posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:54 AM
Ok, so I didn't read every post on this topic but I've dealt with supernatural things throughout my life. I wouldn't recommend a cat (too bad we
all get all our info from movies), in fact I would forget about pets alltogether. Don't leave poison. This creature is likely not of this plane. I
really don't beleive you will get any physical evidence which is why you won't find real pics on the internet..just fakes. Especially being that it
can disapear. The only time I've ever seen anything close on film to a real troll-like being was an old episode of Ghost Hunters when they were in
Ireland and were using an infrared camera and caught it outside. That was probably the best episode I ever saw from that show.
If it were me, I'd probably try to get on it's good side. Leave cookies, liqour and other things as an offering in a low spot so that it may
reach it easier. It may not bother you as much and may actually begin to do chores around the house for you. Piss it off and you may have trouble.
This tradition goes back to the old days when people actually beleived it such things. Now when I say all of this, I'm being dead
joke. Try it. Look up house trolls and traditions for getting along with them. I've been told that if you leave them offerings, they will help you
here and there. You don't have to see each other either. You just got lucky. Also, you were half asleep and thus more likely to see things that
you may not normally see when fully alert and awake. Let me know how it works out for you, hope this helps.