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Retaliation to occupy wall street being a theater of the absurd.

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posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by dbarnhart

Unfettered capitalism and greed is exactly what has destroyed your country... it's what is destroying the world and destroying the ecology. There should be legislation to help the little guy (such as yourself) be more competitive in the market place but corporations have shown consistently that they cannot be trusted to regulate themselves. Make no mistake about it. It's not the governments that have made the business environment hard for smaller businesses to be competitive and profitable. It's the corporations who want your share too in their quest for total dominance of said markets.


posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

I think our gov't (U.S.) is responsible for our current state. Corporations don't levy taxes, gov'ts do. Corporations don't make laws, gov'ts do. Sure, our gov't was hijacked by big businesses and special interest groups long ago, before we were born. But this steady breach is indicative of a systemic problem, therefore a systemic sol'n is needed.

I'll tell you how to fix America. It's plain, but I wouldn't call it simple.

1. We, the people, need to examine everything within our gov't and bodies of law for loop holes and conflicts of interest. This goes from capitol hill down to your smallest local gov'ts.

2. Identify who has benefited from these deals, loop holes, and conflicts of interest. Expose them and their methods of manipulation. Make lists. Make books. publish them for the world to see. They should be fired and never allowed to have a gov't position.

3. Clean up the laws. Legally sew the loop holes shut. Dismantle and restructure anything and everything that is proven to be a conflict of interest. Until this happens, we will always have inequalities and it will only get worse.

4. When those big businesses (which include banks) threaten to leave because they don't like the ever equalizing playing field, then let them. Encourage them to. We don't need them. The vaccuum created will be filled by small and medium local businesses (which include credit unions) who will use more of the local money to help develop and invest in their communities; More than a big box store or big bank ever would. Heal the people.

So, yeah, I think the problem and sol'n lies with our gov't. It's systemic from the top down. Of course there would be times of painful transition but I think this is the way to go for a much better future; Healthy capitalism regulated fairly, the way some of our forefathers intended... unless we consider those forefathers who owned and argued in favor of slavery
edit on 8-10-2011 by Flux8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 09:10 AM
While the protests are something to pay attention to, the question is are they protesting the right group of people? After all many of the problems that the OP has listed goes right back to the main problem the federal government.

It is the Federal government and all levels of government, through their regulations, laws and red tape that is putting a hamper on all businesses, from the simple lemon aide stand of a child, on up to the global corporations that have to answer to the stock holders.

It was the Federal government that gave the bail outs to all of the corporations, in a belief that it would prevent the country from going into a depression.

It is the federal government that sets the economic policy of the US, and ultimately continues to allow the FED to operate without any real oversight.

It is the Federal government that messed up the educational system, and the Unions for letting it happen all due to greed.

And ultimately would you punish someone for being a successful? In a true free economic system there are winners and losers, as the general public would make that decision.

Looks like much of the prostests should be against the government, not business, that is keeping people, though few, employed and paying out a paycheck.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

I totally agree and would add that the "theater" is well managed and funded by our tax dollars. Once the funding is gone their power will disappear.

They are now funding websites to downplay and demonize the protesters. This movement is barely started and you can already see who the players are and their unabashed lack of concern for losing their positions. They believe they are more powerful than the people who support them. They think they can sit in their ivory towers and insulate themselves from the crying useless eaters. Their time is quickly approaching.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 06:50 PM
and how is protesting gonna fix anything? You have no demands. The only way for you to change the system is for you to collapse it, im sure you will like that but be warned then of Soros takeover, China and iran influence and NWO that have been waiting for this moment. You will give it to them on a silver platter just because you cant deal with a little rescission. These are hard times that will pass just like in the past, get over yourselves stop playing with facebook or whatever and grow up. Trust your elected leaders, Obama is a good man.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:14 AM
sorry although the photo is verified it took place in Brazil thus I removed it

edit on 29-10-2011 by Agarta because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
I cannot believe the ignorance of that thread

Below is a list of reasons why people are, and should be protesting.

1. Unemployment is skyrocketing.

The common laborer is being taken out by technology. Factories are becoming automated. Because of the financial crisis, most companies are working with only as many employees as they need, rather than hiring more.

Talk about ignorance, I had to stop reading after this comment.

So companies are supposed to hire more people than they need? Why would they hire more when you have the amount of people needed?

edit on 10/29/2011 by WhatTheory because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Ah, once again ignorant (you) have intruded into a thread where it does not belong. You see, whenever I think 1%, I don't just think of the wealthy. Because as you will see throughout responses not only on ATS but on several other sites as well, one does not need to be rich to side with them....and this, my friend, is the definition of a peon. Broken down to it's purest form. A lot of people that listen to and internalize FOX news become peons for the 1% percent as well, which more than likely is what happened to this buffoon. Alas, it does not matter what people like this says or not, we are all in for a change. I'm a veteran that can honestly say that my country is failing my expectations, which was originally instilled BY THOSE that threaten them. In the end,"WE THE PEOPLE", not "I THE INDIVIDUAL" do the talking, so when it's all said and done the 99% will have our way. Peace, love, and happiness.

edit on 29-10-2011 by Ronfairness because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Ronfairness
Ah, once again ignorant (you) have intruded into a thread where it does not belong.

