posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 10:33 PM
As far as animals go...chickens are the best at converting forage into protein...eggs and meat.
Rabbita are next and then goats. These animals take in less protein and feed than they provide, and in self sufficient farming...that is key to
surviving or turning a profit.
So why do I like pigs? Pigs are easy to raise...really easy. MUST HAVE a good solid fence...enough room for them to be happy. Sounds weird, but by
making the pigs or any animals happy, they are not upset...which means less adrenalin and body chemicals..which makes tender and tastier meat... same
principle is used in Kobe Beef...anyway, pigs eat most anything, so if you raise your own have a good set up...I raise turnip greens and
root crops for my, very efficient, long lasting food source all winter, nutricious, and mostly free...a single turnip seed the size of a
pepper corn will make a 1-2 pound turnip plus greens... heck of conversion rate there.
When you kiill the pig... you get lots of meat. Last year we killed two hogs...about 300 lbs a piece... we got over 300 pounds of sausage and then
another 100-150 lbs of tenderloins, chops, backbone, ribs, and innards...heart, lungs, liver and such. I literally had a pickup truck load of meat. My
cost at the end was around 2.29 a pound...that included buying, feeding, killing and processing...not so good for backbone and neckbones...but for
tenderloin pork, what a bargain. And no antibiotics, growth hormones, etc... all good meat... and in my freezer still.
Oh, and when they give birth, it is in litters of 8-12 piglets. So, an avg gestation rate of 5-6 months means 2 litters a year. At avg 9 piglets per
litter or 18 piglets...and sell them at 8 weeks for 50.00..that equals...900.00 dollars per year.
edit on 6-10-2011 by AlreadyGone because: ad