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New documents indicate Attorney General Eric Holder was informed of Operation Fast and Furious and its investigative tactics in mid-2010.
The new documents show that on November 1, 2010, Deputy Attorney General Lanny Breuer, the chief of the Justice Department’s criminal division, personally informed Holder about the operation in a briefing. The document was a memo Breuer wrote to Holder saying in which he included a brief description of Operation Fast and Furious.
Another document is a July 2010 memo from the director of the National Drug Intelligence Center to Holder that details how “straw purchasers” — enabled by Operation Fast and Furious — were responsible for the purchase of 1,500 guns that were then supplied to Mexican drug cartels.
In early May, Holder told House oversight committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa that he was “not sure of the exact date [he first learned of Fast and Furious], but I probably heard about Fast and Furious over the last few weeks.”
Another document released contained internal emails between several high-ranking Justice Department officials asking if Breuer would help with a then-forthcoming press conference on Fast and Furious because the number of guns DOJ and ATF officials allowed to be “walked” into Mexico was significant.
“It is not going to be any big surprise that a bunch of U.S. guns are being used in [Mexico], so I’m not sure how much grief we get for gun walking,” one high-ranking DOJ official wrote in an email.
Originally posted by charles1952
Okay, what happens to Holder? He's seen the briefings, he now has to say either he approved of them or he disapproved of them (or at least found them questionable).
If he disapproved, then how were they implemented? They must have been passed over Holder's objection. Who's got the muscle to do that?
Obama's only out is if Holder says he planned and executed it without informing the President. In that case, Obama kicks Holder loose and claims that he didn't know about it. (Holder doesn't have a job in 15 months anyway, so no loss.)
How does this play out?
Originally posted by stirling
This HAS to go right to the oval office!There is no doubt in my mind about that.....What were these guys thinking?
The gun grab in america thats what!They have never and will never give up trying to disarm the populace.
The gun rights you enjoy must be exercised fully as often as possible or they will slip away a little at a time.
If the DOJ does not stand up to the whole responsibility then trhere will be no plausible denial for obama.
Originally posted by FiberLight
So here we have more proof...As usual very little of this story in the MSM. I think (hope) this will eventually be covered more as this incident is a leaky sive that the gubbermint can't seem to stop... but I'm getting tired of waiting of it becoming as big as watergate....At least the NRA-ILA and a few patriot congressmen are all over this and show no signs of letting up.. Thanks for sharing this
Sharyl Attkisson Sharyl Attkisson is a CBS News investigative correspondent based in Washington. All of her stories, videos and blogs are available here.
Originally posted by illuminatislave
so he didn't know huh?
Lets see who has some balls in congress. Take the investigation all the way to the top. Obama knows, why would Holder go off on his own with this scheme?
this is complete madness. Everything reeks of filth
Attkisson also said the DOJ and White House representatives complained that CBS was “unfair and biased” because it didn’t give the White House favorable coverage on the developing scandal.
“Is it sort of a drip, drip. And I’m certainly not the one to make the case for DOJ and White House about what I’m doing wrong,” she added. “They will tell you that I’m the only reporter, as they told me, that is not reasonable. They say The Washington Post is reasonable, the LA Times is reasonable, The New York Times is reasonable — I’m the only one who thinks this is a story, and they think I’m unfair and biased by pursuing it.”
Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by neo96
The CBS reporter who has been following this confirms the WH-orchestrated cover-up by the MSM:
CBS reporter: White House, DOJ reps ‘yelled’ and ‘screamed’ at her over ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal
Read "reasonable" as: "willing to down-play down the story."
I think they hear that train a-comin', it's comin' 'round the bend .... .
Oh boy!
“The DOJ woman was just yelling at me,” Attkisson said. “The guy from the White House on Friday night literally screamed at me and cussed at me. Eric Schultz — oh, the person screaming was Tracy Schmaler. She was yelling, not screaming. And the person who screamed at me was Eric Schultz at the White House.”
Attkisson explained the vicious tongue-lashing:
“In between the yelling that I received from the Justice Department yesterday, the spokeswoman — who would not put anything in writing — I was asking for her explanation so there would be clarity and no confusion later over what had been said. She wouldn’t put anything in writing,” she said.
“So we talked on the phone and she said things such as ‘the question Holder answered was different than the one he asked.’ But the way he phrased it, he said very explicitly, ‘I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.’”
Secret panel can put Americans on "kill list'
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.
There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.
The process involves "going through the National Security Council, then it eventually goes to the president, but the National Security Council does the investigation, they have lawyers, they review, they look at the situation, you have input from the military, and also, we make sure that we follow international law," Ruppersberger said.
Clear-thinking citizens shocked by the Obama administration's unwillingness to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation only know part of a much bigger story.
Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department by J. Christian Adams paints the full picture behind the case along with fleshing out the legal atmosphere in which unequal treatment is the norm.
"The end result when racial extremists dominate such a powerful division of federal law enforcement is, in a word, lawlessness," he writes.
Attorney General Eric Holder may be the biggest player here, a man steeped in racial grievances that help explain both his actions and those of the subordinates. For Holder and company, it's too often "payback time" for past racial sins.