And what does your dribble have to do with what I posted?

So you agree that companies should hire more people than they actually need?

If you are going to reply to me, please make some sort of a relevant post regarding the comment at hand.

Are you a member of the ignorant fleaparty that wants things handed to them?

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

My post defined you.
My post did not address what you stated because what you stated did not deserve addressing.
End of story.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Ronfairness
My post defined you.

ok, if that makes you feel better.

My post did not address what you stated because what you stated did not deserve addressing.
End of story.

No, you did not address the facts because you cannot defend them. Check & Mate.

So you do believe that companies should hire more people than they actually need. Wow, I guess that defines your narrow viewpoint. Sad really.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

I'm not going to bother with it.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Ronfairness
I'm not going to bother with it.


posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

You gave your reasons why people should protest and some of what you say is very true. You never gave any solutions to your many problems so we don’t really know where you stand.

Protesting could mean organizing boycotts which I believe would be far more effective in changing corporation greed than defecating on someone’s car. Protesting is very effective if done in the right manner but to interfere with the average person’s right to get to work or enjoy peace and quiet is not the answer. A boycott can hurt the greedy by getting in their pocket book and can last a lot longer than camping out on the cold or heat.

You mentioned the Federal Reserve and you are dead right. But who is responsible for keeping these thieves in power? Wall Street? You got the wrong guys. Wall Street can’t get rid of this thievery. Obama and the DC gangs are the ones to march on cause only they can make this happen.

You say the rich all the time but you never tell us who the rich are. I’m just a little guy going on ninety with only my social security and a four hundred dollar pension from working forty three years for a printing outfit. I never ever begrudged a guy that had lots of money if he got it honest. You never tell us what honest is or what is rich. Is rich more than what you need? What is honest? Is honest obeying the rich man’s laws? That’s how he gets rich in the first place. He makes the laws to get and spend your money but not his money. In other words you get rich representation for the poor. Wall Street can’t change those laws. Only the DC gangs can make that change.

Labor taken out of the country is another thing that you are dead right about. But again who makes those laws to let the greedy corps do this? Well, were right back at the DC gangs. They are the only ones who can correct this and bring the jobs back home. Just the same as energy independence. There is no excuse for depending on foreign energy. We have enough right here along with the knowledge in flex fueled vehicles. We could launch a national program to change every car in this country over to flex fuel and help the existing stations to handle flex fuels and put the oil companies out of business within five years. But you can’t do it with Wall Street.

Unemployment? Energy independence is the answer but that goes right back to Obama and the DC gangs and not Wall Street. So what am I saying? The protesting as it was planned is nothing but a political sham. The same DC gangs who are the same guys who gave all of your money to the fat cats turn the victims in another direction and away from the very fat cats who stole your money. That money that the DC gangs have stolen from you are then funneled right back into the DC gangs pockets. Who are the winners in all of this? The DC Gangs – Who helps in all of this? Look at the fat cat buddies and you have you answers.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
I cannot believe the ignorance of that thread

Below is a list of reasons why people are, and should be protesting.

1. Unemployment is skyrocketing.

The common laborer is being taken out by technology. Factories are becoming automated. Because of the financial crisis, most companies are working with only as many employees as they need, rather than hiring more.

Talk about ignorance, I had to stop reading after this comment.

So companies are supposed to hire more people than they need? Why would they hire more when you have the amount of people needed?

edit on 10/29/2011 by WhatTheory because: (no reason given)

You know damn well what I meant by that. Companies hire the bare minimum people needed. This is why it takes so long to get anything done. It clogs the system up so much that you are waiting 4 to 6 weeks for simple stupid things that should never be waited for to begin with. If they hired more people to get the job done, it would be much more efficient. But no, lets make everything a big god damned line up to congest people with.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:55 PM

There is nothing absurd about asking these people to discuss the possibility of the movement having been planted as controlled opposition to cajole us into world government. What is absurd is the obvious system they have for silencing dissent and the obvious inability for these people to engage in two way communication and address pertinent issues. They are scared of this message, they are scared of the questions, but most of all they are scared of those who won't succumb to their playbook strategies to get them to shut up and go home. Even other victims have commented out there on this obvious system they have gifted from the proven corrupt, only idiots buy their excuse or say "so what?" the rest of us aren't idiots and we are calling this movement out because we want it to continue but without the puppet strings that have accomplished inevitable shut down of the movement nationwide. The steam valve worked and bought them more time and they have a home set up for people (the tent city with free food) that will re-appear with those same shills when the economy eventually implodes. Time to defeat the NWO once and for all. Get out there and challenge these people to address these issues already, record it, and tell them their rights in that public space when they try to shut you down. If they aggressively try to physically obstruct you into a corner charge them with assault or unlawful detainment.

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