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If the US Was destroyed

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posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 09:36 PM
Every researcher announces his/her bias before presenting information so here is my bias I am an American citizen, proud and stubborn I believe in the American people would wish them no harm the government however I could care less for.
So it seems the world has a wish for the American superpower to fall from grace so let’s take a look at the world if such a thing were to occur
Scenario- China and Russia (the attackers are not important but for sake of argument I used these 2) attack the US devastating the country with nuclear weapons to the point of complete annihilation making all US land uninhabitable for 70 years (including Alaska)
Ok so the US is done what happens first:
1) Israel fearing for its safety (and lack of funding) nukes every country it can reach devastating Egypt, Iran, Syria and Turkey before getting nuked by Russia ending the middle east conflicts forever Whether you support or hate Israel we all know this is going to happen if the US is gone
2) UK will do nothing it will fear retaliation if fact it will try to align with those who destroyed us
3) Let’s say it ends there no more fighting after the US and Israel are finished

Let’s look at the economic fallout of the US folding:
1. The US consumes 25 imports 9.4 million barrels of crude oil every day( resulting in an estimated 95.4 billion dollars in oil every year of that 35.6 billion was spent on oil coming from the middle east ( so lets look at how that divides up
Crude Oil Imports (Top 15 Countries)
(Thousand Barrels per Day)
Country Jun-11 May-11 YTD 2011 Jun-10 YTD 2010
CANADA 2,085 2,006 2,110 2,174 1,969
SAUDI ARABIA 1,164 1,197 1,129 1,120 1,076
MEXICO 1,108 1,154 1,108 1,076 1,121
VENEZUELA 1,012 895 933 850 906
NIGERIA 813 808 871 1,064 994
IRAQ 559 407 435 630 508
ANGOLA 373 356 319 425 411
RUSSIA 335 339 248 416 277
COLOMBIA 272 414 334 387 320
BRAZIL 269 260 222 307 281
KUWAIT 238 200 158 217 204
ECUADOR 219 134 175 245 200
ALGERIA 110 263 229 375 323
CHAD 87 55 53 0 8
CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) 77 59 65 34 81

Now imagine if the US was not there to buy the oil you think GREAT the price of crude will go down sure will supply and demand says if the largest buyer goes out the supply will skyrocket driving the price lower well what wrong with that you ask? Well think about it oil goes down income goes down not to mention all the extra oil at a rate of 9 million barrels a day adding up. Meaning the oil producing countries are going to take a nasty hit just on the price of oil not to mention the loss of income of the form of BILLIONS of US dollars can these economies take a loss of billions of income sure they can because all of the world’s economies are in great shape.
now imagine China stuck holding 1.5 trillion dollars of our debt they will have to wipe off their bank statements could you imagine the world’s second largest economy losing 311 million customers the US is the main purchaser of Chinese made products
-I do not want to jump to conclusions but to me if your main purchaser disappears that is going to leave an extreme amount of unemployed with no hopes of employment

now image the world where a loaf of bread is 19 dollars (just an estimate)
According to USDA data, the Chinese purchased more than $13 billion worth of U.S. food in 2009, and surpassed Mexico and Japan to become the second-largest destination for American food exports behind Canada. In 2008, China surpassed the European Union in U.S. food exports for the first time ever, and took over the fourth place ranking for U.S. food exports. In just the last three years, U.S. food exports to China have doubled from $6.7 billion in 2006 to more than $13 billion last year, and there is no other country whose appetite for U.S. food exports is growing faster than China's.
For many food products, U.S. producers are among the lowest cost producers in the world.
American farmers export 45 percent of their wheat, 34 percent of their soybeans, 71 percent of their almonds, and more than 60 percent of their sunflower oil.
The US is the #1 producer of corn in the world
The us provides 50% of the soybeans on the planet
The US is responsible for 25% of the world’s wheat exports
The US is also the #1 exporter of beef
So if we go expect your food cost to increase I cannot speculate how much but just think about it
We in the US contribute the most foreign aid and food aid to Africa meaning without us the famine in Africa would be far far worse leading in the loss of countless lives

Also keep in mind some of the most important technologies in the world came from the US from the invention of the phone to the computer to video games to even the internet.

