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Trust Me - yes we Are Heading For Major Doom

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posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:23 AM
We are definately heading for a Major global population shift/upheaval, anyone that still cant see this must really be blind. I have woken up many where I work, all of them are now stocking up on food etc... It didn't take much to wake up my collegues, it took me less than 15 minutes just chatting.

Wars and tensions between countries are on the increase.
People are starting to realise there is not enough physical currency on the planet to pay the debts owed.
People are waking up to the Police states being introduced.
I could post so many more reasons, but whats the point? I don't know the timescale for when the system(s) will collapse, but they will collapse.

so many people are so reliant on the system, and this is a really bad thing and where I am going to focus my attention. These individuals whom are reliant on the system will be lost, afraid, indeed terrified. when TSHTF please spare a thought for these people, ignorant of the facts.

We know many refuse to believe our western governments are corrupt, they are so indoctrinated that even if they knew the truth they would refuse to believe it. This is the same for shills, many of the shills you find on conspiracy boards are so terrified of the truth they will do anything to try and debunk stuff, even when they know what they are posting is total crap.

I personally believe things are going to get really bad before christmas, but I may be wrong (I hope I am). But the way things are accelerating, quickening etc... I think I am correct in my assumption.

Its really important to remember, when TSHTF, who was truely responsible for the mess. and no, its not governments.


posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:27 AM
I told my parents maybe we should stock up on water and food, they just ignored me. Oh well.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

no offense, because I agree with you.. but dude we've been heading for doom since 2002, so i've just resorted to waking people up and then letting them think for themselves.

i know too many people who convinced others that the end was 2 days ago and when that didn't go through they went back to the "you stupid conspiracy theorist doomsdayers" frame of mind.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:37 AM

Its really important to remember, when TSHTF, who was truely responsible for the mess. and no, its not governments.
reply to post by TheMindWar

If the SHTF then who is responsible? I thought for a minute you were stating the Western Government was corrupt but then in the next paragraph you say the Government is not to blame?? I am a little confused.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

just an affirmation of your idea...


Celente Forecasts Winter of Discontent; October Will Be Month of the Big Unraveling


When is it going to collapse? As I’ve said, I’ve never seen a summer like this. I think we’re going to see the Winter of Discontent… You’re going to start seeing an unraveling more and more every day as you watch the news. So, October is my month, and it’s only a guesstimate, that we’re going to see the big unraveling.

Even if it doesn’t happen in October, because you don’t know what phony schemes they’re going to come up with, it’s going to happen eventually. And, that’s why I’m fully invested in gold.


it certainly looks like October will bring more stresses than we had in Sept... who know what else the rest of 2011 awaits


Originally posted by MamaJ

If the SHTF then who is responsible? I thought for a minute you were stating the Western Government was corrupt but then in the next paragraph you say the Government is not to blame?? I am a little confused.

that would be the money-changers.... they have had a stranglehold on governments and religions since the stone-age built up into civilization
Money-Changers are all global central bankers & the USA FED & the likes of Goldman Sachs and cohorts...London & NYC are the North Atlantic empire aka: Beast
edit on 29-9-2011 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by

Yeah, I know what you mean, but I don't see doom in that light. The real doom we are looking at is a gradual event. Salami slicing for want of a better phrase.

I believe it will not be long before there are armed conflicts between people and authorities, IMHO.

all we can continue to do in the meantime is try our best to enlighten people without scaring them to death. Unfortunately, for people to take action they usally need to be frightened first, catch 22. Until you corner a dog it will continue to run away, we have no where to run to, so we are cornered and being kettled by new draconian laws.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ

Its really important to remember, when TSHTF, who was truely responsible for the mess. and no, its not governments.
reply to post by TheMindWar

If the SHTF then who is responsible? I thought for a minute you were stating the Western Government was corrupt but then in the next paragraph you say the Government is not to blame?? I am a little confused.

Yes, western governments are indeed corrupt, but look at whom they have been corrupted by, this is most important. If you get rid of western governments you end up with a dictatorial One World government worse than China.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:54 AM
have faith there is more good than bad out there ...fear is the enemy and corruptions thrives on it...we have more power than we are led to believe to survive...a global crash could be what the world has needed to wake up and take back freedom and independence from this system of a false dependence...realize the planet can give you all you need if you learn how to live in harmony with it...respect mother nature because she is our life source the evil doers just destroy modify and repackage her than sell her back to you at a price the cost you're life's energy and thoughts.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:58 AM
You are correct: It isn't the governments: Its us: We are the lunatics. We elected these people, we were sucked into paying more for a car than many homes cost. We are the ones that took out 200 thousand dollar loans for 100 thousand dollar houses. It's us: Not them. We have done this to ourselves. We are the ones that ran up trillions in credit card debt owing everything to the banks who then cried to the government we elected for billions in help of our money. In other words, we defaulted on the banks and the banks took our money anyway through the fed. We may have been deceived but we failed to see it coming. It may well come to the police force being turned into a lunatic response unit, and the prisons turned into lunatic asylums.
Financial meltdown may occur: But when coupled with disasters man made or not, we have real trouble and it isn't far off.
Regardless of the timing this thing is going to happen, and all that remains is for us to be prepared.
Good Thread

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

I have woken up many where I work, all of them are now stocking up on food etc... It didn't take much to wake up my collegues, it took me less than 15 minutes just chatting.

You've very lucky to be working beside such open-minded people. I've never been so lucky. Although I talk to people about what's going on globally, most of the ones I talk to seem to be in such a thick impenetratable fog. People just don't want to imagine that their lives can, at any time, be changed by outside forces. Everyone wants to believe that nothing changes and that life will always go on as usual.

