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Occupy Wall Street should be protesting to end the Federal Reserve!

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posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:31 PM
Occupy Wall Street should be protesting to end the Federal Reserve!

American politicians are controlled by what, “Wall Street.”

There are many protesters who are part of Occupy Wall Street who are supporting the reelection of President Obama for the 2012 elections. These protesters do not understand that it was Wall Street campaign donations that helped Obama to win the last election.

If these protesters wanted to get to the root of their problem then they should be protesting to end the Federal Reserve. It is a well-known fact that the Federal Reserve has printed worthless money out of thin air to bail out Wall Street. These protesters should know by now that Congress, Federal Reserve, and Wall Street have been working together for many decades.

It certainly appears that Occupy Wall Street protesters are expecting Congress to pass laws to end corruption on Wall Street. This will never happen.

Capitalism is the cause of all our problems and ending the Federal Reserve will bring all this corruption to a screeching halt. The answer to our problems is we need to go back to the gold standard, it is that simple.
End the Feds, ends corruption on Wall Street.
If Occupy Wall Street cannot see the root of their problems then all of this will be for nothing, and the One Percent has won again.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:33 PM

I'm sure that this subject will work it's way into the discourse, if it hasn't already. The Fed and Wall Street share the same bed.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by impressme

I am sad to say that the fed has been around for a long time. It has been fought against since its introduction, but no one has succeed as of yet to reverse those decisions made long ago.

Sadly, I think we are stuck with it until the next civil war.
edit on 3-10-2011 by Wayseer because: more

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by impressme

There are many protesters who are part of Occupy Wall Street who are supporting the reelection of President Obama for the 2012 elections. These protesters do not understand that it was Wall Street campaign donations that helped Obama to win the last election.

Just wanted to touch on this point, the people that are out there who want to support Obama, or any other whiskey guzzling pig in power, need to be educated. Show them the facts.

It took one Google search to find out who Barack Obama works for, and I didn't get the facts off of any conspiracy site.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:41 PM
I found this occupy wall street to be a joke, a funny joke at that. If you want to occupy wall street then sell all your stocks and stop supporting the BIG BUSINESS. They will protest today then go buy the Iphone 5 right after.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:43 PM
I agree too many of the Occupy Wall Street protesters don’t have a clue, much less the education to understand how all this happened. Their problems lies with the Federal Reserve and hopefully someone can point this out to them.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by SkipperJohn
I found this occupy wall street to be a joke, a funny joke at that. If you want to occupy wall street then sell all your stocks and stop supporting the BIG BUSINESS. They will protest today then go buy the Iphone 5 right after.

Are you capable of critical thought?
The technological age has brought about a new way to protest, get off your high horse please

And just fyi, OWS has nothing to do with democrats or republicans. People will do what they will, but ows does not represent that. They do not want to be tied to any isms or ists, c'mon. Its a label and thats it. These are people who see something wrong with society.

Also, they are fighting the federal reserve. Some of the other occupies have been protesting around their local FED buildings.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by impressme
There are many protesters who are part of Occupy Wall Street who are supporting the reelection of President Obama for the 2012 elections.

Which is why I'll NEVER participate in this Communist movement. If they truly wanted change like they say, I'd be right there with them, but all they're REALLY doing is trying to pump up this moron in the White House. He's taken Bush's policies and put a jet pack on them. He's crazy!

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:48 PM
This guy seems pretty passionate about ending the fed.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:48 PM
I agree.

I seriously hope the protesters realize that the Reserve is the real enemy.

I do support the protesters though. What they're doing is a good thing, waking this country (and the world) up to the greed that runs rampant through corporations and essentially controls our law making process. It needs to end.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:49 PM
OWS has nothing to do with obama. In the least.
Use some researching skills to find this crap out instead of making uninformed accusations about a movement that will better mankind in the end. If you grasped the implications of it then you would understand.
You know that 600billion dollar budget for the military this year? or the 2.something trillion since 2006 or something like that?
That could fix tonnes of problems, good to know soldiers are out there fighting for oil profits. Way to go.

The FED should be dismantled. Not privatized. And not in control.
edit on 3/10/11 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:49 PM
I was thinking the same thing today. Wouldn't the real beef be with the federal reserve rather than wall street? Why don't they protest there? That would make more sense.

But, yet then again, you people wouldn't get any paychecks and you would have no money.
edit on 3-10-2011 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:51 PM
Main FED building is in DC is it not?

There will be a large turn out of OccupyDC, and the FED is on their top priorities list. We got people doing sit-ins in banks in chicago i do believe, and boston.

, its spreading. When people wake up to the truth, it will all be fixed. And the baught out politicians will be ousted, and hopefully bring some equality back to the world.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by AzureSky
OWS has nothing to do with obama. In the least.
Use some researching skills to find this crap out instead of making uninformed accusations about a movement that will better mankind in the end. If you grasped the implications of it then you would understand.
You know that 600billion dollar budget for the military this year? or the 2.something trillion since 2006 or something like that?
That could fix tonnes of problems, good to know soldiers are out there fighting for oil profits. Way to go.

