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Occupy WAll Street. Are we all Wanting the Same Thing? No.

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posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 02:58 AM
I have been seeing a lot of "Occupy Wall Street. This is It" and similar threads where a lot of members seem to think that this group is going to unite everyone. Well, sorry to tell you all but we all do not want the same thing.

Many of the people who are rallying behind the Occupy Wall Street simply are using this as a tool to rally Americans for THEIR CAUSE, and their cause might not be your cause.

For example. Alex Jones, yes that guy, made a thread in his website about some of the talking points of some of the groups who are "Occupying Wall Street".

There are quite a few of them who actually are still backing non other than Obama, and want for the same old, same old.

Here is a video from youtube which was posted by Alex Jones in his website in the link above, and which deals with Obama supporters and what they want.

There are those among the "Occupy Wall Street" who are looking to further their socialist goals.

There are those who are looking to further their communist goals.

There are those who really want a totalitarian government, and they don't care from which side as long as things are different.

There are the anarchists who want their side to be heard, and for change to be to their side.

There are those who just want chaos.

Then there are those like you, who have your own idea of what this movement should be about.

The point I am trying to make is that this sort of movement has been used many times in the past to further the goals of certain agendas, and people who back one type of agenda do not want your agenda, or the agenda of another group.

Nothing will EVER come up from these groups, unless people start backing one agenda in specific, or unless Americans start acting like AMERICANS, in the U.S. of course, and back the ideals which have made America great, which sorry to say have NEVER included socialism or communism.

One phrase comes to mind if you all really want to unify with all other Americans. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Instead of wanting an agenda which has never been part of America, Americans should back the ideas which made America great. A truly free market, smaller government, government and official accountability, corporations are NOT people, and in general backing the REPUBLIC, and not wanting for a socialist, communist, or for an anarchy to form in the U.S.A.

edit on 4-10-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:01 AM
Government and corporations. What an unholy alliance. Can't reform one without reforming the other.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:05 AM

And then there are people who want a government handout to get a sex change operation. I can't fully back this thing because as the OP states everyone is there for a different reason. I'm no going to throw in my support when some anarchist or Obama lover is going to use my support to further a cause I disagree with.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Great thread. There seems to be alot of different groups protesting in the US at the mo. What do they say in Goverment. Cant let a good crisis go to waste.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by Domo1

And then there are people who want a government handout to get a sex change operation. I can't fully back this thing because as the OP states everyone is there for a different reason. I'm no going to throw in my support when some anarchist or Obama lover is going to use my support to further a cause I disagree with.

But you would rather support the system that spends a ton more money to bail out the individuals who made bad(criminal) economic decisions and couldn't face the music of being part of the 99....your lack of empathy amazes two people are the same, or do they suffer the same....You cannot just immediately suggest that a treatment you don't agree with or would want is automatically frivolous. I have extreme tinnitus from my service days, and you would probably say something, 'it is just a ringing, at least you can hear, so deal with it....'.....But I would give anything to experience silence. That is only one part of my body, I could not imagine what it would be like to be trapped in a 'foreign' feeling body. Your brain is telling you that you should be one thing, but you look in the mirror and it is totally different. It is crass to try and think you understand what another is experiencing, and what might be frivolous to you may be essential to someone else.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by pointr97

But you would rather support the system that spends a ton more money to bail out the individuals who made bad

In what way did I advocate supporting the current system?

I have extreme tinnitus from my service days, and you would probably say something, 'it is just a ringing, at least you can hear, so deal with it....'

Actually I wold advocate helping you deal with medical expenses if treatment were possible and you needed help.

I'm not trying to demean the person. I just don't for a second think that peoples tax dollars should be spent on sex changes. It IS frivolous. What's next people wanting tattoos feel uncomfortable in their own skin so boom handout?

My point is that this movement is so unorganized that there are many people marching for different things and I don't think jumping on the bandwagon just because you're mad is rational.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:21 AM
thought it was interesting...I went to a "liberal comedy show" this past weekend, and the libs seem to think they are the ones organizing occupy wall street. I'm not really sure whats going on, but it is happening in seattle now too.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Nothing will EVER come up from these groups, unless people start backing one agenda in specific, or unless Americans start acting like AMERICANS, in the U.S. of course, and back the ideals which have made America great, which sorry to say have NEVER included socialism or communism.