Another immediate effect is the fall of Mexico
Roughly 10 percent of Mexico's population of about 107 million is now living in the United States, estimates show. About 15 percent of Mexico's labor force is working in the United States. One in every 7 Mexican workers migrates to the United States. Can the Mexican Government support its own population? With Mexico’s average income 6,576 44.2 percent live in poverty now imagine if they had no place to go to get a better life.

Now imagine the South American countries whos main export is drugs to the US (illegal)
A UN report said the global drug trade generated an estimated US$321.6 billion in 2003.With a world GDP of US$36 trillion in the same year the US is the main buyer of drugs
Now you ask hey what’s wrong with that so the drug dealers have less money great. WRONG
Some countries are only kept afloat though the money brought in by the sale of these drugs
The drug trade also provides countless jobs (countless because I don’t think you can check drug cultivator or pusher on your taxes) they may not be the best jobs but to the people working the coca farms or opium farms it puts food on the table.

I am sure there are more potential issues if the US fell but these are the ones I can think of so before you call to the heads of American people and the fall a superpower think of the repercussions

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 09:54 PM

that's very refreshing

Getting kinda gloomy around this place.

I love the USA too.

Just like my wife, sometimes aggravating, sometimes downright un-understandable (sue me)

most times I remember there's no better one in the entire world.
edit on 28-9-2011 by rbnhd76 because: TROLLS! I think you missed your cue....go ahead, we'll cut it in later, and, ACTION!

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Immune

You make some excellent points.

I think the globalist stuff is probably more accurate than not.

However, God will NOT AT ALL let Israel be destroyed.

He is determined to be Israel's only support and protector.

That may be one partial reason why the USA is being allowed to be destroyed by the globalists and perhaps as punishment for forsaking some of God's key priorities.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by rbnhd76

Thanks i see alot of post asking for our fall as a superpower and destruction as a whole i just thought i would present the what if scenario to see if that's something that was really a good idea.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I chose to leave religion out of it and just present the facts as i see it i did not want this to turn into a religious rant (it tends to cloud the real discussion) just wanted to present a what if

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 10:04 PM
No one would miss the US, no one would grieve for it. The US is considered in the cancer of the world, we're constantly in other countries affairs, poisoning other countries with our waste and the list goes on and on.
Some of the people are loud and trashy, people say disgusting things.......oh #, nobody would miss us when we're gone. I am American, I used to think this was a great country until I woke up.

Now you can smell the corruptions and lies a mile away. You make a great point, but this country is going down and falling into the #hole.
edit on 28-9-2011 by Heartisblack because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Immune

You bring up so many points that people take for granted.

Thank you for the reminder.

I think the world would be worse off without the US. But that's just my opinion.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 10:10 PM
Our leadership has gone to hell,

that's the main problem we have.

There is a solution for all our other problems.

And they may not be easy solutions, but completely do-able.

By and large, most people love our country and our way of life.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Immune
...So it seems the world has a wish for the American superpower to fall from grace so let’s take a look at the world if such a thing were to occur
Scenario- China and Russia (the attackers are not important but for sake of argument I used these 2) attack the US devastating the country with nuclear weapons to the point of complete annihilation making all US land uninhabitable for 70 years (including Alaska)
Ok so the US is done what happens first:
1) Israel fearing for its safety (and lack of funding) nukes every country it can reach devastating Egypt, Iran, Syria and Turkey before getting nuked by Russia ending the middle east conflicts forever Whether you support or hate Israel we all know this is going to happen if the US is gone
2) UK will do nothing it will fear retaliation if fact it will try to align with those who destroyed us
3) Let’s say it ends there no more fighting after the US and Israel are finished

1. Israel will probably not attack Turkey, as its in the EU (sort of). and they are less incline to attack Egypt directly--the Sinai is not IDF's favorite battleground. But Iran and Syria are a given--I dont think the US needs to be under threat for that. Russia, however will never "nuke" Israel for a few reasons, firstly there are a huge number of Russian speaking Israelis. Second, nobody (except maybe Iran) will nuke Israel because of the risk of destroying Jeursalem--that would piss everybody (Christians, Jews, Muslims) off. Israel will "be destroyed as we know it" if the US goes, but not by a Russian nuke.

