posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:58 PM
Here we are, the last few hours Sept 27, 2011 in the US. We're all still here and it doesn't look like we are going anywhere. Wasn't today supposed
to be some cosmic super-alignment with Elenin...oh, sorry...ELEnin? Wasn't the Earth supposed to get pulled apart by a gravity pull the likes of
which the Universe has never seen? What the hell happened??
Also, wasn't it supposed to be dark for the past few days too? I mean, it's dark now, I'll give you that. But then again it is almost 10pm, but as
for was quite sunny and beautiful outside.
So my question is this...Where are all you Elenin believers now?? You have been preaching and prophesying doom for the past many months and yet here
we are...quite alive and very well. I hope this puts an end to all this Elenin nonsense, but I'm sure it won't.
It sure would be nice, tho, if some of the Doomers would get on and apologize for being soooooo wrong.