"Which never included socialism or communism." You've got to be kidding right? What were those 2008 bailouts then? Don't drive on any highway again or you might be a hypocrite. Does a percentage of your checks go into Social Security? SS is no longer a trust and has been used to pay for other expenses -more or less, socialism. The list goes on and on, though the socialized debt far outweighs the socialized profit - which is virtually non existent to us save for the people who cannot sustain themselves - Profit is privatized for the corporate power types and you'll probably never see a cent of it unless you're the lucky 1%, or the shelved middle class with good ass kissing ability. I haven't seen any true communists in the crowd in NYC at all so I'm not sure where you pulled that one from. Go read up on what communism is a few more times. Your argument accomplishes nothing but putting these people in a negative light and provides no factual basis. You're a modern mccarthyist.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 04:39 AM
This here is the one thing that every one has in common

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:09 AM
So long as we continue to divide we'll never realize that there is a way we can all have what we want for ourselves. We just can't have what we want for other people.

If you want to live in a world where you can do all those things you want to do in order to be content with your life. You can.

If you want to live in a world where you want to be able to limit other people's right to do whatever they want to do to be happy with their life.. well that is when we all become incompatible.

We don't all have to live by one ideology, one ism, one political leaning.. all that stuff isn't the root of what you want. If you don't want blacks to marry whites and you don't want gay people to be happy and you don't want religions to be tolerated... well, sorry but you are **** out of luck, move to the Islamic world.

I don't understand how some of you would be so miserable in a world where you have the freedom to live however you want so long as you aren't directly impacting other people's right to be happy and healthy.
Maybe you associate liberties too much with politics to really understand what they are all about.. or maybe you just really like making other people miserable. If that is the case I don't think there is a place for you in humanity's future.. so sorry.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
Nothing will EVER come up from these groups, unless people start backing one agenda in specific, or unless Americans start acting like AMERICANS, in the U.S. of course, and back the ideals which have made America great, which sorry to say have NEVER included socialism or communism.

Okay get back to being AMERICAN.. but at what point do AMERICANS start acting like HUMANS? When do we finally accept that we all live on the same planet? When are PATRIOTS like you going to join the rest of us and start thinking beyond these ancient ideas? When the Earth can no longer sustain us? Or perhaps you'll just found a new AMERICAN planet and leave the rest of us to die because we're not AMERICAN?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:19 AM
I've been silently watching and weighing and trying to form an opinion on this movement.

So far what I come down to is
I am thrilled to see my countrymen and women coming together somehow! I think this is rather unorganized, but in any case, one of the biggest problems I have seen in our country is the splintering off everyone has done, so that there is no sense of solidarity. The "me" movement and worship of individual rights and freedom went as far as to drown out any sense of "we" or collective cohesion, and I think balance in these two areas are needed for a nation to survive.

They may not all know why they are together, but they are establishing the feeling that they ARE. I like seeing that happening. Often it takes a big catastrophy for everyone to drop their barriers and join hands..... I'd like to see that happen WITHOUT a catastrophy, a war, an attack, a natural disaster..... great if we take the initiative ourselves instead of being forced into painfully by the universe, God, the earth, whatever.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:38 AM
The target is declared is Wall Street's continued disregard of the law, destruction of The American Dream, Wholesale selling out of America, End of corporate greed, political corruption.

We are all in this together as we are all The 99%!

edit on 4-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:42 AM
The problem is congress. The republicans who control congress have been chosen in the tea-party spirit. That means they will not increase taxes, and they will not do anything about regulations. This is because the tea-party has been hijacked by the Republicans, just like what happened when the religious right was hijacked before. The problem with Wall-street is lack of regulation. That partisan politics, the fed and corruption in DC also played their parts. If there were real non-corrupt politicians in congress, the president could have made some more legislation on Wall-street. I think what he needs to do now is to use the justice-system to his advantage. And, I don't mean arresting the people outside the buildings. Maybe do something to get cases going on the people inside the buildings. What the republican party is planning now is to not create any jobs with government stimulus. They could get jobs going with the "job-bill" in a day. They are talking down on China. If America can't get loans from China and access to their precious metals, they will have huge problems. So, good job republicans on putting all the jobs in America in jeopardy. I hope the size of the campaign-contributions was worth it.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by patent98310

"Which never included socialism or communism." You've got to be kidding right? What were those 2008 bailouts then?

They went overboard with bailouts, and should have never happened, the bailouts have never helped anyone except for CEOs...

Originally posted by patent98310
Don't drive on any highway again or you might be a hypocrite.

Hypocrites are people like you who think that every social program was invented by socialism... The U.S. has had roads, and other social services BEFORE socialism was even heard of in the U.S.A...

