Originally posted by Indigo5
reply to post by SkurkNilsen
I want that man to run for Congress.
I was hoping for something amazing being stated but I think everyone so far is just buying in to the Fox News Hate and not listening to what he is
You want him in congress, but I tell you this person IS in congress in the form of more than half of the Senate and just shy of half the House.
He does not understand why he is there and what he should be protesting. He shifts the attack to "conservatives" and then ties Fox News to
conservatives and goes on the attack against Fox News. It is a terrible organization, just like all of the other monolithic news corporations (all 19
of them).
He would have been better off, and the reporter tried to give him an opportunity, to state something of substance like how we are in this situation
(the Federal Reserve and Monopoly Economy + Fascist/Crony Capitalism where the Government protects the elite Corporations while punishing the 99%).
Instead he went on a rant against Fox News and then defended Obama who has more Wall Street influence in his White House than George Bush - who is
tirelessly pushing a new bailout for Wall Street that won't create a single long-term job.
Know your enemy. This guy doesn't. When you people say 99% you need to believe it because right now a lot of you are still stuck on the 21% which
liberals made up in the 2009 ideological survey.
You need to realize that we people on the right:
1) are pissed off about corporations funneling millions in to federal campaigns to buy off politicians,
2) are pissed off that the government is using force and the threat of force to protect Wall Street thereby instituting fascism in its ability to pick
winners and losers and control the market,
3) are pissed off that the only solution the federal government has is to increase the size of federal government,
4) are pissed off that our liberties are being attacked every single day : the inability to film the police while at the same time being molested at
checkpoints by the state is an example,
This protest is like the Arab Spring because the Arab Spring was initiated by the federal government, the seeds planted at the end of 2008 (listen to
Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech if you do not believe me). The anger guided to an end.
The people involved are not wrong that there is a problem but minds need to open and research needs to be done as to WHAT the problem is and its not
that the federal government isn't big enough or doesn't have enough power. It has too much and its not bought and paid for by elitist corporations.
It controls corporations - look at the involvement of Twitter, Google, and Facebook in DHS. There is a pyramid, for 40 years corporations have been
manipulated in to consolidating in to larger conglomerates and international entities. The people doing that manipulation, that are pulling the
strings, are the ones that control both the large corporations and governments.
Look at Barack Obama. He is a farce that proves the conspiracy with certainty. Would any of you that bought the Yes We Can hype in 2008 had guess
that we would still be in all of the wars under Bush plus more 3 years later? That Guantanamo would still be open 3 years later? That Obama's
cabinet would be comprised of Wall Street Insiders largely from Goldman Sachs? He was controlled opposition.
You can go out and argue for more taxes from the rich but taxes for what exactly? The debt is a future tax and inflation is a stealth tax. The size
of the products we buy get smaller while the prices incrementally increase and our salaries decrease. This is the danger. Taxing 1% of the United
States will not solve that problem. The problem is that the government and corporations are in bed with one another controlled by an elite crowd of
individuals that profit on losses and profit on gains.
1. Separation of Corporation and State is the 1st goal. Vote for a constitutional amendment to end lobbyists and the influence of money in politics.
The last bipartisan election campaign-reform gave us BILLION dollar campaigns for the Presidency.
2. Elect normal every-day Americans to make sound judgement - NO MORE LAWYER |
NO MORE MILLIONAIRES. Elect janitors, teachers, mill workers,
and other professionals, exclusively. If you want a government of the people stop electing millionaire charlatans that enrich themselves off of
3. Eliminate restrictions on the press - or what it means to be a member of the press. The government is actively protecting itself by raising the
requirement of individuals to be involved in the press - limiting it to a handful of companies. Even a child can see the dangers that are involved.
It isn't just News Corp, its Viacom, its Time Warner, and Walt Disney.
4. End the Federal Reserve...
edit on 10/4/2011 by ararisq because: (no reason given)