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US Forest Service cover-up of Bigfoot?

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posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:48 AM
Interesting story about the possible cover up of Sasquatch activity in the Washington state wilderness. Curious, yet plausible rational behind a FS cover up is mentioned at the end of the story.

In 1994, I was contacted by the father of a co-worker. He and a friend of his had been scouting a favorite hunting area prior to the season this area had been totally blocked to public access for years, they had a vehicle that made it possible to go cross country This was in the Mt Adams area of Washington state the roads there are covered with a thick dust, averaging 2 to 3 inches in depth on average, this is a perfect medium for impressions The two men who were scouting their hunting area came across what they believed to be footprints made by a Sasquatch They followed the tracks for a very long distance, they estimated there to have been thousands of footprints, which is not unusual

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:57 AM
I've seen these things and they are real. The one I saw wasn't Bigfoot but a Yetti Sasquatch have shorter hair than the one I saw. The one I saw had more of a lighter brown hair in color, Bigfoot have darker hair and much shorter.

Just my two cents.
edit on 30-9-2011 by Human4life because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by jimbo999
They said the reason for the cover-up was because of the logging industry,that would definitely be a good reason,never thought of that but peta would be all over it and other animal rights activist.In my view though it's not good enough to keep the greatest discovery(new species) of modern man hidden because again,"money"I'm pretty sure agreements can be arranged to not infringe on their habitat.I wonder if has anything to do with the so called wildfires that spring up everywhere every year...hmmm...I'll have to give it some thought.
I'd give my left foot to see one,and I promise not to shake the video camera,and get a clear close up...

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by TWILITE22

I don't think these creature belong to this planet, at least the Yetti I saw is not from this planet, I don't know about Bigfoot thoght.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 09:55 AM
I personally know quite a few FWP and USFS rangers, and you couldn't get them to cover up what they had for lunch,let alone Bigfoot! They like talking WAY too much, and love to brag up what they see in the 'back country'. Good luck telling them not to talk about all the bigfoots (bigfeet?) they see.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 10:10 AM
I think the Forest Services of both the U.S.A. and Canada would be doing the right thing by hiding any information they might have, that would prove the existence of Sasquatch, as well as locations where they have been seen. So far it is mainly research groups who are looking for the creature, but once the word got out that it really does exist, it wouldn't be long before it became another much sought after "trophy". Just as with the bears that are killed for their gall bladders that are used in Chinese medicine, the same sort of unscrupulous hunters will come crawling out of their skunk holes to go after the Sasquatch for whatever price just as unscrupulous collectors are willing to pay!
Even well intentioned folk armed with no more than a camera, will have a negative impact on the creatures and the areas they inhabit, forcing family groups to seek elsewhere for a habitable area with not only a suitable food supply, but also provides them with the neccessary soltitude that has kept them apart from humans for however long they have been here.
In a perfect world humans and Sasquatch could probably find a way to co-exist, but as we humans have proven time and time again, as long as we are the dominant species on this beautiful little planet, it will never be a "perfect world"!

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Montana
I personally know quite a few FWP and USFS rangers, and you couldn't get them to cover up what they had for lunch,let alone Bigfoot! They like talking WAY too much, and love to brag up what they see in the 'back country'. Good luck telling them not to talk about all the bigfoots (bigfeet?) they see.

I've worked with state and federal forfestry officers, game wardens etc..
They are a talkative bunch, but they will choose their "Gubbermint Retirement Plan" every time over bragging rights.

This is a plausible reason for a "cover-up".
Ive spent a TON of time in the deep woods and swamps covering the eastern coastal plains area.
I've never seen a "Bigfoot" or any tracks, however....
One night many years ago, some friends and I were camping near the Altamaha river in Southern Georgia, deep in the adjoining swamps.
We were out late at night, and did encounter a very large hairy mammal, rooting/digging in an old dried up pond basin.. Dunno what it was, but it was very big, had alot of 'bass' in it's rumble and fled almost as fast as we did.
It could have been any number of things, the deep swamp is a very strange place, but it scared 3 bold, Armed, 16 year old boys so bad we dropped two rifles and drove out of the swamp within an hour of the encounter.
We went back a few days later and retrieved the guns ( to keep our dads from flipping out), but didnt dare venture back out into the pond area even in broad daylight.

