posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 12:39 PM
Neat. Whoever took the video undoubtedly has more footage of this. Shame it doesn't start half a second prior, where we'd be able to tell if it was
behind or in front of that building. Definitely can't see a person underneath if it was a parachute/hand glider. Interesting video.
Wonder if the humorous aliens are thinking "Occupy some street? You do that, we're going to Occupy planet earth."
IMO it's too big to be a drone, but then I'm not sure how big those buildings are exactly. Could be a box kite being flown from the roof? Anyone know
if the roof of the building is accessable? I would Google Earth check that but my computer is being pants. S&F.
edit on 5-10-2011 by markymint
because: korrektin spaling mizteks