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It's official, #OccupyWallStreet seizes The Brooklyn Bridge!

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posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:20 PM
What do these people want? What is this all about? What is wrong with "chop wood carry water?" So what if some lazy rich assholes own all the "wealth" i.e. worthless paper..# em...grouping together and walking around is not going to "solve" anything...lets not tear this country up over grateful for what you have...try to slip out of the reptilian mode of consciousness and see the oneness that is is is not all and is in fact nothing....

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:21 PM
Does anyone remember the movie Gangs Of New York? I hope history wont repeat itself but the way things are looking I think it will. Hopefully things wont get out of hand, because today's type of Gangs Of New York ending will be 1000x worse than 100 years ago.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:30 PM
There are 1000's of gangs today already, it's just some of them disguise themselves in suits and ties.

And things are already out of hand, it's just happened very slowly and most people didn't realize it, but now they are voicing their opinions and frustrations of non-representation.

Originally posted by DaVillen
Does anyone remember the movie Gangs Of New York? I hope history wont repeat itself but the way things are looking I think it will. Hopefully things wont get out of hand, because today's type of Gangs Of New York ending will be 1000x worse than 100 years ago.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by DaVillen

Unnerving and ominous inexplicable noises being heard worldwide....riots and general unrest of the people......unprecedented natural disasters hitting everywhere....are we already in ww3? Secret war....using ways and means never before used in warfare....from the website: "Using this technology on a mass scale would require a massive antenna array which could reflect these signals off the upper atmosphere and bounce them back to a precise location on Earth. MK-SEARCH, through Navy R&D had evolved into a new program known as the High Altitude Auroral Research Project, or HAARP. HAARP was first used to mind control masses of people in Los Angeles during the first four months of 1992 in order to cause stress among the population and create tension. This tension needed a match to ignite a fire. The match was the Rodney King Beating Trial. On April 29th of 1992 four police officers, who were videotaped beating King the year before, were acquitted of all charges. The use of HAARP was combined with the constant replays of Rodney Kings beating on television for nearly a year would make tensions reach a point of friction.

This friction had lit the match and HAARP's mind control of the population of South Central Los Angeles was the gasoline. The result was the Los Angeles Riots which had caused the deaths of nearly 60 people. The situation had gotten so out of control that President George Bush was going to send in the army and declare martial law. If things got too bad, Bush would have used the authority of Executive Order 11490.

E.O. 11490 was originally drafted by President Richard Nixon (33rd Degree Mason) to give him the power to abolish congress, suspend the constitution, declare martial law and put the functions of the U.S. Government under the control of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Nixon had considered using E.O. 11490 during the Vietnam war to control the anti-war protesters in America.

Luckily for the American public the riots in the late 1960's and the riots in Los Angeles of 1992 were brought under control, but the options of E.O. 11490 were available for any sitting President after Nixon. HARRP had proven itself as a new tool in mind control." Interesting, no?..........."Their very important people, and their interested in YOU"

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:32 PM
Its time for people to get a say on what goes on around here.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by nitro67
What do these people want? What is this all about? What is wrong with "chop wood carry water?" So what if some lazy rich assholes own all the "wealth" i.e. worthless paper..# em...grouping together and walking around is not going to "solve" anything...lets not tear this country up over grateful for what you have...try to slip out of the reptilian mode of consciousness and see the oneness that is is is not all and is in fact nothing....

It has become impossible to distinguish between elected officials and concentrated capital in this country.

Because each candidate spends 1 billion+, and most of that comes from JP Morgan Chase, Goldman etc…

In 2001 JP Morgan Chase held 24 trillion in derivatives. Today those same derivatives are worth 76 trillion due to inflation alone. Derivatives are securities whose value depends on the values of other basic underlying securities.

Because these traders go to bed at night dreaming of the next recession, and seem to have engineered this one. JP Morgan and Goldman were the top speculators behind the Oil hike!

Because everyone saw the housing crash coming! They were shoveling loans down everyone’s throats, and some states like Texas even enacted legislation to halt the practice. JP Morgan and Goldman were at the heart of this as well.

The housing mess was a clear hit at the American Dollar. The money the Fed prints only accounts for 3% of our total currency supply. The other 97% is issued by private banks in the form of loans.

In 2006 there were 13 Chinese Yuen to the Dollar, today there are 6.3 and this number is falling. American labor is just about on par with Chinese labor, and if we did away with Unions and the EPA we would be sitting on the next China. You see where I am going here?

Because our media will not cover the real issues! Instead they just shove more plastic men down our throats!

The days of saying I didnt see it on the news, so it must be bull are DONE, DONE and DONE!

Look at these for an example.

Because JP Morgan donated 4.6 million to the NYPD in response to the protests!


edit on 2-10-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by DaVillen

Problem is when the local goverment folks get tired of this they send in the black uniformed SWAT guys with tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets and hose these folks right off the bridge. Won't matter if there are women, children and old folks protesting. To them they will simply be labled as home grown terrorists, and will be delt with accordingly from there masters that look down from the rich balconies and laugh at the they sip there martinies..

You have to have plan and a set of goals when you start something like this. Not just the mob.
Course it would never work in my state everyone owns tons of guns, but they took them away from the normal folks in NYC only the criminals have guns.

