respectable science fiction writers, now we call them conspiracy theorists gone native.

....plenty of those people exist in the realm of UFO's ....are you saying UFO's don't exist in the context of spacecraft?

No, Waynos is not saying that at all. You however, by saying this are engaging in one of the classic tactics of unsupported conspiracy theories using circular self supporting arguments and frankly non relevant self supporting facts and arguments. There is plenty of reasonable and widespread evidence to support the existence of extra-terrestrials, and discussion within respectable mainstream science, philosophy and the broader community. This is despite the fact that there are also complete loons who discuss the same subject without any rational or reasonable basis, BUT the noisiest ones do seem to be happy and able to turn a buck out of it. In the case of chemtrails there is no such mainstream scientific support, philosophical discussion or mainstream public debate. There is however STILL the atypical aforementioned loons who surprise surprise, still seem to be able to turn a buck out of it. The difference here should be clear.

...... and just to be clear ..... I have given no one any money for anything concerning Chemtrails.

Oh but you have my boy, you have.
Did you not notice all those add banners here and on other sites, what do you think they are for, decoration? This clown and others got paid either directly or indirectly by guys like you. And infuriatingly by guys like me, because any company or service provider who advertises there pays for it and those advertising costs eventually get tacked onto the final cost of of whatever good or service they provide.

In short, as somebody who works in the industry and has debunked this to death I find it both funny and irritating to read this scam called chemtrails. Frankly its intellectually, technically and professionally insulting to read this crap, debunk it to death and still have some goose try and tell me and plenty of others that we either dont know what we are talking about, are being fooled or the best of all when our proofs cant be refuted, somehow part of the self supporting conspiracy or disinfo agents. If it wasn't so scary you can think this idiocy and still string together a simple sentence, tie your own shoe laces or vote (if you are actually old enough) it would be pants wettingly funny. Unfortunately it is none of these.
edit on 11-10-2011 by thebozeian because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by waynos
It's not only "someone" who wants to make money out of it though, is it.

There is also the person who began the whole Chemtrail scam in the first place. Which in itself ought to raise questions in the minds of these ultra inquisitive, free thinking, eyes wide open truth seekers. Yet it seems not to. Funny that

I don't know if you've noticed, but in the 'chemtrail' community, being "open-minded" means "accepting as fact what Carnicorn and friends say, without question." It's pretty sad, these people are being lead to ignorance.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by thebozeian

In short, as somebody who works in the industry and has debunked this to death I find it both funny and irritating to read this scam called chemtrails. Frankly its intellectually, technically and professionally insulting to read this crap, debunk it to death and still have some goose try and tell me and plenty of others that we either dont know what we are talking about, are being fooled or the best of all when our proofs cant be refuted, somehow part of the self supporting conspiracy or disinfo agents. If it wasn't so scary you can think this idiocy and still string together a simple sentence, tie your own shoe laces or vote (if you are actually old enough) it would be pants wettingly funny. Unfortunately it is none of these.

Who works in the industry huh? What industry? Aviation ... cause that means nothing according to your debunker friends.

I know plenty of people in the "industry" as well..... so clearly anyone's opinion just that.

You find it irritating to read this crap?? Then don't read it.

Intellectually, technically, and professionally insulting? Really? You find the numerous patents insulting? You find all the R & D on Aerosols insulting? lololol ....sounds like someones brain can only handle so much.

Once again.... I will have to say you debunkers all have the same psychological problems especially with denial.

You have NOT debunked anything to "death."

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:15 AM
Ohh and thanks for referring to me as "boy"

As if you are some wise person who is better than me.

If only I could meet your face in real life.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by dplum517
reply to post by tommyjo

So .... you have shown that someone wants to make money off of something?

You have missed the point. He and many other Chemtrailers are making money out of aviation ignorance.

Tanker Enemy is making his money based on complete fabrication. People get sucked in by this nonsense and discover the likes of Tanker Enemy and all his links to other Chemtrail scammers. It is a never ending cycle in which their 'evidence' is spread and they laugh all the way to the bank.

What he claims as 'evidence' is simply fraudulent. He has nothing else to offer but this type of drivel. Take for example the following.

His video title.

'Unidentified airplane with identifying marks removed'

Take a look at the comments on that video. Someone asks "What model/type of plane is it???"

Tanker Enemy responds that it is an A-330.

'A-330' as in Airbus 330.

The rest of the comments are simply staggering and shows the ignorance that is out there. That ignorance is only compounded by the fact that he removes and blocks any comment that busts his version of the video.

He claims to be an expert in his field, yet he can't even identify that aircraft he or his team film.

The aircraft is actually a Boeing 767 and it is marked. Tanker enemy hasn't a clue on how US aircraft are registered or where they display markings. All this information is out there so why does he still continue to peddle this utter ignorance?

High resolution image of the aircraft in the video.

In its previous life the aircraft was operated by a foreign airline and thus carried underwing registration.

The regulations covering US civil registered aircraft.

Until December 31, 1960, the required location for display of nationality and identification marks for fixed- wing aircraft was the wing surfaces, and the vertical surface of either the tail or fuselage. Effective January 1, 1960, all fixed-wing aircraft were required to display indentification marks on the vertical surfaces or either the tail or fuselage. Wing surface markings were no longer required.

The Boeing 767 in the video carries the registration N606TW and was leased to the Italian Air Force to train up its air-refuelling pilots. He also has no clue as to where US civil aircraft carry their identification registrations.

This was widely known in the aviation enthusiast community and people could even get onto the flight deck to take photographs at the Italian airbase.

Here is N606TW captured in the US before being sent to Italy.

Another aircraft that he can't or won't identify. It isn't a drone nor is it carrying anything out of the ordinary.

It is a Tupolev and the 'pod' is the undercarriage nacelle. It is a standard Tupolev design. Rather than encroaching on fuselage space many Tupolev designs feature the undercarriage pods.

These are examples of how Chemtrailers are deceiving. They have to invent and make claims through aviation ignorance in order to peddle their merchandise.

edit on 11-10-2011 by tommyjo because: Additional info added

edit on 11-10-2011 by tommyjo because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-10-2011 by tommyjo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by tommyjo

I saw your point.

Problem is..... it has nothing to do with me.

If you're trying to lump me in that category of "deceitful chemtrailers" then I respectfully disagree.

So, sounds like you should make your own thread pointing out "tanker enemies" own problems ..... as he ... has nothing to do with me.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by dplum517

If you're trying to lump me in that category of "deceitful chemtrailers" then I respectfully disagree.

So you are an "honest chemtrailer"? Well thanks for that as it make all the difference.

One of yours I believe? Wow look at that Chemtrail! You certainly convinced me!

Will your next video be Xs in the sky?


posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 07:57 PM

So you are an "honest chemtrailer"?


posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by dplum517

So what does that mean for you?

That you honestly believe chemtrails exist?
that you honestly believe that the evidence presented supporting their existence is true?
That you honestly beleive the evidence that debunks a lot of the evidence that supports their existence is not true?

and more...or less...??

Edit to add: so if Tankerenemy is a "dishonest chetmrail believer", and you don't believe his "evidence", based upon obvious errors (lets call them) in his videos, and if similar "errors" can be seen in the evidence from other chemtrail proponents you would not believe their evidence either - would that be a fair comment?

edit on 11-10-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

People looking at the facts, understanding the science, asking for solid proof, asking for (genuine)witness testimony, consulting meteorologists, consulting pilots, consulting ground-crew, consulting radar operators, consulting working pilots, these people who come to the conclusions(their own) that the 'chemtrail' phenomenon is at the very least questionable, these are propagandists??

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