posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 12:14 PM
Since there is no membership fees to join this forum, I know ads are important to keep the forum running. I can deal with the Gigantic
ads on the sides and in the middle of the pages, but I just find it a little annoying when the ads cover the tabs at the top of the page for "Home,
New topics, Hot topics, myATS, etc" and there is no option to close the ad so you can click on the tab behind it. I found that one way around this
is to click back on your browser until you get to a page where there was no ad or click refresh. I don't think covering parts of the page where we
are supposed to click on in order to navigate within the site will generate more revenue, if anything it might piss people off and have them stop
coming on here.
Anybody else notice this ? it just started happening recently, maybe within the past week or so and it's a little annoying ?