posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 09:18 AM
In order for ANY law to be effective society MUST voluntary submit to its observance.
This principle is required. So, in other words WE fully participate in our on enslavement.
We as a society and a civilized people do agree that some crimes we will not commit and we voluntary submit our will and behavior for the betterment
of society as a whole. Murder, theft, rape, there are many of these crimes that as a civilized people we have agreed NOT to participate in and we as a
society agree if any other person so chooses to commit these acts, we will act in masses to remove the offender from our society. This is
With that said there are other “laws” that have been imposed on us, without our agreement, that are intended to turn each of us into a “worker
bee” of the system. These “laws” are designed to enslave your mind and actions and make you subservient to the established order.
Central Banking. Our founders knew that a Central Bank is the method in which a nation is most easily controlled by the few. This is why our founders
wrote in to the Constitution that a Central Bank is illegal.
Income Taxes is another of the most blatant violations. Our founders understood that a direct tax on a persons wage is immoral and is designed only to
keep the citizen in a perpetual state of poverty. Income Tax mind control has been so successful that everyday, ordinary citizens “believe” that
each of us should “pay our fair share”, some have incorporated this belief system so deeply that a “Fair Tax” effort is underway.
Take a look at how the improper form of taxation has destroyed this nation by our leaders. Tariffs and indirect taxation is how our founders set up
the revenue generation for this nation. If we as a county had been following these principles our manufacturing capabilities would have never left our
shores. Cheap imports fueled by slave labor would have not driven our nation’s businessmen to bankruptcy.
You can also identify many other “laws” that by our own VOLENTARY submission, we have participated in our own enslavement.
What example can you add ?