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Why Mommy...

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posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:54 AM
it just made me vry tears of laugher

its so obviously playing on the emotional string
its just ridiculous

nice try , playing on the emotional side of the reader

i respect life , and everyones choices
its truelly evil to force someone keeping an unwanted baby.

we can see it from that point of view

Hello Mom, I'm your baby. You do not know me yet, I'm only a few weeks old. We will meet soon, I promise. My name is John, I have brown hair and brown eyes ... Well not yet, but when I'll be born. I will be your son. I will not have a Dad but never mind, we have each other. When I grow up I want to become a doctor, but in this world i might end jobless and drug addicted. Today, you learned that ............ you are pregnant. You were so sad, because you cant afford to build me a secured future. You cried. All day long you were talking to me and I felt so much hatred and despair mom. When I grow up I promise to make you so miserable. It will become a drug addict. Today you told my dad about me ... He was happy mom. He said that he wanted me. Why don't you want me Mommy? What have I done to you? .. When I'll be born, I will be a burden for you, for me and make your life miserable You say he raped you mom.. ., but he want you to keep me, even if you hate me

With every abortion, you give a chance to a women, a chance to live a life, a chance to not give birth to a kid in a miserable world

edit on 29-9-2011 by AnonymousVan because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2011 by AnonymousVan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by Tripple_Helix
I'm not going to hop along on the bandwagon of plagiarism, pro choice, pro life etc.

What I will say though is this...

This mother was happy to be pregnant. But she aborted her baby to please a man. Now that is sad.
It's a pity that some woman feel that they cannot be a parent alone, or they either do it because they love the man in their life more than the idea of having a child...

You realize that the people railing loudest against abortion are the exact same people taking financial aid away from single mothers?

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Partisanity

Originally posted by Tripple_Helix
I'm not going to hop along on the bandwagon of plagiarism, pro choice, pro life etc.

What I will say though is this...

This mother was happy to be pregnant. But she aborted her baby to please a man. Now that is sad.
It's a pity that some woman feel that they cannot be a parent alone, or they either do it because they love the man in their life more than the idea of having a child...

You realize that the people railing loudest against abortion are the exact same people taking financial aid away from single mothers?

And if they weren't you would become pro-life?

One could argue the other way. The very people who oppose capital punishment have no qualms with klling the unborn.
edit on 29-9-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 07:20 AM
wile i am not against helping people like the good book says give a woman a fish she eats for a day teach her to fish she eats for a life time .
Its called responsibility!!! try it some time If said woman was responsible and know she had no way to feed the child she would get preggers only people who dont care about responsibility would do that.
But I understand you dont want to teach responsibility you just want to spend your life cleaning up every ones mess.
Now if a person truly cant help them self then by all meens help them there are people like that .
But if theres no health problems stoping her of him why is it that the solution is wealfair? wouldnt be better to teach them to fish before they had a child???
edit on 29-9-2011 by xxcalbier because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by 547000
And if they weren't you would become pro-life?

No, I would become astonished that the tea party allowed something to exist that was productive and helpful for the general public.

You see, I personally would like to believe that I would never in my life have the heart to have an abortion. But I am me, I don't authoritatively dictate how other people should behave when it comes to extremely important responsibilities such as having a child. Honestly, it's better if some children don't make it out of the womb so that they don't end up starving to death in a dumpster for a week soon-after.

One could argue the other way. The very people who oppose capital punishment have no qualms with klling the unborn.
edit on 29-9-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

Both are questions of rationality, they really aren't based on "opinions". One extreme of the partisan spectrum, however, consistently chooses to ignore obvious facts.

If they don't kill the unborn, they kill the already-born by starving them, drowning them, throwing them out of buildings, etc.. And this is after they have nerve-endings and know what life actually is.

And don't even get me started on how insanely irrational the death penalty is; there are thousands of reasons that the entire developed world has abolished it, and the only arguments for it are hard-partisan rhetoric from absolute ends of the political spectrum in the political insanity that is the United States. Possibilities for errors in the penal system alone is enough to deem the death penalty flawed from the premise, not to mention the thousands of other reasons.
edit on 29-9-2011 by Partisanity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by 547000

Originally posted by Partisanity

Originally posted by Tripple_Helix
I'm not going to hop along on the bandwagon of plagiarism, pro choice, pro life etc.

What I will say though is this...

This mother was happy to be pregnant. But she aborted her baby to please a man. Now that is sad.
It's a pity that some woman feel that they cannot be a parent alone, or they either do it because they love the man in their life more than the idea of having a child...

You realize that the people railing loudest against abortion are the exact same people taking financial aid away from single mothers?

And if they weren't you would become pro-life?

One could argue the other way. The very people who oppose capital punishment have no qualms with klling the unborn.

I'll quote it again for another point:

You didn't address the issue, you deflected it with political nonsense that is rhetorical to one end of the spectrum. Look at your post again and try to tell me with a straight face that it is not political trolling.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Partisanity

It's not political trolling. I asked you if you would become pro-life if they changed their position. The fact is that you brought politics into the thread.
edit on 29-9-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by 547000

And the more noteable fact is that you ignored all of the questions and observations to puke out an unproductive one-liner.