You should be the one to "read up on the history of the U.S.", obviously you are very ignorant of it.

Originally posted by patent98310
Does a percentage of your checks go into Social Security? SS is no longer a trust and has been used to pay for other expenses -more or less, socialism.

Social Security was NEVER supposed to be used by what the left, and corpocrats have been using it lately... Social Security was always supposed to be an investment for the future of the person puting money into SS, so that when such a person retires, or is TRULY disabled that person will have at least some money to count on... That is NOT socialism...

Social programs DOES NOT mean they are socialist... People like you should learn the difference...

Next thing people like you are going to claim is that capitalism is socialism... I guess because since times immemorial ancient tribes used to trade amongst themselves for services, and or goods other tribes had must mean they were socialist... in fact that is the essence of a capitalist society...a truly free market...

Originally posted by patent98310
Profit is privatized for the corporate power types and you'll probably never see a cent of it unless you're the lucky 1%, or the shelved middle class with good ass kissing ability.

A lot of the people who are getting money from SS claiming for example to be disabled are not really disabled. For example, I can't count how many people I have seen in south Florida with a disabled parking label in their car, and when they get out there is nothing wrong with them...

Nowadays you can be disabled even if you CLAIM to have some psychiatric problem. Yes there are people who do have some psychiatric problems but many are taking advantage of this, and btw, before you claim "you must be one of those people who hates disabled people" I am a disabled person.

I worked for 20 years and had an accident at work that damaged the brachial nerves on my upper left side. I have what is called severe left brachial plexopathy which has been diagnosed by several doctors, and physical evidence shows I am disabled. To this day i am in constant pain for which I have to take pain medication and I can barely use my left arm at all. The left arm, forearm and hand get swollen and red like an apple, you can barely even see the knuckles on my left hand because of the inflammation.

Originally posted by patent98310
I haven't seen any true communists in the crowd in NYC at all so I'm not sure where you pulled that one from. Go read up on what communism is a few more times. Your argument accomplishes nothing but putting these people in a negative light and provides no factual basis. You're a modern mccarthyist.

Read about communism?... I was born, lived and experienced communism... I am not one of the people, like yourself, who think you know what socialism/communism is because you read a couple of books from a leftwinger who is trying to sell you socialism and or communism...

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Rineocerous

Okay get back to being AMERICAN.. but at what point do AMERICANS start acting like HUMANS? When do we finally accept that we all live on the same planet? When are PATRIOTS like you going to join the rest of us and start thinking beyond these ancient ideas? When the Earth can no longer sustain us? Or perhaps you'll just found a new AMERICAN planet and leave the rest of us to die because we're not AMERICAN?

Diversity is what makes us human... This new trend to "all act the same and want the same thing" is what destroys humanity.

Yes, we should have some respect for the environment and do our best not to destroy it, but we shouldn't sell our diversity, our humanity for the "glorious green path" which would not be green at all if we allow the environlunatics (different from real environmentalists) who want to sequester atmospheric CO2, the essence for the survival and growth of ALL green biomass on this planet. Without CO2, even higher than at present levels, life suffers, and when there is not enough atmospheric CO2 life perishes...

People should be able to decide whether they want to keep their culture alive or not, and a large majority would decide to keep their cultural identity alive.

This "glorious green path" SHOULDN'T be FORCED upon people "for the good of all"... This is not going to help neither humanity nor the planet, it will only make us slaves...

What people should do is embrace diversity, not destroy it...

edit on 4-10-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by nidstav
The problem is congress. The republicans who control congress have been chosen in the tea-party spirit.

The Republicans got a majority in Congress on the midterm elections of 2010, before that the Democrats had a majority for far longer than the Republicans have, and Democrats have a majority of the Senate now as well.

IF either party chooses badly for the people, and I am not talking about any free bailouts FOR ANYONE, then those representatives/Senators should be fired and new ones should be chosen.

Originally posted by nidstav
That means they will not increase taxes, and they will not do anything about regulations.

What the heck do you want to increase taxes for?... Demand for Obama's administration, the House and the Senate to get off their asses and demand for the Feds to give back the $9 -$13 trillion dollars Obama went on the record claiming "we do not know where it went to, that money has gone into a black hole"... (or something similar)

Originally posted by nidstav
This is because the tea-party has been hijacked by the Republicans,

BS, the House has NOTHING to do with the tea-party, and the tea-party is not represented only by Republicans...

Originally posted by nidstav
That partisan politics, the fed and corruption in DC also played their parts. If there were real non-corrupt politicians in congress,

The corruption, and the Feds got into power thanks to the "Progressive Democrat movement". It was Woodrow Wilson, a Progressive Democrat who signed into law the Federal Reserve Act as well as the IRS as it exists now...

