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One Million Protesters to Occupy Wall Street on Oct 5th

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posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 11:44 AM

based on its Facebook page, are United NY, Strong Economy for All Coalition, Working Families Party, VOCAL-NY, Community Voices Heard, Alliance for Quality Education, New York Communities for Change, Coalition for the Homeless, which have a collective membership of over 1 million.

looks like unions are getting involved on the occupy wall street. I don’t know what they’re going to accomplish other then be a nuisance to those in the exchange. Im having a hard time thinking of any "protest" or "March" that really made a difference. Any that have made a difference had some sort of violence involved.

you really think the bankers are going to look out there window and say to themselfs. " wow, look at all the people. lets stop ripping them off" hahah yeah right!
edit on 30-9-2011 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 11:47 AM
Eventually it will turn violent. it will turn into a full scale revolution. As the support grows, the opposition will toughen their stance. Thats when SHTF. When they see the majority of americans coming at them pissed off.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by forevertruepatriot
Eventually it will turn violent. it will turn into a full scale revolution. As the support grows, the opposition will toughen their stance. Thats when SHTF. When they see the majority of americans coming at them pissed off.

Just like i said. Nothing really changes without violence. sad but true.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 11:57 AM
I'm just happy something is actually happening and people are waking up.

"They're not accomplishing anything" "It could get hijacked" "They're government plants, it's going to turn violent!"

Even if they are physically not doing much, the media is finally going to have to pay attention and not ignore them. The message of hundreds of thousands of people getting out to the general public, waking more and more people up, is what we need.

If you're not a fan of what's going on, or think it's dumb, what have you done to make a difference?

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by jessejamesxx
I'm just happy something is actually happening and people are waking up.

"They're not accomplishing anything" "It could get hijacked" "They're government plants, it's going to turn violent!"

Even if they are physically not doing much, the media is finally going to have to pay attention and not ignore them. The message of hundreds of thousands of people getting out to the general public, waking more and more people up, is what we need.

If you're not a fan of what's going on, or think it's dumb, what have you done to make a difference?

i dont think its dumb, I just dont think it will make a difference without a vilent out come. ( by no means am i avocating vilence)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by camaro68ss

Originally posted by jessejamesxx
I'm just happy something is actually happening and people are waking up.

"They're not accomplishing anything" "It could get hijacked" "They're government plants, it's going to turn violent!"

Even if they are physically not doing much, the media is finally going to have to pay attention and not ignore them. The message of hundreds of thousands of people getting out to the general public, waking more and more people up, is what we need.

If you're not a fan of what's going on, or think it's dumb, what have you done to make a difference?

i dont think its dumb, I just dont think it will make a difference without a vilent out come. ( by no means am i avocating vilence)

I'm going to agree with both of you. I too am happy people are waking up and that the media are beginning to notice; but the fact is, nothing will change unless people start to die on one side or the other. Doesn't anybody remember the protests over Vietnam?

Hundreds of thousands, millions of people were occupying college campuses and government monuments all over the country; but just like today, those in power couldn't give two hoots in hell about anybody's "feelings." It wasn't until Kent State that it started to get real for those in power. When those students were killed, anger was the prevailing emotion among the populace and this country very nearly did fall into a new revolution - and it still took 10 years of protests before TPTB finally had enough.

No my friends, nothing will change until blood is spilled. Until then, "they" are going to continue to stand on their balconies drinking champagne and laughing at the protests below. I'm not advocating violence in any way - it's my worst nightmare, citizens killing citizens - I'm just stating a fact.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:18 PM
I would bet money that not even 40,000 show up.

I refuse as long as unions are involved. Shady, shady, shady.

They will hijack any positive message this protest has and taint it.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:24 PM
People are pissed and it isn't getting any better.
People have been saying this was coming for a long time now, Myself being one of them.
There is going to be a tipping point and it is coming sooner rather than later.
It is anybodys guess as to how this will turn out but one thing is for sure,
you are going to have to choose sides!!

How people can sit on their ass in the comfort of their own livingroom and critisize what these people are doing is beyond me and tells me what side you have chosen to be on already.

This is an awakening of the masses.
It is happening worldwide.
Our Slave masters have known this was coming for a Loooooong time.
It is unavoidable.
Freedom from oppression is coming, but at what cost?
Too early to tell.
These psychopaths are dug in like ticks and it isn't going to be easy to get them out.
They aren't going down without a fight.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex
I just want to echo TDawg's remarks.

How effective is this protest if it just attracts and is sponsored by a narrow element?

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by forevertruepatriot

And that's when we'll see if these people talking about marshall law and all that other stuff are right or not. Or maybe it's the ace in the hole against social media. No matter what happens, every person involved will probably be branded a terrorist.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:40 PM
I find the timing to be kind of convenient. I remember people saying that a large scale incident would be the perfect way to put off elections.

With all the talk of class warfare stirring up the masses… maybe this could be it?

We have heard the POTUS publicly state that he wishes he could just make all the decisions and just recently North Carolinas Gov saying they should rescind elections until this problem is solved, and then back tracking three different times saying that it was taken out of context.

Well there ya go. An old conspiracy dug up, dusted off, polished and out there again. It is plausible.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I have to agree to a point, at the moment they are preaching to the choir, they need to start reaching out to others with opposing opinions if they want to get any real success. However, from what I can see, there is nothing stopping those on the right getting involved and joining the debate. seems like a great opportunity for anyone to get involved and bring their ideas to the tabel. maybe your views would be welcome.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr
Are they just protesting wealth? Wall street activities? Investors? Investments? Banking? Bankers? IRA's?

Seriously, what's the deal here.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 01:01 PM
imagine though
if this could really be the first successful peaceful revolution

imagine the tomorrow we could build.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Instead of Wall Street...these folk need to be at the Mall in DC. It's our own Gov't who's causing all this financial angst.

I recently got back into the commodities market with a small sum and have made more money weekly from home than I would working. My initial investment has grown five-fold.

It does make for weird hours though.

But it's money I'm willing to lose. The markets are just another form of gambling.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by beezzer

Instead of Wall Street...these folk need to be at the Mall in DC. It's our own Gov't who's causing all this financial angst.

I recently got back into the commodities market with a small sum and have made more money weekly from home than I would working. My initial investment has grown five-fold.

It does make for weird hours though.

But it's money I'm willing to lose. The markets are just another form of gambling.

See? This is what I thought. They are protesting people who take advantage of the laws that the pols write.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Young people facing an uncertain future on the brink of financial apocalypse, looking for answers looking for an alternative to the current madness? I think Wall street just represents something to focus the movement on. They do have a list of demands, someone posted them on here. Maybe you should take a look

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 01:13 PM
Future new york?

edit on 30-9-2011 by Silend because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr
I'll research.
But what I'm seeing is young folks looking for someone to blame. That's all good and well, but where are they looking for solutions?

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 01:17 PM
This whole situation brings tears of joy to my eyes, and I'm not a soft dude. lol

This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Occupy ATLANTA one OCT 2nd!!

SUPPORT THE MOVEMENT. We've been waiting for this for years and THIS is our beginning. This is how the civil rights movement started. This is how we DEMAND CHANGE!

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