To this very day I have no clue what we saw.. I've never claimed it was a bigfoot we saw, but I do not doubt those that claim to witness strange things in the deep woods..Ive seen a few things I couldnt explain.
( Ive only told that story once before online.)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by BadNinja68

I've worked with state and federal forfestry officers, game wardens etc..
They are a talkative bunch, but they will choose their "Gubbermint Retirement Plan" every time over bragging rights.

Meh, maybe to reporters or outsiders, but not to the people they live next to. A cover up would never last past happy hour. Trust me!

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Montana
there has to be someone in the official capacity that's calling the shots on this subject,it's just like the ufo phenomenon nobody officially speaks of it.why?I'm not saying there is a full blown conspiracy,I'm just trying to figure out why there isn't a government sponsored group that's put to the task of finding out more about them.I truly believe they exist and they are here.Why such a disinterest?Is it because it isn't profitable?What is the reason?....

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Montana

Originally posted by BadNinja68

I've worked with state and federal forfestry officers, game wardens etc..
They are a talkative bunch, but they will choose their "Gubbermint Retirement Plan" every time over bragging rights.

Meh, maybe to reporters or outsiders, but not to the people they live next to. A cover up would never last past happy hour. Trust me!

Ever lived in the deep south?
People they "live next to"? You mean the other locals and farmers relatives and friends..... who (again) could care less about posting crap online?
For what reason?
Bragging rights to what? The unemployment line?

Southern folk with federal badges are insanely loyal to their jobs, and passionately love their government bennies.

Not a chance anyone would jeopordize their livelihood to brag online about something they willget alughed at over posting.

Reality mang... it's a bummer sometimes.
Internet fame isnt worth a cent in the southern swamps, but a fat federal retirement check with full bennies sure is.

Plenty of incentive for a forrestry agent to keep his trap shut over "Official Biddness".

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by BadNinja68

I'm not exactly sure where all that came from and how it came to be involved with USFS ranger complying with a cover-up about Bigfoot, but ummmm


posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 06:27 PM
Park Service rangers and other employees see all kinds of odd things all the time. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of them have run into Bigfoot type critters, and either kept quiet about it, or were told to keep quiet to keep hunters out of the area.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 06:51 PM
Given the number of people who have seen (such as myself) Sasquatch, and written about it (such as myself) either on line, or in those quaint little things called books, not to mention scientists such as Grover Krantz, and others who've researched the creature, it would seem somewhat difficult to cover this up.

Everyone has at least heard of Bigfoot. Seen pictures, and renderings of Bigfoot.

What possible reason would there be to cover it up? Protecting logging? No. Logging concerns such as Weyrhauser (sp?) own huge tracts of land that they can exploit virtually unopposed. That isn't a reason, IMHO... Protect it from "Bubba the great hunter"? Now that I could believe. Even that, though, seems unlikely. Few people believe the creature even exists at all, much less know where to find it, or have the skill necessary to hunt it.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 07:43 PM
It does make sense doesn't it? Large corporations, or any large businesses have been known to do all kinds of things in the name of "self-preservation," so I doubt this would be any different. There could however be other explanations of why incidents like this would happen, but the one given in the article does seem the most plausible in my opinion. At least with the information I have now. I believe the account that was related via the article, and knowing that most encounters do not get documented anyway, think of how many are simply reported to the forest service and then forgotten about by regular visitors...Hundreds, if not more.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by TWILITE22
reply to post by jimbo999
They said the reason for the cover-up was because of the logging industry,that would definitely be a good reason,never thought of that but peta would be all over it and other animal rights activist.In my view though it's not good enough to keep the greatest discovery(new species) of modern man hidden because again,"money"I'm pretty sure agreements can be arranged to not infringe on their habitat.I wonder if has anything to do with the so called wildfires that spring up everywhere every year...hmmm...I'll have to give it some thought.
I'd give my left foot to see one,and I promise not to shake the video camera,and get a clear close up...

Yes, it's an interesting angle alright. I\d never thought of it myself, but it does make sense. I'd love to see one too - from a safe distance! lol! I'm living in prime BF sighting habitat right now - so maybe I'll get lucky one day.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Montana
I personally know quite a few FWP and USFS rangers, and you couldn't get them to cover up what they had for lunch,let alone Bigfoot! They like talking WAY too much, and love to brag up what they see in the 'back country'. Good luck telling them not to talk about all the bigfoots (bigfeet?) they see.

