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What is really happening in England these days??

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posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:10 AM
I'm starting this thread not to incriminate or flame anyone but to get more opinion about some weird things happening in the United Kingdom. I am not British citizen, neither a British resident - even I'm traveling extensively there - but, as a European citizen, I am more and more concerned about the social and political issues in the E.U. at this time.

Since years ago, England adopted a strange immigration policy, allowing countless foreigners to enter the country, relocate there, offering them social welfare (I hope it's the correct term). The immigration per se isn't such a big problem, since since the Human Rights Chart is granting the freedom of movement for every person. Neither the fact that most of the immigrants are from the former British colonies isn't a surprising fact; France also seem to have a similar attitude, allowing zillions of its former subjects to relocate on its territory.

The problem with England reside on the fact that they are starting to push the concept of "politically correctness" too far, IMO.
- first of all, was the ban of "Merry Christmas", this one being replaced with "Happy Holidays", in order not to offend the non-Christians;
- there were cities where local authorities even banned the Christmas tree being placed in the city square, for the same reason: not to offend the non-Christians;
- the immigrants are favorites on job openings: this is crazy, because when hiring someone, the criteria should be based on competence, not to the fact that you are from Pakistan, India, Poland or whatever;
- there were some cases when Romanian gipsies occupied houses of people who were in vacation; when the owners returned, they found their houses devastated and whole families of gipsies comfortably installed there, wearing their clothes, eating their food, selling their things and police said that the laws does not allow them (the police) to evict those people - strange enough!
- there are discussions about instating some principles of Sharia law in the British legal system, which is, IMHO, a wide open gate for a new Caliphate there... again, this is MY opinion;
- British government is allowing Muslims to defame England in public speeches, with posters and with offending websites as "Muslims against crusades" which, beside the offensive content, are actually inciting to a war against "Rotten Britain", as they are writing but, the same government is blocking the website of "England Defense League" who is opposing the M.A.C. In my country, speaking offensive and swearing the country is absolutely illegal and the penalty is harsh - few years in prison. (you can curse the government, but NOT the country as entity);

... and countless more.

Lately, the UK authorities came with two new crazy things:
- they will dismantle a complex traffic lights system in London because of the switches which have to be pushed by pedestrians in order to get the green lights; the reason is that religious Jews aren't allowed on Sabbath to use electricity so the modern system will be replaced with another one, which will cost 3,000,000 pounds; all the money will come from the city;
- another strange decision is to change the British passports: for children, the terms "Mother" and "Father" will be replaced by "Parent 1" and "Parent 2", in order not to offend the gay community.

Now, British government don't want to piss off Muslims, don't want to piss off Jews, don't want to piss off gipsies, gays, non-Christians, Pakistanis, lesbians but it looks like the same government is doing everything they can think of to piss off their own citizens. Is this a normal thing to do? I mean, politically correctness, okay but how far this term can be pushed?
Is there a hidden plan behind all of these? Is the government planning to exacerbate the discontent there, trying to get some more social unrest? Lately, they are talking about leaving the E.U. and - this IS nuts! - their Secretary of State for Internal Affairs (I hope the title is correct) is talking about a request for invalidation of Human Rights Chart...

I'm quoting Cartman from South Park: "'the f....k??'" (for mods: not intended to be profanity...)

What is going on there, folks? Are the Brits gradually losing their common-sense?

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:19 AM
Seriously, do you only read the Daily Mail for new on the UK? Everyone of your "headlines" look straight out of that TABLOID.

British government is allowing Muslims to defame England in public speeches, with posters and with offending websites as "Muslims against crusades" which, beside the offensive content, are actually inciting to a war against "Rotten Britain", as they are writing but, the same government is blocking the website of "England Defense League" who is opposing the M.A.C. In my country, speaking offensive and swearing the country is absolutely illegal and the penalty is harsh - few years in prison. (you can curse the government, but NOT the country as entity);

Freedom of speech, no matter how vile or how much you may disagree with it, is a fundemental right in a democracy.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by shansen

I think some people in high places are setting all the pieces for a religious based war between christians and muslims and both sides of the fence are being played right into it. I wish everyone would wake up and stand up to this with love and kindness for one another. Also, by no means should someone be allowed to move into a christian town and start complaining about the tradition. If the local traditions are unbearable then move.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by shansen

The problem with England reside on the fact that they are starting to push the concept of "politically correctness" too far, IMO.
- first of all, was the ban of "Merry Christmas", this one being replaced with "Happy Holidays", in order not to offend the non-Christians;
- there were cities where local authorities even banned the Christmas tree being placed in the city square, for the same reason: not to offend the non-Christians;
- the immigrants are favorites on job openings: this is crazy, because when hiring someone, the criteria should be based on competence, not to the fact that you are from Pakistan, India, Poland or whatever;
- there were some cases when Romanian gipsies occupied houses of people who were in vacation; when the owners returned, they found their houses devastated and whole families of gipsies comfortably installed there, wearing their clothes, eating their food, selling their things and police said that the laws does not allow them (the police) to evict those people - strange enough!
- there are discussions about instating some principles of Sharia law in the British legal system, which is, IMHO, a wide open gate for a new Caliphate there... again, this is MY opinion;

Most of what you say is false. Could you provide proof please?