This way when TPTB get bored they can have these folks hosed.
To them its just a spectical and could careless about the common person.
Welcome to the real USA.

If you go there make sure you take along:
1. gas mask
2. body armor
3.first aid kit
4. MRE's
5. Stun devices to protect yourself

good luck

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

To quote Alan Watts "return to the forest".....

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by nitro67

These are our markets buddy! JP and others will forfeit their securities if it shown that they are behind the rape of America! Heads will roll and their executives will be publically lynched!

It is all peace and flowers at this point, but! When a 100,000 march it will not be for flower power, it will be to take America back from the robber barons!

According to economist Richard N. Cooper, writing in 1971, a substantial devaluation is one of the most "traumatic" policies a government can adopt – it almost always results in cries of outrage and calls for the government to be replaced.

edit on 2-10-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

But what??? If people would just wake up and look up and see that everything is fine and there is more than enough food and water for everyone. All this fighting and feuding about money that buys luxuries and bull# is the epitome of idiocy. You know that if you saw a jp morgan exec slip and fall on ice on a winter morning you would go and help him get up. Lynching seems a bit harsh....lets get over our fears and leave money behind!!!! I know I am.....

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by nitro67

We are not talking points of communism, we are talking about the rape of our free markets! Get a clue this is America!

Just because you have sittin on your ass while I have labored for 30 years to build wealth is no reason to take what is mine.

All are free reap the rewards of their labor, but when some power house comes along and actively seeks to rob the masses we will place a call to arms, period!

If you let this become an issue of communism then you are an idiot!
edit on 2-10-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

Looks like there is a barrier on the side of the bridge where the police are standing, so maybe this was expected? or intended?

Interesting you should say that LadySkadi...i was just watching the video feed of the arrests on the bridge, and frankly at least a few of those that were 'arrested' looked like they knew the cops that were doing the arresting or at least were quite relieved at seeing them!

You know what i'm getting at of course?

Agent provocateurs will undoubtedly be mixing with the protesters, it's a given. They'll be gathering intelligence and sowing mental seeds to try to steer the protesters to take certain actions and certain directions, stir up discord and dissent.

When the word is given from above, they ultimately start violence and mayhem, especially in front of MSM to make the peaceful protesters look like thugs on camera and so lose support from moderates, and to provide the authorities with the excuse needed to ride in on horseback with tear gas, batons and plastic bullets.

They then periodically get into a position like on this bridge, to be removed by their colleagues making it look like a legitimate arrest and get debriefed and relay the intelligence they have gathered.

As one comes out another will go in, some will return after debriefing claiming to have given the cops the slip, or that they were released after i promised to go home, etc. etc. to gather more intel.

Nothing concrete, call it a hunch if you like but some of those from the clip looked like they might be AP's, taken out for debriefing.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

I have never mentioned communism in this thread....what if tomorrow you woke up and found out that the dollar had no value and all the money you have saved for the last thirty years, which you will defend with your life and take others if they try to take it from you, was completely worthless? Not because of something you did or something another human being did but because the world leaders and the owners of the paper decided it HAS NO value anymore...what now??? WHAT HAS VALUE??? Human companionship, kindness, love, helping each other out without needing reimbursement for our charity....someone somewhere said "money is the root of all evil" and I just happen to find that more and more true each day...

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by doctornamtab

Kind of defeats the whole idea of getting noticed, doesn't it?

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:22 PM
Thank you to everyone for making this the 2nd Top Thread on ATS currently!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:26 PM
"People shouldnt be afraid of there governments' governments should be afraid of its people."

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:26 PM
I guess I'll have to post this here too.
1) They intented to take the bridge. They were not trying to cross it.
2) They were told not to proceed to the bridge and directed at an exit. They instead lock hands and march straight on.
3) They were not herded to the bridge. They were infact told to go the other way where the exit was. Police says quite clearly that if they peacefully go there will be no charges pressed. That is completely ignored.
4) The amount of pro-protestor misinformation makes me

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:28 PM
Would like our "NOBEL PEACE prize winner"....President Barack REMEMBER WHERE YOU CAME FROM; and REMEMBER who got you there: Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Benjamin Banneker, Harriet Tubman and Phillis Wheatley, Ms. Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., etc, etc...

There is NO DIFFERENCE between this struggle and the struggle BLACK AMERICANS faced, not too long ago. And you know this really doesn't matter...where you came from, Sir, all that matters you NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM!

Denzel Washington - Glory

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by doctornamtab

Originally posted by studio500
Yet on the live feed they are all being arrested one by one, despite this being a peaceful protest so far.

This could turn nasty at any moment.

I think theyre arresting people because its illegal to be blocking traffic and in most places its illegal to protest without telling the city when and where and for how long. If you go out of the designated area they'll arrest you

As far as I know, no one has applied for any permits. Although reportedly they got permission from the owner of the private park to stay there, but other than that, no permits.

In my view, this is a deceitful thing the organizers of the protest have done, because professional protesters who are there, such as Code Pink know that they must have permits for protests, and they know that if someone applies for a permit, that the law can trace the protest to specific people or organizations. But in doing so, they set up innocent people who don't know the laws to get arrested like this.
edit on 2-10-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:34 PM


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