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Occupy Wall Street Activist Slams Fox News Producer In Un-Aired Interview

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posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

lol. let le spin commence. now these buffoons are "saying" (casually) that "yeah,
we should have protested three years ago". but what he doesn't say is "it's
because three years ago we were stuck deep inside obama's colon and
we were too happy that bush was gone".

who benefits? le elites. who were bailed out. and "now" they "want"
higher taxes. and these guise are all for it! lol.
sheeple. "so #ing easy" (axl rose).

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

Well, I would have formulated a decent statement. But I am buzzed. That guy just seems like a moron to me. If you skip ahead every five seconds, its something about the establishment or healthcare... This is America. If you don't like it you can get out.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:53 AM
I'm late to this party, but has anybody bothered to check if that is a real Foxnews reporter?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:55 AM
Probably was. Its mostly prerecorded these days.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 06:03 AM
Good video. At least, his thought out response was impressive. But the camerawork makes it seem a little staged. Why didn't that camera person just stand there and video the two, what's with the constant focus shift between the back of the reporters head and the other guy, uncannily timed too. Anyway - yes, stand up to the media bias

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

Hahahaha, love that!

I'm enjoying the people coming together and speaking out, whatever they have to say. Those who do not articulate their point well are still sending a message to the world. "All is not well" people do not protest when they are happy.
I'm bored of people saying how the majority of protesters are being used for nefarious purposes blah blah blah.

Anyone who loves freedom should be with the people not winging online, if you are happy to be one of the 99% then you are your own worse enemy. If you are one of the 1%......Be afraid.......or join the people and protest your own unfair advantage, you may be happier in the long run.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by Theprimevoyager
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

This is America. If you don't like it you can get out.

What an ignorant statement.

How about we change that to "This is America. If you don't like it, do something about it".

You know like occupy wall street for example....

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 06:34 AM
IMHO, that was a pretty good sound bite. I am glad that the protester didn't get sucked into the Obama baiting. Obama is a puppet. The problems that are leading up to these protests go way back before he was ever elected.NAFTA,federal reserve and free floating dollar are more appropriate buzzwords.
As far as everyone protesting and what the hell are they doing it for...well, the reasons are diverse.I guess that is why this is unique. People are so pissed about so many things, Afghnistan/Iraq, economic collapse,war on terror,the rolling back of human rights and privacy issues just to name a few.The government has gotten arrogant, thinking that the people are there to serve it, when the government was created to serve the people.So, when the government oversteps itself, the people have the right to protest/overthrow a government that no longer serves it's needs. Part of the social contract. We are no longer able to elect people which would serve the social contract. The process is co-opted, from the appropriateness of the candidate to the outright theft of elections...Not just in the US, but in most of the developed world.I am relieved that there is actually protest...I was wondering if the only people seemingly awake to the problem were sitting at their computers eating chips....see ya at the protests!

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 06:35 AM
cant we just tell the world that the occupy movement is more about us being slaves , than anything else!
we work for a system that doesnt have any benefit , but the illusion of freedom and liberty , with no real democratic process.

We are lied to and treated as mdoern slaves.

Make occupy about our freedom from a brutal slave system

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by psyop911
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

lol. let le spin commence. now these buffoons are "saying" (casually) that "yeah,
we should have protested three years ago". but what he doesn't say is "it's
because three years ago we were stuck deep inside obama's colon and
we were too happy that bush was gone".

who benefits? le elites. who were bailed out. and "now" they "want"
higher taxes. and these guise are all for it! lol.
sheeple. "so #ing easy" (axl rose).

This is such a disingenuous statement

3 Years ago Obama was just getting elected, on a campaign that was built on the same populist, socially focused rhetoric that is practiced by pretty much every member of the GOP, especially now that we are closing in on elections. It is a common tactic.

So to say these people did not act back then is silly, they in fact acted and successfully helped Obama win the election. A lot of the youth came out to vote in Obama because he spoke to the kind of "change" they wanted to see.

People falling for politician stump speeches and rallying cries during elections is just the way things go these days. People honestly love the words, but they never see them put into action.

Sheep is one word, and hopeful is another(no pun intended)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:20 AM
Nothing is been shown in the UK regarding this at all. If this was happening in the middle east they would be all over it. MSM scum

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by SkurkNilsen
Journalism has fallen so far down the garbage dump,you may as well read papers like the National Enquirer,as they seem to have more truth in them than the traditional papers.Let me say that I see sweet justice for the main stream media,they are exposing themselves for what they are just to name a few,the phone hacking scandal, Libya war,Amanda Knox,now Occupy Wall street and I'm sure the list is longer than my memory.Everyday they expose their bias,lying,criminal activities and I see change coming that's long overdue.
I hope to witness this change soon.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

Amazing footage. Thanks for the post.
edit on 4-10-2011 by corporation because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 08:07 AM
it's so disgusting that the press was supposed to be the one thing that the people could use against corruption in times when a government were opressing its people , now it seems the government is using the press to opress its people

freedom of the press is one thing , freedom to use the press against the people is another
we need to reclaim the press as well get all the corrupt scum out of government and out of the press , and rid the planet of evil corporations who care more for profit than the advancement of the human race

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

I want that man to run for Congress.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

That man right there is ready for Freddy!

