posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by caladonea
there are companies that buy old debt. they will have phone workers try to collect from every file in every folder, disregarding the fact that you
paid the dentist 12 years ago, or whatever it was that got your name in a file.
it's a numbers game. if they call 200 people in one 8 hour shift and 20 pay without question, debts under $500 still add up quickly.
there are scam companies that send false invoices to large companies. they only need to luck in to a few offices where people rubber-stamp payment
approval without matching up to order/invoice number and they have a nice yearly income for doing almost nothing.
others contact people, claiming your motor vehicle was the cause of an accident and that you left the scene. they will be willing to let it go for
$350 say, to cover repairs. yeah right.
if these people put their time into legitimate work they would probably make more money and grow a real company. but common sense is not a strong
point for criminal minds.
if these people continue to bother you just inform them you will turn over the matter to your legal counsel if the harassment does not cease
immediately. then call the Better Business Bureau and tell them what is taking place, how many times they called, when, etcetera.