Times are tough. There is no denying that!
As a father of 3 kids and husband to a stay-at-home-mother, times have become increasingly tough as the price of goods and services are creeping up,
the banks are charging more and more fees just to use their basic services and it just seems like money does not go as far as it used to. We could get
into the value of the Dollar but that is another topic for another thread.
About a month ago I realized that I was letting myself become sinical and somewhat "salty" towards other people. Not only to people whom I have
dealt with on a daily basis, but also in my responses on threads by other ATS members. I was letting the day-to-day struggles of living in America get
the best of me. I am sure that most of you understand. Even though we are blessed to live in America, at times it can be overwhelming and
So this last week I was listening to a co-worker tell me about his Aunt who was diagnosed with terminal cancer, lives on SS and doesn't have the
strength to do much at all. Her time is spent almost always alone. She had her nephew (my co-worker) cut down a bunch of limbs from the trees in her
yard and he left the limbs where they fell. He is not known for being the nicest guy. A neighbor complained to the city and she had till the end of
this month to remove the yard waste before she would be charged a fine by the city if they removed it for her.
This made me realize that my problems, although important to me, are nothing compared to the plight of others. I am blessed in many ways and my
complaining and becoming "salty" was a product of pure selfishness. Needless to say, I am ashamed at the way I was thinking. I am ashamed of the way
I let life change the way I acted towards others.
So to right the wrongs, I have begun giving my time to those in need and taking my children with me to illustrate the joy that manifests when we serve
others. Yesterday I drove 30 miles to pick-up the yard waste from this woman’s house. Her energy was amazing! She made several trips in and out of
the house to bring us lemonade and snacks. The neighbor girl noticed my youngest boy playing in the pile of leaves and instantly joined him! In a
matter of one hour this yard became a source of energy for the old woman. It gave her a sense of being, a sense of belonging and confirmation that
someone cared! My story is somewhat corny, but it was joy for this woman.
What I want you to take from my story is that times may be tough. Things may not go your way and sometimes hope is just a passing fantasy. It becomes
too easy for us to worry about ourselves and we forget to realize that there are others around us that need the support more than we do. It is easy
for us to blame the bankers, the government, or even the NWO but it all starts close to home. We need to step back and realize that even in the face
of unimaginable hardship......we can all lend a hand to our neighbors.
That is how we will change the paradigm in America and across the globe! That is how we fight tptb! By persevering and holding each other up until
they fall at out feet in utter failure.
So get out there and lend a hand to your neighbor. Help each other and make life enjoyable even in hard times. Be positive towards one another...even
if you disagree on political issues or Obama's birth certificate.
I am trying my best to give off positivity wherever I can and just this small
change is creating a new outlook for me and those around me.
Be positive!