NWO is choosing religions.
Here is my prediction. They will first do this the way they're setting things up, taking advantage of a sign Jesus mentioned, a once in 10000 year
sign of Virgo giving birth to various planets until the sun on October 16 with the moon closets to the equator. Apparently this relates to something
standing on sacred ground, ie. the Horizon line. Most religions are heavily coded to hide the Egyptian Astrology core.
With mercury playing the sign of the red dragon. This is Revelations 12, also coinciding with the Mayan Dark Knight and the return of Quetzcoatl.
Unless the US gov just got refunded, they were out of funds for everything including Fema last thursday.
They're in Denver still?
I don't know what is going to happen, but my friend who is very psi and does astral and remote viewing, asked me to close my eyes and come with him.
He actually said put your flippers on which may be why I pictured ocean. But I saw a sub. He said he counted 55 Chinese subs off the US coast. Iran
is sending its naval out to off the US waters.
The red dragon. And some kind of Islam/Sharia stuff. Maybe why Georgia Government sent pamplets home with students promoting polygamy and Islam
dress code.
Perhaps the regime change they all talk about.
My friend, the Magecians Apprentice also was following this Virgo sign. He said from roughly this time forward it would be 1260 days, or whatever it
is in Revelations to Armeggedon.
I take it this will be a Christian/Judaic/Islam war to end all wars.
And then this new age religion for NWO.
I'm not buying it OK.
All religions have white and dark squares, two paths to choose from and no one should buy into anything in this world, full package, not religion, not
politics, economics. None of it.
That being said, Christ Yeshua/Jesus is the truest sign of Unconditional Love and shows the way back home. I'm not going to SUBMIT to their game plan.
No Go for me.
edit on 1-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)