2. The UK will end up fighting with the IRA as American-Irish interests in diaspora will concentrate on uniting the homeland (the new Israel??). The EU will side with Ireland and the French will land at Dover--but they wont do much. the UK will also have huge internal issues with its Muslim population and eventually become a republic (God Save The Queen).

3. It wont end, if a land war results on US soil, not only the military, but also the civilian population will fight to the death generation after generation (the new Iraq??). California will be annexed by Mexico, then gain independence, then fall into the ocean. Japan will reclaim Hawaii and Russia reclaim Alaska. The rest of the US will fight a Christian "holy war" on their invaders (either Russia or China in your scenario). The EU, under pressure from Russia will enter the US to "stabilize" the situation... more fighting... Texas succeeds, mexico annexes Nevada and New Mexico. the EU, not wanting an all powerful Mexico will unify the Christian zealots in the US creating the New United States (Capital: Salt Lake City lol) and broker a peace deal with the Russians, China and Mexico....

thats my thoughts on that scenario you presented

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:17 AM
As a Brit. I Would like to make this clear, we would NEVER in a million years lick Russia's arse. We don't even like eachother and have nearly gone to war a few times. IF US go destroyed, I think our alliance with France would be even stronger. The French have a decent military which is roghly 600k big ( I think). IF Canada didn;t get invaded we would have an even better alliance with them than we already do.

To back up my points, Britain and France regularly do miltary exchanges (is that what uts called) as do Britain and Canada.

But the US would never been destroyed unless the entire world was to declare war on them or if Britain increased their army to atleast 700k.

To any Americans on here. Britain will ALWAYS have your back.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:01 AM
The war in this scenario is not really the point i only put it in to provide a scenario
The main point of this i guess would be the economic fallout of the fall of the US i think it would start a domino effect that would eventually lead to the decay of civilization in general the mass unemployment and loss of revenue will lead to catastrophic unemployment and a shortage of goods that will increase the cost of living resulting in mass instability in the world eventually the starving unemployed people will revolt and riot eventually tearing down the very fabric of our society and leading to massive human casualties until the worlds population reaches a point of homeostasis where those left can be self-sufficient.

And to the poster who says Israel would not attack anyone lets be reasonable the US pays Israels bill (and im pro-Israel) and provides Israel with the security from other nations who wish it to be destroyed not to mention the only reason Israel doesn't just do it now is because we would stop supporting it and with out us Israel is done for. I don't think i was wrong in saying that Israel will do what it has to in order to survive and for them to survive without us they would have to strike first fast and hard. And as for Russia not nuking Israel i think they would but only to stop Israel from continuing its mass nuking of is neighbors they would only do it to make it stop but if it makes you feel better we can say China nuked Israel to make it stop. But i digress the war was not the important part of the post i just had to provide a situation that was at least feasible.

To the poster who says the UK has our backs I do not disagree with you but i think the government of the UK would be very careful in poking a country that nuked the US to the point of destruction and i cannot blame them a government is supposed to protect its citizens and i think the UK would at least try

And to the poster who claims the Americans would fight to the death I agree but for the sake of the scenario i had us completely wiped so the world could see what its like with 311 million less consumers
I know for a fact the American people would fight to the death between the gangbangers and the rednecks alone we have more weapons than the whole chinese army!! (i have a few myself) the US average is 90 guns for 100 people.

