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Occupy Wall Street Crew Proves They're Morons!

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posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:42 PM
sitting here reading this thread agian and i am wondering why

that the urban myth is wall street writes the laws which is bs because they can pick up and leave without any effort

us federal rules and regulations or what i like to call government sanctions on business and finance well because they are one in the same they are meant to hurt and control them.

so the next urban myth is corporations pay the washington law writers and makers to sanction them?

seriously what a load of crapola. business dont waste time or money on stupidity their only goal is to survive and profit like we all do.

never forget that their are people behind that favorite villian name "wall street" they are your next door neighbors,friends,brothers,husbands,sisters and wives and girfriends.

yeah not a fan of dehumanizing other AMERICANS.

yet another reason i do not nor will i ever support that insanity

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by MrXYZ
I wouldn't protest.
They'd just laugh, as they are doing now.
To fix the problem, as you stated in your post, has to begin in DC. Put laws in place where the pols have no choice but to act morally.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Who watches the watchers?

We do. We need to. And for too long in the past we have failed. We need to be the driving force to enact legislation that'll force the spineless in DC to act accordingly.

And how exactly would you force politicians to put those laws in place...other than publicly protesting? Sitting at home watching TV? Ranting on ATS? Just kinda hoping they'll do it without being forced?

Most people in this country aren't even aware of the problem, they just shout senseless "Bush is at fault!" or "Obama's at fault!" completely ignoring the fact that as long as the system's broken, it DOESN'T MATTER who's in power. And the only way to force them to change is to point out the issue, and protesting is a good non-violent way.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by AzureSky
The people talking have never lived that livestyle. Not being able to afford anything. Wondering if you're going to be homeless.

That is why they look down on ows with disdain, they're happy, they don't see any issue with that. Well, hoping they are the minority, because it seems like a lot of them like to converge here on ATS and troll around.

I smell possible cointelpro.

I think it is sad that every time somebody disagrees with protests, a protest support jumps up to claim cointelpro, fake account, bot message, etc.

Maybe the folks protesting at Wall Street are secretly paid shills.
While I don't really beleive that, I have as much proof of that as the rest of you do that the regular Americans who think your movement is misguided and doomed to failure at best/ and counter to the good of this country and therefore dangerous at worst are paid for that opinion...

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ
If you think the only thing I do is rant on ATS, you'd be mistaken.
Townhall meeting have an effect.
Writing in local papers has an effect.
My signature is promoting a new site that'll have an effect.(I got permisson from admin to put it up)
Getting active in local politics has an effect.
Protesting is fun. It gets press.

Then everyone goes home.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by gncnew

I would rather they effect the change they so desperately say they seek. I would rather they's obviously underemployed folks donate some good (like what they paid for their MacBooks and iPhones) to support the actual homeless and hungry. I would rather take their talents like many a religious organization has and create a charity that actually mobilizes people into action that matters instead of lazily sitting around and having a grand fair in the middle of the city. I've got a job and a family. I can't take near the time to change the world that I would like - but I can certainly bet I've had more of an impact than this whole stupid thing. Anyone who's actually fed someone at the rescue shelter has done more than this "movement"

Is this what you would have people do. Is this your answer to a global financial crisis that is bankrupting nations....
Feed the poor pies....!

Bud that is not gona change a dang thing..

Me will black and white it for you..
The problems we are seeing in the world today come down to the disparity between the rich and the poor continuing to grow... Such in balances will lead to problems..

I will try and take your advice to heart though.. My friend lost his home to the bank I will feed him a few pies and see if that sorts him out...

Good thing I am not in Orlando... How many people have been arrested there for feeding the homeless people...

No disrespect meant bud.. but plz get a clue.......


posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by neo96

so the next urban myth is corporations pay the washington law writers and makers to sanction them?

Not to sanction them...they do it so Washington REMOVES REGULATION.

Are you happy about paying 40% more for gas because regulations have been removed allowing speculators to drive up the price of oil artificially (as in: not dependent on supply/ market)?

Are you happy about former Goldman topshots being an integral architect of the bailout plan giving them essentially 0% loans carried on the backs of the regular taxpayer? For crying out loud, they essentially got government money to play with (and pay handsome boni) for FREE by infiltrating the government with their former employees. Read that article, find out who really designed the bailout packages.

Do you think it's fair certain companies on Wall Street (aka your brothers and sisters, right?) get to see YOUR ORDERS split seconds before they are executed, allowing them to place their orders before yours get filled...therefore artificially trading based on information you (or anyone else for that matter) doesn't have? When someone found out about it, they made politicians introduce a law banning anyone access to the very files that prove this...and then obviously claimed the existing sample is too small.

If they got money for free (ZERO interest!!!), and it's a FACT that nothing in life is for free (unless you believe those "you won a free ipod" ads), then who do you think will ultimately pay for those billions and trillions in donations over the years? Who will pay for Blankfein's $100m bonus form 2010, made with money they got from the tax payer?

But yeah, you're right...the common guy has a ton of options to fight this apart from protesting. Like...well...let me think...there's so many...

Townhall meetings? Doesn't reach enough people! And if a politician attends it's a lost cause anyway...

Newspapers? Do you know how much an informative explanation of what's going on costs to be put in a newspaper???

Writing to your congressman?

There's only 2 ways, social media and public in conjunction with eachother...which is what's happening right now

edit on 4-10-2011 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

i could careless about gas prices i have gas stocks

everytime you fill up you pay me sorry i dont cry about business i profit from them

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ
If you feel that a meeting with your representative has less effect than marching down a street, then that is your perogative.
I prefer articulating points than slogans, myself.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by MrXYZ

i could careless about gas prices i have gas stocks

everytime you fill up you pay me sorry i dont cry about business i profit from them

Yes, and everyone in the country can afford to invest money...right? I hope you don't call yourself a patriot, because you obviously don't care about the 50% earning less than $46k per year. Tell me, how can the waitress who's serving your food save money to invest any meaningful amount in oil?

Also, the math doesn't work out in the first place, because the average annual growth rate for oil isn't yeah, you're still losing money. If you invested in 2009 for example, and sold a year later, you made c. 30% profit. Obviously not bad, but not as much as speculators are driving up the price of oil because a lack of regulations allows them too. So feel good about your 30%, and don't cry when you piss away those profits at the fuel station. At least you have money left over to invest, 50% probably doesn't.

Let's do a simple calculation:

The average income in the US is around $46k per year. After taxes, rent, food, the occasional hospitalization, gas, much do you think is left unless he lives in a cardboard box? And don't forget the people earning way less than that, like the working poors. You might not like them, but I want my strawberries, and someone has to pick them!!

The entire thing is a moot point anyway, because the large majority in this country doesn't have the knowledge to properly invest money themselves. And trusting others with that, or even worse, getting your ideas from CNBC (Cramer, LOL) is hardly a good way to invest...mostly because it's where the Wall Street companies send their guys to put out fake news influencing the dumb money while they take the opposite bet

edit on 4-10-2011 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by MrXYZ
If you feel that a meeting with your representative has less effect than marching down a street, then that is your perogative.
I prefer articulating points than slogans, myself.

The problem is, you're wasting your time if your representative is corrupt!! Your betting on ONE GUY!

If you protest, and get the larger public involved by making sure they support your case (a just one in this case), you are FORCING politicians to do something. Because they can't lose majority support from the population.

For now, the key issue is to raise public awareness, because way to few people are outraged at the injustice and corruption on Wall Street (sorry to offend your brothers neo...I'm your brother too, working in exactly that industry, just fyi) and the government.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:48 PM

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