Go get'em boyo! This is the FIRST time i wish i was in NY, i'd love to be a part of these protests.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by AGWskeptic
He had me right up the last little bit, but Solyndra is not nonsense.

Solyndra is a perfect example of what is wrong with our country right now.

The Solyndra loan represents 1.3% of the DOE's loan pprtfolio targeted at breaking our dependance on middle east oil by encouraging American companies to innovate.

The Solyndra loss represents about 2 days operating costs for the war in Afghanistan....and we have been there for a decade.

Given the performance of the Private sector funds and private investment vehicles ....a 1.3% loss?

No doubt about it, Solyndra was a ef up...but in the context of what is occuring in the private markets and directly to the American people, it was but a raindrop in a hurricaine and has been massively inflated by the media for pure distraction purposes.

edit on 4-10-2011 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:47 AM
The Title should have been, "Fox News gets PWNED!!!"

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

In my opinion he wasted his interview. Sure, he has a point about the news networks, but that's not what this protest is about as a whole. Instead he ranted and raved instead of offering any real message towards the protests. It sounded like, "I hate you!" Instead of, "This is why were here, this is what we can do?"

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Indigo5
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

I want that man to run for Congress.

I was hoping for something amazing being stated but I think everyone so far is just buying in to the Fox News Hate and not listening to what he is saying.

You want him in congress, but I tell you this person IS in congress in the form of more than half of the Senate and just shy of half the House.

He does not understand why he is there and what he should be protesting. He shifts the attack to "conservatives" and then ties Fox News to conservatives and goes on the attack against Fox News. It is a terrible organization, just like all of the other monolithic news corporations (all 19 of them).

He would have been better off, and the reporter tried to give him an opportunity, to state something of substance like how we are in this situation (the Federal Reserve and Monopoly Economy + Fascist/Crony Capitalism where the Government protects the elite Corporations while punishing the 99%). Instead he went on a rant against Fox News and then defended Obama who has more Wall Street influence in his White House than George Bush - who is tirelessly pushing a new bailout for Wall Street that won't create a single long-term job.

Know your enemy. This guy doesn't. When you people say 99% you need to believe it because right now a lot of you are still stuck on the 21% which liberals made up in the 2009 ideological survey.

You need to realize that we people on the right:

1) are pissed off about corporations funneling millions in to federal campaigns to buy off politicians,
2) are pissed off that the government is using force and the threat of force to protect Wall Street thereby instituting fascism in its ability to pick winners and losers and control the market,
3) are pissed off that the only solution the federal government has is to increase the size of federal government,
4) are pissed off that our liberties are being attacked every single day : the inability to film the police while at the same time being molested at checkpoints by the state is an example,

This protest is like the Arab Spring because the Arab Spring was initiated by the federal government, the seeds planted at the end of 2008 (listen to Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech if you do not believe me). The anger guided to an end.

The people involved are not wrong that there is a problem but minds need to open and research needs to be done as to WHAT the problem is and its not that the federal government isn't big enough or doesn't have enough power. It has too much and its not bought and paid for by elitist corporations. It controls corporations - look at the involvement of Twitter, Google, and Facebook in DHS. There is a pyramid, for 40 years corporations have been manipulated in to consolidating in to larger conglomerates and international entities. The people doing that manipulation, that are pulling the strings, are the ones that control both the large corporations and governments.

Look at Barack Obama. He is a farce that proves the conspiracy with certainty. Would any of you that bought the Yes We Can hype in 2008 had guess that we would still be in all of the wars under Bush plus more 3 years later? That Guantanamo would still be open 3 years later? That Obama's cabinet would be comprised of Wall Street Insiders largely from Goldman Sachs? He was controlled opposition.

You can go out and argue for more taxes from the rich but taxes for what exactly? The debt is a future tax and inflation is a stealth tax. The size of the products we buy get smaller while the prices incrementally increase and our salaries decrease. This is the danger. Taxing 1% of the United States will not solve that problem. The problem is that the government and corporations are in bed with one another controlled by an elite crowd of individuals that profit on losses and profit on gains.

1. Separation of Corporation and State is the 1st goal. Vote for a constitutional amendment to end lobbyists and the influence of money in politics. The last bipartisan election campaign-reform gave us BILLION dollar campaigns for the Presidency.

2. Elect normal every-day Americans to make sound judgement - NO MORE LAWYER | NO MORE MILLIONAIRES. Elect janitors, teachers, mill workers, and other professionals, exclusively. If you want a government of the people stop electing millionaire charlatans that enrich themselves off of you.

3. Eliminate restrictions on the press - or what it means to be a member of the press. The government is actively protecting itself by raising the requirement of individuals to be involved in the press - limiting it to a handful of companies. Even a child can see the dangers that are involved. It isn't just News Corp, its Viacom, its Time Warner, and Walt Disney.

4. End the Federal Reserve...
edit on 10/4/2011 by ararisq because: (no reason given)

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