Yet I'm sure you'll show up in the next thread concerning these issues pushing the same nonsense that you were just unadmittedly defeated on. It's how American politics works, they want you to turn off your brain and use the pre-programmed rhetoric that they came up with for you to do your arguing, even when it's been rendered completely moot by plain logic.
edit on 29-9-2011 by Partisanity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Partisanity
reply to post by 547000

And the more noteable fact is that you ignored all of the questions and observations to puke out an unproductive one-liner.

Yet I'm sure you'll show up in the next thread concerning these issues pushing the same nonsense that you were just unadmittedly defeated on.

I took your long response as a "no".

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:42 AM
Ouch, you sure know where the soft spots are, how very sad and I agree what you are trying to say.

S+F for you.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by 547000

Originally posted by Partisanity
reply to post by 547000

And the more noteable fact is that you ignored all of the questions and observations to puke out an unproductive one-liner.

Yet I'm sure you'll show up in the next thread concerning these issues pushing the same nonsense that you were just unadmittedly defeated on.

I took your long response as a "no".

Well since I plainly said "NO" as the very first word of my reponse, you would have to be a complete and utter idiot not to. The fact still remains that you then ignored everything else. It's a trend among your activity on ATS. You only seem to chirp when you have nothing of value to address or contribute.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Partisanity

What can I contribute to this thread? It will just end with you and progressives calling me names or stupid. You seem to relish that habit. When I do make long responses I am then accused of being a troll because I don't share the views of the majority. Besides which, typing is very difficult for me and takes a long time, so unless I'm really motivated, I prefer to talk in points and not paragraphs. Back when my disability was less I could type essays, but now it takes me 30-60 minutes to type a few hundred words. And then when the debate requires me to type too much, I think to myself "It's just not worth it" and will myself to leave the thread. I try to be as brief as possible, and usually just post comments, because I can't reply to debates requiring too many words, so I try to avoid them if I can, but sometimes I get sucked in.
edit on 29-9-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Take midol for any cramps and tylenol for any headaches.....

Oh sorry I forgot the links as not to offend the nanny squad.....tylenol
and midol

Now do you see how your persistence on something that is trivial to begin with could be seen as ...i dunno...anal?

PS....I am pro-choice by the way...yet I feel everyone has the right to express themselves any way they want to no matter where the source material came from. If this post seems over the top...perhaps it's because some posts just seem that way....what do you care if something is ripped from somewhere else? Did you write it?

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:58 AM
Playing on the emotions of the reader... thank God I'm a sociopath and only mimic emotion

The OP coming from a man, is of no consequence to me (personally) as a woman with a choice.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:15 AM
Such utter non sense !!! Right wing nut job extremist views coming through a little post it seemingly through the eyes of an unborn fetus!!! Come on now !!! A woman has every right to her body and every right to choose.

I personally don't think that abortion is the solution to every unwanted or troubled pregnancy but I am completely behind and support those women that would choose to terminate a pregnancy !!!

Who the hell are we to tell them what to do with their own bodies !!!!!!!

Mind your own damn business people !!

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:13 PM
The whole thing of this debate is pro choice fine, pro life fine. But here is the kicker. The LAW says its none of your business what a woman does with her body. Im a guy, and I know my opinion doesn't count, but I wouldn't, for myself/my wife go for abortion. But its no one else's business what another person does with their body. Not that I'd every impress my will on my wife either, but I am sure she would talk with me about these things as we have a good relationship.
edit on 29-9-2011 by TruePatriot1685 because: add

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:26 PM
Dear mom..

I just want you to know ..that I knew you loved me..and just wanted me to spare me the crap ,and hatred ,and judgement of this world...I know what you did was because you loved me, and felt you had little control over the evils of this world.

Because of my innocence, I was brought here , and I pray for you, and love you, and understand why you made the choice.

I really don't know how my life would have developed there on earth, but I know it would have been confusing, and frustrating , and full of sorrow at some points.

It is nice here, and I am happy to wish good things for you ..I just wanted to let you know..I understand..

(the above could have easily been written by an aborted child.. so..if we want to make up false conversations of an aborted child..lets get all scenarios on the table)
edit on 29-9-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:32 PM


posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:35 PM
This essay was one of the most plastic, hollow pieces of writing I've ever read. I know, I know, because a fetus wrote it, right?

How silly and comical. Fetuses can't use language, form words or anthropomorphize ANYONE else.

Perhaps a more intelligent contribution may have been to submit something written by a person who regrets their abortion. Or who wanted one and decided against it at the last moment.

But it's your choice what to submit, and isn't that the best? Wouldn't it just be awful if, armed with my laptop I appeared on your doorstep demanding you submit something of better quality? Wouldn't you just want to push me off your porch, insisting that it's your choice to submit what you want? And wouldn't it stink to high-heaven if one of those animal rights activists insisted on clearing our your freezer of meat because, to them (them being the operative word) meat is murder? Could you freakin' imagine the psychological repercussions you'd suffer as a result of not having a choice about what you choose to eat? It's your freezer, your mouth, your money, your life and your choice.

Lucky for you, I'd never take that choice away from you. No matter what quality of writing I'm capable of submitting, or how I feel about eating meat. It's your choice to submit this low-quality, cowtowing, ambiguous attempt at being evocative.

Now go adopt one of those children desperate for a home. That's right, find the money, resources, time, energy, support and intelligence you'll need to pull that off. Then, write a book about it and spearhead a new movement within the pro-life circuit on securing resources for single mothers without these things. Go change the world.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:50 PM


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