It was the "Progressive/Democrat movement" which allowed for corruption to enter our government, and for the Feds to have total control of our economy...

Originally posted by nidstav
the president could have made some more legislation on Wall-street. I think what he needs to do now is to use the justice-system to his advantage.

The president is not going to help you, or anyone else... When are you people going to wake up that just because of his skin color he is not going to give you more money? or a free house?...

I don't care about skin color, if Ron Paul was black I would still vote for him, but too many Americans were delluded in thinking that because Obama's skin color is black "only good things will happen"...

And use the justice system to his advantage?... like "indefinite detention"?...

And the above comes from a liberal source yet people like you still want to give Obama more power?...

Originally posted by nidstav

What the republican party is planning now is to not create any jobs with government stimulus.

How many jobs were created when hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost since Obama has been in office every month, and who knows what the true number is now?....

Originally posted by nidstav

They could get jobs going with the "job-bill" in a day.

EVERYTHING I have seen come from Obama is destroying the nation. Post a link to the full "job-bill" and let's read it and see what it really says...

Already Obama, and his administration have used underhand tactics including things in bills which he didn't tell the people, including the "FORCED National Service" which are laws but haven't been implemented yet...

Originally posted by nidstav
They are talking down on China. If America can't get loans from China and access to their precious metals, they will have huge problems. So, good job republicans on putting all the jobs in America in jeopardy. I hope the size of the campaign-contributions was worth it.

and they should... China is only after the benefit of China, and not for the benefit of the U.S... We have lost a lot of jobs to China, and other countries, and if "environlunatics" weren't so crazy we would be able to support ourselves with precious metals from our own lands.

China has very lax "environmental policies" which is part of the reason why so many jobs have moved overseas.

edit on 4-10-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 08:09 PM
I'm all for diversity. Globalization is a double edged sword.. in many respects we need that kind of global interaction but we need to also take caution to avoid the inherent pitfalls. If we don't act as a planet we'll only continue to destroy each other and ourselves.. but that doesn't mean assimilation is necessary. Common sense I know but I think the extreme polarity of American politics over the past century has caused a lot of folk to think in the same manner about all political, ethical, and global choices.

I really respect and appreciate the many different cultures on this planet.. some concessions are necessary if we intend to survive for the long term and get along without killing each other but I'm not encouraging the loss of cultures.

That said, some cultures are hard to coexist with. Many Islamic countries are a good example of this.
And to a point the USA suffers in that regard as well. It is pretty hard to identify true American culture these days.. the country's perceived national culture is really best described as a culture of ignorance. That can be undone with less rhetoric, more unbiased media, and a better educational system but it's currently hard to petition for the preservation of "American culture" as it stands today.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 08:40 PM

Americans should back the ideas which made America great. A truly free market, smaller government, government and official accountability, corporations are NOT people, and in general backing the REPUBLIC, and not wanting for a socialist, communist, or for an anarchy to form in the U.S.A.

This here just about sums up my stance on these protests. You can't have absolute perfection at all, and especially when you lean to one side. Think of the current state of things, as a spectrum. (not specifically political in this example) It's a two way street. I do agree with some of what the protesters are mad about. Using our tax money for bailouts to private companies? Yeah it pisses me off. That crap needs to end, and we need to be brought to a common middle of that spectrum. The problem i have with some of the protesters is that they want to come to that middle, and keep going to the other end. They want the government to provide everything for them, money to live, a place to live, food, etc. Well guess where the government is going to get the money for that? Right out of your paycheck, just like they did for the bailouts. Only this time it's going to someone who doesn't want to work, and would rather live off of the system. Why would anyone want their money to go to someone who doesn't deserve it?? I love helping people who need it, i've stayed out all night and all day helping people through natural disasters, but when it comes to someone who just wants something and doesn't want to work for it, that is wrong. As for the tax breaks to rich, bring their rates up to match the middle class. Nobody can argue with that one, it's called a fair market.

As for sexual orientation equal rights, ending environmental abuse, i'm all in support of that too. When it comes to money, no one person should be responsible for another person's problems. Again on that note, i know plenty of people who would come together and donate to help a sick person, or someone who is dying. If i had the money i definitely would too.

It's different when people actually need help, as opposed to when capable people just want something for nothing.
edit on 10/4/2011 by JackBauer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by quedup

Holy crap that is horrible! I want to see em broke not broken.

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