British government is allowing Muslims to defame England in public speeches, with posters and with offending websites as "Muslims against crusades" which, beside the offensive content, are actually inciting to a war against "Rotten Britain", as they are writing but, the same government is blocking the website of "England Defense League" who is opposing the M.A.C. In my country, speaking offensive and swearing the country is absolutely illegal and the penalty is harsh - few years in prison. (you can curse the government, but NOT the country as entity)

As the above poster stated, there is freedom of speech in Britain, people are entitled to say what they want.
edit on 3-10-2011 by doubleplusungood because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-10-2011 by doubleplusungood because: quotes added

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by shansen

Well said mate, everything you said happens where i live. I cant add much to the thread other to bring up the fact that out current government, the Con-Dem's are trying to revamp the human rights act - i dont know what thats going to mean but i assure my self that it cant be good. Because like you, i see the people who make this country what it is (tax payers) getting shafted on a monthly basis, it seems they're treating us like this, so we want what they're about to offer us.

social engineering through shafting us till we get bend over n get out the KY
edit on 3-10-2011 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:30 AM
I do wonder what is going on in my country, and what it will lead to in the future, the day when there are less English people then people from different countries. What the new youth of today will be like when they grow up.

Its not going good to be honest and i don't like the way its heading, David Cameron doesn't want to fix it.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by Merigold
Seriously, do you only read the Daily Mail for new on the UK? Everyone of your "headlines" look straight out of that TABLOID.

And Huffington Post LOL

Freedom of speech, no matter how vile or how much you may disagree with it, is a fundemental right in a democracy.

Freedom of speech, yes, I can understand that; however, between freedom of speech to incite to war is a big difference... My 2 cents.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:36 AM
England is being turned into a muslim occupied zone.

Better start loving Uncle Mo, your friend Al, and the black rock from space.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:38 AM
Multiculturalism benefits all cultures except the host culture, which it turns into thick soup. England is lost I'm afraid, and has been for some years now.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by doubleplusungood
reply to post by shansen

Most of what you say is false. Could you provide proof please?

Proof? What proof? Dude, they are documented things. Even if the press is exaggerating, things like these are happening, actually, maybe not at your place but they ARE happening.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:42 AM
I think it all depends on WHERE you are in the UK. im down south near Southampton. not much has changed here for us in a dramatic way. im still saying Merry Christmas! and i will continue to do so, if another person feels offended by that then they have the option to leave where i am and continue with there lives i will not let their believes destroy my own.

all theses rules and regulations. its going to make the public snap. The England i know is an obedient one, we'll roll over, shake your hand, possibly even play dead. Ofc this is all depending on how Blind the public are. soon they'll see what is going on and the sleeping Lion will awaken.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by shansen

Documented where?

Christmas isn't banned. Nor are the trees.
Immmigrants aren't given priority for jobs.
Sharia law is not and will not be introduced in Britain.

These are all false.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:47 AM
OP where are you originally from? Why do you think so many want to come to the UK? Maybe it's because we are a tolerant compassionate country. I mean we could all do away with that tolerance and compassion but would that make us better off?

Anyone born in this country basically has a winning lottery ticket compared to the vast majority of humanity, is it any wonder so many want to come and improve their lives here?

Is the OP going to provide any sources for these claims, I mean if christmas has been banned, someone should tell all those companies that have ready started advertising for christmas. Christmas is the economies cash cow, would be silly to ban it under such economic conditions.

edit on 3-10-2011 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

Multiculturalism was invented by muslims as a way of concealing their jihad activities. Under multiculturalism, you are forced to accept aspects of sharia law at the expense of your own cultural traditions such as common law.

Multiculturalism = Jihad.
edit on 3-10-2011 by mike_trivisonno because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by doubleplusungood
reply to post by shansen

Immmigrants aren't given priority for jobs.

When I go into Tesco or Sainsbury's in my town every member of staff is either black or asian, with English clearly as their second language. Literally every member of staff.

Are we supposed to believe no British applied for those jobs? None at all?

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

I don't want to be rude but I don't believe what you are saying.

How do you know all these blacks and asians are not British? Is the supermarket in an area where a lot of immigrants live?

Besides, even if what you say is true, it still doesn't mean immigrants are given priority for jobs. That is clearly false. Show me the legislation or internal company policies that say this.
edit on 3-10-2011 by doubleplusungood because: For being arsey

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by Merigold
Seriously, do you only read the Daily Mail for new on the UK? Everyone of your "headlines" look straight out of that TABLOID.

I have noticed that the Daily Mail tends to be the most commonly available UK paper abroad. Which is a real pain cos I hate it. No doubt folks abroad who read it are getting a very distorted view of Britain.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by doubleplusungood

The problem is when a business owner, who's primary concern is profit can employ someone who will turn up on time , not complain about the poor wages and working hours then you will hire that person over someone who has come to expect more.

Even my parents have said they would rather pay for a polish builder to do some work that is as good as or even better than a british builder for less money.

When the native population expect not to have to do certain jobs then immigrant labour becomes addictive.

It's a shame so many are against the Unions in this country, they are the only ones able to protect your working conditions against cheap foreign labour.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:22 AM
As a christian, if I asked my employer for a prayer room they would just laugh at me. I have experienced a 98% English workforce over a period of 4 years and several instances of redundancies result in a 98% foreign workforce and dual language signs

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by doubleplusungood
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

I don't want to be rude but I don't believe what you are saying.

I'm not at all surprised you don't. Nevertheless....have a look yourself. Oxford. Tesco and Sainsbury's, Magdalen St. Co-Op, Walton St.

Originally posted by doubleplusungood
How do you know all these blacks and asians are not British? Is the supermarket in an area where a lot of immigrants live?

In almost every case their English is very poor. To the extent that I've heard local people complaining about it. English is their second language. They are immigrants.

Originally posted by doubleplusungood
Besides even if your anecdotal evidence was 100% accurate, it still doesn't mean immigrants are given priority for jobs. That is clearly false. Show me the legislation or internal company policies that say this.

Yeah, because that's going to exist....
I don't think they write up those kind of 'policies'
edit on 3-10-2011 by FOXMULDER147 because: (no reason given)

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