Then add in what remains of our Armed forces (lets face it 90 percent of our forces are not even on US soil) we truly would be a force to reckon with but again not the point of the scenario

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Immune

So you're saying that if the American economy defaulted and became would destabilize the world? No it wouldn't. USA have been isolated from the world before and we've done fine.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:13 AM
If a major nuclear exchange took place between the US and china or russia I don't think anyone in the northern hemisphere would have to worry about the global economy. Ever read or seen "On the Beach"?

On a off topic note, why does spell check not care if you capitalize china, but gives the red underline for every other country? uganda, ethiopia, france, yemen, vietnam, turkey, israel, japan, australia, thailand, germany, england. Well at first I thought because it's also a noun like turkey but japan and england are the same.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:22 AM
In your scenario Canada would actually have to defend itself. Say goodbye to all the social programs they can afford today.

With Russia and China in your scenario they wouldn't have a chance to build up a decent defense force in time.

The whole continent would go down remarkably fast. The only question left for our neighbors to the north would be, Mandarin or Cantonese?

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by ludshed

China as in country and china as in tea cup, plate or figurine.

And agree with you that unless some miracle or unprecedented technology existed no one is going to strike the US without getting bitten in the rear. if the US is not doing the striking back a number of other nations would (not least the UK) since such a move would also place them at risk of receiving a similar fate.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Krono
reply to post by Immune

So you're saying that if the American economy defaulted and became would destabilize the world? No it wouldn't. USA have been isolated from the world before and we've done fine.

You take the worlds biggest economy out of the equation and it would of course have knockon effects around the rest of the world, and massive effects for some countries

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by MortlitantiFMMJ

Well the worlds biggest economy is the world market itself, ofcourse that would devestate the world....its the world market.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:19 PM
Empires and I mean REAL Empires far greater than the US have fallen in the past and the world has survived. Dont overblow your nationalistic egos. The world will carry on without a US.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Immune
The war in this scenario is not really the point i only put it in to provide a scenario
The main point of this i guess would be the economic fallout of the fall of the US i think it would start a domino effect that would eventually lead to the decay of civilization in general

No, the loss of the US would be no great loss to civilisation, infact thoings like culture, language and interlect will once again florish without a cultrually devoid US flooding the media with its nonsensical sit-coms and pop music.

And to the poster who says Israel would not attack anyone lets be reasonable the US pays Israels bill (and im pro-Israel) and provides Israel with the security from other nations who wish it to be destroyed not to mention the only reason Israel doesn't just do it now is because we would stop supporting it and with out us Israel is done for.

I didnt say Israel will not attack anyone, I said they will not attack Egypt directly. My reason for saying that is IDF hate fighting in the Sinai. I wont elaborate, you can look into the seuez crisis yourself. Lets say they do tho, if Israel campaign the Siani, then the UK get involved and side with Egypt... changes things, but i'll humor you.

I don't think i was wrong in saying that Israel will do what it has to in order to survive and for them to survive without us they would have to strike first fast and hard. And as for Russia not nuking Israel i think they would but only to stop Israel from continuing its mass nuking of is neighbors they would only do it to make it stop but if it makes you feel better we can say China nuked Israel to make it stop. But i digress the war was not the important part of the post i just had to provide a situation that was at least feasible.

If China "nukes" Israel (unlikely, but I'll go along), then the entire Islamic world will war China. One thing most people forget is that Jerusalem is the third most holy site in Islam, it would be like China nuking Mecca. Nobody will nuke Israel other than Iran or the Israelis themselves.

And to the poster who claims the Americans would fight to the death I agree but for the sake of the scenario i had us completely wiped so the world could see what its like with 311 million less consumers

311mil less consumers--just imagin China after a big earthquake...

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by cartenz

No, the loss of the US would be no great loss to civilisation, infact thoings like culture, language and interlect will once again florish without a cultrually devoid US flooding the media with its nonsensical sit-coms and pop music.

yes because its soley the US who are interested in these things, NO WHERE else in the world......

Tell me something, how do you think all of this gets spread world wide if no one else likes it?

Do you people even think before you start spewing your apparent bias?

also, you might wana check the pop scene in other countries as well, a huge portion of famous people in the industry come from other countries.........

nice try

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