reply to post by loves a conspiricy
1) If you love a consipacy, then you should LOVE to investigate Jesus, who, by the way was a real human, not a myth like the Easter Bunny. There are
too many scholars out there that have found evidence of his real life existance. You don't have to believe all the other "stuff" but Jesus really
did exist. Do you not watch the History Channel?
2) You do have faith. How do I know? Well, the sun rises every morning and sets every night. Do you spend all your time worrying about if the sun
will shine again or not? Of course you don't, you have faith it will continue to rise as you believe it will. And who can forget oxygen? Can't
see it, yet it is ones life source, more so then food. (think about it) According Webster Dictionary, faith is confidence; trust.
3) According to the worldwide Gallup International Millennium Survey conducted in 60 countries, which represent 1.25 billion citizens of the world,
highlights that the idea of God is very important for the respondents personal life: positive belief scores on average 7.2 points in a scale from 1 to
10, the latter being the top mark. 63% of those questioned fall within the 7 to 10 points slot, 16% are in a middle-of-the-road position (5 to 6) and
21% show they do not care too much about this (1 to 4). Believers do not have a homogeneous image of their God. 45% of respondents say they think of
God as a person as against 30% who think of him as a ''force'' or ''spirit.'' On the other hand, 14% has no clue about this, 8% simply do not
believe God exists and 3% do not answer.
Therefore, you are not the majority.
4) Why were you so offended by this persons dreams? Why did you attack his/her beliefs? Are you afraid his dreams are correct or are you afraid you
are wrong?
Now, I have my beliefs rooted in the Bible. But I also believe in dreams. In the Old Testament of the Bible, it seems all the kings used seers,
prophets or dream interpreters. Now adays these folks are commonly known as psychics.
You really didn't need to be so judgmentally mean. All he asked was if other people were having the same type of dream. Not once did I read "What
is your religious view of my dream?' He asked kindly to not be ripped up. You are the first to ripped him. If you don't have faith, do
you atleast have feelings and a moral compass? If so, start using it, it's usually attached to the brain.