posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 01:42 PM
Trying to explain clouds is how I started debunking "chemtrails". Too many times people see something that they have never taken the time to notice
before, go to the internet, and are told wrong information.
We've all seen the "new" cloud chart with the 'cereal cum-u-lus" video, and the sprinkler lady. Right now there is someone on YouTube who keeps
saying that "clouds are appearing out of thin air" and the reverse "the clouds are disappearing into thin air" and ascribing it to "scalar wave
activity" and the old standard "thing-at-the-center-of-all-bad-things", HAARP. We've given him a bunch of similar videos ideas, such as "ice is
cold", "fire is hot", "night is dark", "water is wet".
He hasn't taken up the challenge yet.