The FED should be dismantled. Not privatized. And not in control.
edit on 3/10/11 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

So, you're saying the Tea Party changed its name? Everything you spoke of is what the Tea Party is pissed off about. Somehow, I find it hard to believe your claims. I'd be willing to bet the majority of the OWS crowd has called Tea Party members "racist".

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by navy_vet_stg3

Originally posted by AzureSky
OWS has nothing to do with obama. In the least.
Use some researching skills to find this crap out instead of making uninformed accusations about a movement that will better mankind in the end. If you grasped the implications of it then you would understand.
You know that 600billion dollar budget for the military this year? or the 2.something trillion since 2006 or something like that?
That could fix tonnes of problems, good to know soldiers are out there fighting for oil profits. Way to go.

The FED should be dismantled. Not privatized. And not in control.
edit on 3/10/11 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

So, you're saying the Tea Party changed its name? Everything you spoke of is what the Tea Party is pissed off about. Somehow, I find it hard to believe your claims. I'd be willing to bet the majority of the OWS crowd has called Tea Party members "racist".

I'de be willing to bet that the majority of the OWS crowd accepted whomever with open arms regardless of what political party they are a part of.

Being a teapartier or a democrat or an obama supporter is a moot point when it comes to OWS. Its irrelevent when it comes to the greater good of humanity. When you sheeple understand that is when you break out of the cage. Of course, some of us are lost forever in our radical beliefs that "this is what i say it is and nothing else".

But thats okay, you dont support it. Thats your pathology.
I support it based on research, information gathering, talks with occupiers, interviews, independant news reports (not msm at all). And talking to the general public who know # all about it.

I talked to a random guy about it the other day while he was at work at the corner store across from work. The first thing out of his mouth when i said "where do you think all the economic problems come from?" he said "Economic inequality", and went into a spew about how we are all being screwed.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 12:04 AM
No offense but,
Instead of telling other people what they should be protesting,
feel free to get your ass up off the computer and get down there yourself and protest the hell out of the FED!

People are protesting anything and everything.
It isn't about just ONE topic of interest.
People are pissed at EVERYTHING!
edit on 4-10-2011 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Screwed

No offense but,
Instead of telling other people what they should be protesting,
feel free to get your ass up off the computer and get down there yourself and protest the hell out of the FED!

People are protesting anything and everything.
It isn't about just ONE topic of interest.
People are pissed at EVERYTHING!
edit on 4-10-2011 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

There is no other way of describing the movement. IT IS about EVERYTHING
The government
The corporate monopoly

We have a Monsanto protest group meeting up with OccupyDC i do believe, and its just one big movement happening right now.
People. Are. Pissed.
And the more people are pissed, the more people will wake up and be pissed. And the movement grows. It not matters who. Anyone and everyone. That is why it is the Global Revolution. Look at iceland, they booted those bankers out.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 02:10 AM
I agree we have a an out of control problem with corruption in our Government, Wall Street, Federal Reserve, however I do not believe this movement( Occupy Wall Street ) is going to be taken very seriously if they are all over the place with all the known issues. I am sure the One Percent thinks this is all amusing.

I am for this movement (Occupy Wall Street) I believe if they have some political directions and some goals they may grow big enough to cripple the Government and Federal Reserve. I agree the Government we have now is not working for the people.

Video Below:

"Bernanke Threatens The Congress" We will cause an Economic Collapse if you audit the Fed!

Federal Reserve Threatens Congress; Stop Meddling in Fed's Affairs!

Timothy Geithner Threatens Congress with Doomsday Scenario if Debt Limit Not Raised

This is too much power for one corporation and that is why we do not have a government that will stand up to these threats. One has to wonder who is really running our country because our Congress has demonstrated that they are cowards, or perhaps they have very deep pockets.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by impressme

I don't know whats wrong with you people. No body is going to support the crackdown of your institutions because everyone knows thats how the US of A has become a world power. Unfortunately, greed is what pushes men to seek power, not humility. And those who are honest and hold a sense of humility will never ever create a world power. Its not in the honest mans nature to seek power and wealth.

Now my question you or do you not want to be a world power? Do you want to slide back into the sidelines of the 21st century? If the answer is a yes...and an honest yes at that...then I support you fully. But if thats a no...and you're dumb enough to think you can remain a world power and not be corrupt, the intelligent, i.e. those who are elite, will find a way to crush you. Because that would show that your intentions, worthy as they may be, are completely and utterly ignorant of how the world works.

edit on 4-10-2011 by nusnus because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2011 by nusnus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by nusnus

I don't know whats wrong with you people. No body is going to support the crackdown of your institutions because everyone knows thats how the US of A has become a world power. Unfortunately, greed is what pushes men to seek power, not humility. And those who are honest and hold a sense of humility will never ever create a world power. Its not in the honest mans nature to seek power and wealth.

Interesting post, I really did not look at it that way and have to agree you are correct.

Now my question you or do you not want to be a world power?

Excellent question, yes I would want the US to be a World power because someone will if not us. However I believe it can be done without all the corruption. The United States was to be representing freedom and democracy for the rest of the world to follow, instead the United States has represented its self as the world’s leading aggressors by lying to its people for illegal wars of grabbing resources.
Your right greed has taken over and most politicians have their hands in the dirt pile getting theirs.

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