Date: Juno 3 3018
I was was having a quiet drink in the Slime & Lime when he approached me and introduced himself as a journalist by the name Salo, offering to buy
drinks in exchange for an exclusive interview of my story of what really happened at Ground Zero 2. It had been widely reported that when the White
House Erupted into a gigantic pillar of fire and death those responsible was a group called God's Angels and had been delcared a world enemy shortly
after by Vice President Jack Erring. Three hundred had lost their lives and another 80 were seriously injured. That was over ninety years ago and no
one had heard from God's Angels since, not the FBI nor the CIA or any other of the hundreds of security and intelligence agencies around the world.
No one, that is, except me.
I think when I post this on the Blog-Live site SHTF BIGTIME when I explain the rhyme and reason for it all. Salo got nothing from me of course, an
agent of somekind most likely NSA, I lured him outside in the back alley of the club on the pretense of sex and broke his neck quick and easy.
Okay folks a quick backstory.
>Brussels-born mathematician, sage and astronomer Fascius Claudan (1535-1561) was responsible for many minor breakthroughs in science and technology
during his short but broadly travelled life. Between journeys to Egypt, Persia, central Asia and more extreme locales, Claudan published six books on
astronomy and mathematics and one last book on cosmology, a book which is considered dangerous by some who know of such things: the Libri Plures
Admiratio ("Book of Many Wonders").
For the most part he is remembered as a minor inventor or various knots, pulley systems, cogworks and early machines for pumping water, but despite
his vanishing almost entirely from known science one legacy of Claudan remains: the Laqueus. This short code, believed to be an equation, was rendered
just days before his death. It is regarded in the small circles that know of it as either an epiphany or complete gibberish.
To date, no one has publicly claimed to understand it, much less to have solved it. Mathematicians and cryptographers throughout the ages have spent
spare hours plugging away to solve the glyphs, with little or no success. It holds a place in the annals of cryptography as one of the few cryptograms
to resist modern attempts at cracking. It is used as an example in many cryptography tomes as a "clean" cypher —one that remained untranslatable
until that fateful day.< source.net2
Its all to do with numbers, very advanced mathematics and ancient but powerful cults that have been keeping watch over the human race for thousands of
I can't remember the name of who finally solved it but he was going to give a speech about it at the white house, a graduate student in mathematics
at the prestigious Columbia University of Mathematics, successfully cracked the Laqueus equation. Using a computer program of his own design, he had
examined all seven of Claudan's books and discovered a cypher embedded in imperfections on the pages on the last book, which dictated the proper way
to decipher Claudan's last equation. What he found inside was a complex formula, which — though dated — rendered the world down to a mathematical
simplicity never before seen.
It was literally a reduction of the entirety of existence through prime numbers unlocked in a particular calculation of a sequence of sixteen digits.
It revealed a vast and roiling reality dancing just behind modern mathematics.
You just gotta LOVE theoretical mathematics, right. God's Angels, another name for an old, old mask, eyes and ears EVERYWHERE had other ideas about
what to do with this information.
I cant believe I am going post this on the biggest used blog in the world and have seventy million folks read these words. Okay, nearly finished, my
hands are trembling as I type.
The Laqueus solution operates a lot like a virus. It moves from host to host, can lie dormant in the form of writing or data for months, years or even
centuries, and can awaken in an explosion of infection at any time. AT ANY TIME.
Are you ready to understand the truth, here goes.