Interesting. Is there a lot of logging around your neck of the woods? (pun intended). All I know is around here, if the Spotted Owl can cause a War In The Woods, Bigfoot would cause a massive issue.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Bkrmn
I think the Forest Services of both the U.S.A. and Canada would be doing the right thing by hiding any information they might have, that would prove the existence of Sasquatch, as well as locations where they have been seen. So far it is mainly research groups who are looking for the creature, but once the word got out that it really does exist, it wouldn't be long before it became another much sought after "trophy". Just as with the bears that are killed for their gall bladders that are used in Chinese medicine, the same sort of unscrupulous hunters will come crawling out of their skunk holes to go after the Sasquatch for whatever price just as unscrupulous collectors are willing to pay!
Even well intentioned folk armed with no more than a camera, will have a negative impact on the creatures and the areas they inhabit, forcing family groups to seek elsewhere for a habitable area with not only a suitable food supply, but also provides them with the neccessary soltitude that has kept them apart from humans for however long they have been here.
In a perfect world humans and Sasquatch could probably find a way to co-exist, but as we humans have proven time and time again, as long as we are the dominant species on this beautiful little planet, it will never be a "perfect world"!

Excellent point, and probably unfortunately true as well.

Luckily there are still vast areas of wilderness around here (Pacific Northwest) that hopefully will help the population stay healthy (assuming they exist..). Let's hope it stays that way too.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by BadNinja68

Originally posted by Montana
I personally know quite a few FWP and USFS rangers, and you couldn't get them to cover up what they had for lunch,let alone Bigfoot! They like talking WAY too much, and love to brag up what they see in the 'back country'. Good luck telling them not to talk about all the bigfoots (bigfeet?) they see.

I've worked with state and federal forfestry officers, game wardens etc..
They are a talkative bunch, but they will choose their "Gubbermint Retirement Plan" every time over bragging rights.

This is a plausible reason for a "cover-up".
Ive spent a TON of time in the deep woods and swamps covering the eastern coastal plains area.
I've never seen a "Bigfoot" or any tracks, however....
One night many years ago, some friends and I were camping near the Altamaha river in Southern Georgia, deep in the adjoining swamps.
We were out late at night, and did encounter a very large hairy mammal, rooting/digging in an old dried up pond basin.. Dunno what it was, but it was very big, had alot of 'bass' in it's rumble and fled almost as fast as we did.
It could have been any number of things, the deep swamp is a very strange place, but it scared 3 bold, Armed, 16 year old boys so bad we dropped two rifles and drove out of the swamp within an hour of the encounter.
We went back a few days later and retrieved the guns ( to keep our dads from flipping out), but didnt dare venture back out into the pond area even in broad daylight.

To this very day I have no clue what we saw.. I've never claimed it was a bigfoot we saw, but I do not doubt those that claim to witness strange things in the deep woods..Ive seen a few things I couldnt explain.
( Ive only told that story once before online.)

Fascinating. Thanks for sharing that story. Yes, I agree with you: there are still things out there yet to discover. There are still vast wildernesses that could harbor all kinds of interesting things we don't even suspect. And that's perhaps how it should be too.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by seagull
Given the number of people who have seen (such as myself) Sasquatch, and written about it (such as myself) either on line, or in those quaint little things called books, not to mention scientists such as Grover Krantz, and others who've researched the creature, it would seem somewhat difficult to cover this up.

Everyone has at least heard of Bigfoot. Seen pictures, and renderings of Bigfoot.

What possible reason would there be to cover it up? Protecting logging? No. Logging concerns such as Weyrhauser (sp?) own huge tracts of land that they can exploit virtually unopposed. That isn't a reason, IMHO... Protect it from "Bubba the great hunter"? Now that I could believe. Even that, though, seems unlikely. Few people believe the creature even exists at all, much less know where to find it, or have the skill necessary to hunt it.

Probably true. But the logging rights the companies lease is on gov. land - stumpage rights they call them here - and as such are susceptible to public scrutiny and pressure. I wonder how the Gov. would react if a bona fide body was discovered that became public knowledge? There's a lot of tax dollars in them there hills for the Gov. from logging companies... although nowhere as much as they should be getting one could argue.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:40 PM
I know where we had our encounter in Canada google maps is blurred starting about 10 miles away and for an area about 30 miles by 30 miles. We sat at my cabin grilling and drinking about 20 years ago when 3 elk walked through he woods less than 50 yards away . The next morning we went to town and while having breakfast a forest ranger sat at the table next to us an flat told us there are no elk within 200 miles. We had all elk hunted in Idaho many times so we knew what we saw. BF was reported about 10 miles from my cabin but only once back in the 70's

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