posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 09:27 PM
I think hoax too. I cant speak about where the men are looking, since we rarely see their eyes, we can only make assumptions on that by the angle of
their head, but might be a good point. I do recognize that particular style of ufo, from another hoax vid that i will never find now. Not identcal,
but has the same feel and texture. I think the vid is very formulaic too. starting with a perfect, crystal clear shot of the ufo, just to show us how
realistic and detailed it is. then the poster zooms out. much bouncing and shaking ensues, a dip behind the grey hair - which does not look real to
me. the hair has a very clean line and appears to be gaussian blurred rather than out of focus. it screams edited to me. But who knows. I know what
you are saying human_alien, about the age of the men. People at that age are automatically given a certain amount of implied respect on account of
their age, though they do not certainly all deserve it. I like that you shared the vid, and also that you posted it as being a likely hoax. beats
anyone here that posts vids like this screaming about how the aliens are here, lol.