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Educational Cartoon About Homosexuality. All "Choicers" Please Watch.

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posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by DanteMustDie
Out of the all the homosexuals I've talked to, 100% of them claimed to be straight at one point. There was always some momentary lapse in judgement that led them to the DECISION to become homosexuals. The young man ironically named Christian was dressed to appear like an uneducated, misinformed fool as the movie narrator with the pleasantly acquaint dialog named off a bunch of [again ironic]American Associations while presenting absolutely no 'scientific' evidence that homosexuality is a gene. To suggest otherwise is merely speculation and should not be recited as irrefutable fact. And Christian was right; we all have freewill. We posses the ability to decide what and who we want to be, and homosexuality is no exception. The 'homo gene' is only a ploy devised to take the blame of homosexuals for choosing to be what they are. I find George Clooney to be an attractive man. There is nothing wrong with that. I'm simply acknowledging the guy is attractive, but that doesn't suggest I want to jump the man's bones. Why? Because I CHOOSE women.

The reason it's ironic that all the places listed that performed these studies are, in fact, AMERICAN Associations; the same people trying to shove acceptance, tolerance, and politically correctness down the nations breathing apparatus. What is, again, ironic, that these are also the same people who insist on labeling, classifying and categorizing every type of citizen occupying this nation. Whether it be hippies, businessmen, Gothics, skaters, preps, jocks, emo, homo, metro sexual, atheist, agnostic, Christian, Jew, suburban, ghetto, black, white, Latina, etc.. In this country we all have one category that each of us fall into together... American. [assuming you're legal]

When do we set aside the notion that "It's not their fault they are what they are" when it damn well is. I personally don't give a rats a## what you choose to be because I'm taught to love and accept unconditionally. I'm not a Christian by nature, but by choice. Don't tell me to be tolerant because politics says I have to. I choose to do that on my own.

You are totally clueless about this subject -- totally

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by DanteMustDie
Unfortunately, I reside on a rock called Earth where increasingly fewer people can take responsibility for their choices and actions.

Sexual orientation is NOT a choice.

Under a rock is more like it.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Annee

Okay. I suppose they have a "Q" chromosome?

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by spyder550

Forgive me. I didn't know you were an expert on the subject. Care to share your thoughts?

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 03:49 PM
Thinking about the OP cartoon, and what it says about birth order, and the statistics for having an exclusively gay son going up with each brother.
I saw a documentary recently, I think it was called "The Making of Me".
It was about a gay man who also researches all these scientific theories.
He had the classic gay characteristics, that I can also identify with.
He had gender non-conforming traits as a child (played with dolls and female friends mostly), his brain-scan showed feminized areas, and his speech center and language abilities were above even the female average.

Like myself he found out that he had a brother that never lived.
He thought he was an only child, but found out his mom had miscarried before.
I thought I was a second brother, but due to stigma it was with-held from myself until fairly late that I was actually a third.

Of course birth order can only account for a percentage of gay men.
But what if there is some truth, and because so many first babies were aborted that we now see the male children being more gay, and the first straight majority that went "missing" no longer outnumber us according to nature?
Doesn't the birth order theory have implications for aborting the firstborn?
If the womb gets more allergic to males with each male pregnancy, then doesn't he have the strongest chance of being straight?

Of course it wasn't my fault how heterosexuals ordered their lives.
Even Jesus said some are made eunuchs in the womb.
It was not my choice, and I'm glad I'm here.
I still feel natural, I just wonder sometimes whether the previous generations haven't caused some kind of imbalance in a ratio.
edit on 29-9-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by DanteMustDie
reply to post by Annee

Okay. I suppose they have a "Q" chromosome?

As mentioned earlier.

You are clueless in regards to homosexuality and the issues associated with.

You should give it a rest.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by DanteMustDie
reply to post by Annee

Okay. I suppose they have a "Q" chromosome?

As mentioned earlier.

You are clueless in regards to homosexuality and the issues associated with.

You should give it a rest.

Sexuality would not be determined in the shape of a chromosome. Not all genetics are determined by the shape of them. If that was the case, than all boys would look identical, and all girls would too.

You really? are clueless!!
Unless you where trying to make a joke, which in that case, not only did you fail at being funny, but also failed at being correct.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 10:53 AM
I find it so interesting to hear about people (and I assume they are young adults) who find everything is a choice these days.

In my youth in SA you could go to jail for 7 years for any sexual act with a member of the same sex.
In the conscript army you could get sent to the infamous Section 22, where they did forced surgery, and performed human experiments on gay and lesbian people.

Yet, despite all that people still found a way to act on their natural passions; to form defiant relationships and even communities, and often to fight for freedom.

Try and live in a system like that and then tell me sexuality is just a choice.
Perhaps in the US today some have so much "choice" that they can no longer judge where inherent desire and choice begins or ends.
Perhaps the activism of a previous generation has created a generation of brats?

I'd like not to think so, and that they are simply testing radical theories.
But then why don't they choose heterosexual marriage, and call that a choice?
Do something outside what you like, and then I'll say you truly have choice.
If choice is so existential and free, then choose to do something against your personal desires - then you can preach to me about choice.

Why do they only call being gay a choice?
They are really just repeating heterosexism.

Others on the previous page say being gay is some "obsession", like smoking cigarettes.
How can they make such a judgement, when people are still being kicked out their homes, and face virtual excommunication from families?
Is asking for a skateboard or some emo music really the same as coming out as gay in America today?
Maybe I'm just out of touch.

Some people can admit they are bisexual, and they can have a choice.
But they should never confuse gay people with their experience.
Surely homosexual behavior is not limited to gay people (just like eating vegetables is not confined to vegetarians).
But for some people - desire and love was not a choice.

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