Well, history repeats itself. If nothing catastrophic ever happened here on Earth, we would be fending off dinosaur attacks and vacationing in Atlantis and Pompei.

Keep up the great work, Op. Don't ever stop trying to awaken the zombies.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

While I understand the Government is not the "money holders"....they are the ones who allowed such corruption to come in and take hold, after all they (government) are the law. Had they not been suckered in by the evil corruption money places on hearts then we would be living in another type of world all together.

Was this not the US governments intent back in the 30's? has not happened by chance. It is the way they want to take us and their way is a highway to hell and then some.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by TheMindWar

I have woken up many where I work, all of them are now stocking up on food etc... It didn't take much to wake up my collegues, it took me less than 15 minutes just chatting.

You've very lucky to be working beside such open-minded people. I've never been so lucky. Although I talk to people about what's going on globally, most of the ones I talk to seem to be in such a thick impenetratable fog. People just don't want to imagine that their lives can, at any time, be changed by outside forces. Everyone wants to believe that nothing changes and that life will always go on as usual.

Well, history repeats itself. If nothing catastrophic ever happened here on Earth, we would be fending off dinosaur attacks and vacationing in Atlantis and Pompei.

Keep up the great work, Op. Don't ever stop trying to awaken the zombies.

I would call them open minded persay, all I ever do is just plant a seed. Give them an opening to investigate themselves. Find out what they are interested in, one example, my freind Jonathon is interested in Gutiars, he was pretty much asleep until I pointed him towards the Gibson guitar raid by the feds, he ended up looking into the Georga Guidestones! Just kick up a conversation about something small that they can relate to, then say something like, I found this excellent and funny video, etc... I sent Matt the cartoon video "The American Dream". etc...

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by DavidsHope
You are correct: It isn't the governments: Its us: We are the lunatics. We elected these people, we were sucked into paying more for a car than many homes cost. We are the ones that took out 200 thousand dollar loans for 100 thousand dollar houses. It's us: Not them. We have done this to ourselves. We are the ones that ran up trillions in credit card debt owing everything to the banks who then cried to the government we elected for billions in help of our money. In other words, we defaulted on the banks and the banks took our money anyway through the fed. We may have been deceived but we failed to see it coming. It may well come to the police force being turned into a lunatic response unit, and the prisons turned into lunatic asylums.
Financial meltdown may occur: But when coupled with disasters man made or not, we have real trouble and it isn't far off.
Regardless of the timing this thing is going to happen, and all that remains is for us to be prepared.
Good Thread

I hope your kidding, lol.

we are not responsible for the fractional reserve system which generated the debt. We can not be held responsible for electing the wrong people either, since only those candidates chosen by the elite run for high office. We were unaware of much that was going on, 9/11 was the straw that broke the camels back. Now we know the government is seriously corrupt, we are at the stage where we need to say "who is there to hold these elite criminals to account"? "Who is going to arrest them and throw them in Jail?" This is what we need to ask ourselves, and until we address this question we are going to be living in a tyranny which can only ever get worse now.

Anyone who thinks things can only get better is living a pipe dream, now we know much of what is going on things will only get worse as the elite clamp down on liberty and to save themselves from repercussions.

edit on 29-9-2011 by TheMindWar because: typo

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ
reply to post by TheMindWar

While I understand the Government is not the "money holders"....they are the ones who allowed such corruption to come in and take hold, after all they (government) are the law. Had they not been suckered in by the evil corruption money places on hearts then we would be living in another type of world all together.

Was this not the US governments intent back in the 30's? has not happened by chance. It is the way they want to take us and their way is a highway to hell and then some.

Interesting, but I do not think the law comes into it, remember what Rockerfeller said, "Just give me the money and I care not who makes the laws". These people do not believe in the law, they don't care who they hurt getting to where they want to be.

Consider this weird example, lets us suppose aliens are real, how could we possibly make these aliens abide by our laws even when we do not speak their language?

These people do not care about the law, I know its hard to understand, but they "know" all too well, there is no one to arrest them, so why should they be scared of the law?

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:40 AM
I agree , things will get worse . A whole lot worse .

It is our moral duty to enlighten and prepare as many people as possible , then when TSHTF , we will have no self reproach for idly standing by and doing nothing .

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by wlord
I told my parents maybe we should stock up on water and food, they just ignored me. Oh well.

Well, make sure to stock up on those items regardless...your parents can barter with you when tshtf, giving you an opportunity to negotiate an increase on your allowance.

And if that doesn't work, you still have your stockpile...

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
reply to post by TheMindWar

that would be the money-changers.... they have had a stranglehold on governments and religions since the stone-age built
I'd hade to see how corrupt religion would be today if the money changers hadn't had a stranglehold on religion since the stone age! Ha ha

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by wlord

lmao, i was going to tell my parents exact thing. But i changed my mind because I know they would think I'm crazy

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

Hmm that's odd, the view from here is great!

I think the best way to get your opinion out to the public, is to make a "The end is near" sign and stand in front of your towns city hall. Get the word out to the politicians and people. This will work great, do it!

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

Seriously? Heading for doom? The so called factors you mentioned have been going on for decades. Do you honestly think that we live in a more dangerous time than say, In the middle of two world wars? The cuban missile crisis?

The constant easy stream of the media making you paranoid? You reasons for doom are all news stories, let them wash over you..

Besides, ive been here over five years and the bad times are always just around the corner. Still waiting though...

edit on Thursday20112011-09-29T11:51:08-05:00am305120119 by thesneakiod because: typo

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