The problem with religion and specifically the Christian religion is that this site is about denying ignorance.
Now if we would apply the same type of debunking techniques used on some threads to the Bible it becomes clear that it is a collection of ancient
tales brought together in the Bible. Now I am a man of science and if you follow the approach of science you will simply have to admit the above
stated. The problem is that a Christian will NEVER EVER even try to admit it COULD be a collection of ancient tales that were rewritten and put into a
certain context to adhere to the story about this character most of them call Christ.
If they would only try to understand that the stories in the Bible if placed into context and read by people that weren't brought up believing it as
to be truth that it becomes a book of madness with a god that is a raving lunatic which is plain evil. It all has a reason they defend these acts of
insanity.... God wiping out whole villages or asking people to kill their own kids as a test.... seriously would anyone normal see that as something
Also they seem to reason from out of their own little circle and speak with so much righteousness that it usually makes me feel very sad for them.
When speaking of god they use capital letters same with using "He" or "His" when mentioning some Jesus quotes. I find it very disrespectful if someone
speaks as if he knows exactly how things are and that his god is the only god.
Another thing that bothers me is that most Christians actually never read the Bible cause they're not capable it seems when you speak with them. Yet
they seem to repeat the same nonsense that their preachers are filling their heads with.
My words can be very insulting to some religious people I guess but some seem to not understand that they themselves are considered mentally ill if
they would be isolated in their believes. It's this fact that makes me hate religion and I see it's evil wherever I go and read about History. They
usually come back with some one liner that religion never killed as many as atheist with their little communist comparisons. It's all soo predictable
and doesn't add anything to the discussion. Then of course you have the people (Atheist) that would bring up the whole Church pedophile ring thingy
and that they should apologize. Then some religious people would come back saying that the church is NOT the religion but they only need to speak to
Jesus to guide them (or whatever nonsense they would say). Then I would like to refer to my above statement that the Bible and Jesus are for non
believers mostly fairytales and quite scary evil people are portrayed in them (god, angels etc).
Now that's basically the core problem that the Bible and it's stories would be considered evil if someone would put them in todays context. And that
based on facts you can see it's a collection of stories thus not authentic. As most Christians would never even consider trying to think outside the
box and look at the facts it's a lost cause to try to discuss matters with them. So them sticking their religious heads in topics blurring out
fairytale wisdom is, well extremely sad and annoying.
Lastly let me be straight that I don't hate people even if religious but as religious people would often say they are misguided by their parents or
surroundings. I do not blame them for their ignorance but it really makes me sad and think the planet is suffering a lot because of it.
Originally posted by OldCorp
And anyone who says that, especially in a mean-spirited way, are the ones not following Christ in the way He expected us. Christ spent all of his time
among the unwashed masses; the whores, the thieves, the lepers, and tax collectors and never once have I read about Him threatening anybody. His
message was one of love for all mankind and He just didn't roll like that.
Yeah well, found the below, plenty of other passages
"See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you (v. 14)"
Anyways read this and maybe you can judge the Bible in todays standards of morality.
I dare all Christians to read that last link and come back as of why this god fellow is such a great guy.
*Not a native speaker so please keep that in mind.
edit on 3-10-2011 by FriendlyGopher because: link fix