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US tells court bin Laden photos must stay secret

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posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by mikemck1976

So, let's release them and infuriate the Arab world even more so then they are now? Good thinking, NOT!

They will not be released and that is that and ain't no one gonna release them. This order is final.Nothing else matters but this,

Even by the remote and unlikely chance this does get to go before SCOTUS they will side with the WH on this and block the release.

FOIA has no bearing on this case!
edit on 30-9-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by SatoriTheory

Pics and vids were taken but the fact they remain classified does not instantly qualify it under the "If they aren't going to release them it didn't happen file". That is just that.

You don't know that for sure. You can only take 'their' word for it.

The fact that 'they' say they have pics does not instantly qualify it under the "If they say they have pics then they have pics file". That is just that.

Members of The Senate, House, Defense dept, State and White House have seen them. Less then 100 have and as far as anyone is concerned that is that.

Again, where is your proof? It is very easy for people to be 'bought', play along, etc etc.

Nothing else matters, that is that, end of discussion. There is no more debate on this topic as it's a dead issue.

By believing that, all you are doing is fueling your own ignorance.

There will always be more dicussion on the subject, simply because the case is not closed. Just because someone says something, doesn't make it true.

Here I am suggesting the event never took place, or at best, they didn't kill Bin Laden that day. I don't offer proof, yet you won't listen to me.
They say they killed him, yet they offer no proof other than their word, and we all know what a bunch of liars politicians can be. Yet you choose to believe them without question or hesitation.

As they say, ignorance is bliss my friend.


posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 05:05 AM
They will display on TV the body of every VIP wanted by the FBI
like Saddam and his 2 son or Zargawi .. but the most famous wanted persone OBL
ah its secret .. and the body was fastly disposed in the sea

Is the American governement friend with Bin Laden ? "we all know he is"

If you want to save a friend you will fake his death and tell to everyone his body was destroyed
so he can live in freedom 4ever

I think OBL is not dead
OBL is to important for the corrupted gov
they still use Alqueada to lie .. last lie .. stop telling we didnt make 9/11 ... PFFFF
im sure that come from Donald Rumsfled

Love your avatar .. Bibi wear the mustache perfectly

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 05:10 AM
As an observant American and EMT from the northern latitudes, this is what I believe I saw and what I think happened.

In the original images and footage released (which has not been seen again), before it all got cleaned up, the holes that had just been blown in the walls to gain access to the building, had rebar that was rusted sticking out of them, and untouched dust sitting on the edges. The partial image of Bin Laden's body that was never shown again showed skin damage consistent with ice and cold damage (postmortem frostbite).

He died at least a few months previously and his body was held in cold storage until it was deemed politically expedient to have a 'covert mission' to go in and 'kill' him. again.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by SatoriTheory

This is not fodder for the evening pundits. This is reality. I care not who likes it or not. They will not be released.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by byeluvolk
reply to post by TupacShakur

Since when did all the Seals involved in this incident die? I have never heard of them being dead.

Los Angeles Times

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by SatoriTheory

This is not fodder for the evening pundits. This is reality. I care not who likes it or not. They will not be released.

It's a warped reality. You are believing what they want you to believe. Free your mind bro, embrace the fear you have within you, then you can accept the true reality.

They can't release what they don't have. OBL was not killed on May 1st. May 1st is May Day. Mayday is a distress signal.


posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
So, let's release them and infuriate the Arab world even more so then they are now? Good thinking, NOT!

They will not be released and that is that and ain't no one gonna release them. This order is final.Nothing else matters but this,

Even by the remote and unlikely chance this does get to go before SCOTUS they will side with the WH on this and block the release.

FOIA has no bearing on this case!
edit on 30-9-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

First, if you think the terrorist groups would be more infuriated, think again. These are the people that think blowing themselves up for their beliefs is a free ticket to Paradise, a few pictures really won't make a difference.

Second, FOIA pertains to all aspects of the various governmental entities, these pics will not encite greater hate and risk for Americans and American Forces overseas. It's to late to cause that, it has already happened.

Third, forcing BHO to release any pics or video they have will also force him to fulfill at least one of his campaign promises, TRANSPARENCY.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by gamesmaster63

So, imagine if you had a leader you looked up to (I know this is hard on a conspiracy site). But imagine you trusted and believed his message. Now, you find out he was killed by the Americans. This is already an issue, but you can't seem to make anything of it. Where's the symbol of his death that everyone can rally behind? Where is the public proof that the Americans are absolute evil?

Remember, according to the US, Bin Laden was shot through the face and multiple times in the body. That kind of disgusting photo would be enough to rally what supporters are left, and possibly increase the numbers.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:09 AM
the thing i have found out in my short 50+ years on this planet,

is that you can just kill someone and then they are GONE, to the masses.

don't matter except to the family.

i've seen vids of a mexican prez candidate that was blown away at a rally..357 to the temple and another to the belly.

what's his name? no idea anymore.

what i'm saying is that you trash someone, it's over, they are out of sight, out of mind.

bin laden is the same, kill him and dump his body.

no running through the streets with him overhead with thousands of people.

i would keep the pics secret too.

he don't need the press anymore.

he's history.

edit on 30-9-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by gamesmaster63

1. Do you know why they would strap a bomb to their chest? It's because in their neighbourhood is no school, no hope for a job, not much of anything, the most exciting thing that your area experiences is when the truck shows up and on board are the newest cd's , movies and food beyond that there is absolutely nothing else to do. Can't get a job because they have no formal education. Give them these key components to living and watch how fast they will vow to take care of and provide for their family. A clearcut majority of these areas are literately cut off from the outside world. This is the third in a 3 Phase solution for ending terror once and for all. If you think God worshiping, Freedom loving Caucasian American's stateside haven't entertained that idea you are sorely mistaken. You know how there is a bunch of extreme loonies thinking a 2nd Civil War is imminent? Well, those extremes are American terrorists, homegrown born and bred. At least the Militia's have common sense and are based in reality, reason, restraint and logic. Let me willingly strip you of home and liberty and watch what you do to me.

I. Provide stimulus funds to rebuild infrastructure (Economical)
II. End the occupation by becoming total and completely independent in regards to resources (Governmental)
III. End the wars over energy once and for good (Environmental)

Once complete Islamic Extremitism as we know it today will fall. Unfortunately it will never go away.

2. These people (estimated globally in numbers no higher then 2.8 Million and falling) see him as a God, He is the terrorist world equal to George Washington in their eyes. Take out the leader and the soldiers will vow to venge the death of their leader. Imagine if for a second worst case that someone is successful with taking out Obama right? What if someone killed The President, how would we feel type deal. He's got between 20 - 26 kids for which like 5 are fully assimilated American citizens who do not share their father's views and do not deserve to see him die on national tv. Imagine seeing your dad last second's aired on the evening news, it'd be grim,

3. Transparency is all fine and dandy but things that little kids and the elderly who always view wholesome media can't be shocked or frightened easily as the children do not need to see this and should not be forced to.
Something that has been classified by POTUS is to be kept that way as it was a judgement call as imagine the Saw franchise, something as bloody and gruesome as that, hardly appropriate and acceptable material for the early evening crowd. Something like that would turn someone's dinner upside out and cause outrage by elderly groups, disabled groups, handicapped rights groups, child advocacy and rights groups, faith based groups. Transparency entitles the people to know what goes on in Gov't yes, but clandestine or Special Ops missions are not under the same microscope then say, "How much did the USPS take in last year?" or "How much funding did say, FEMA get in 2009 for media advertising?".

There are things that the public unfortunately does not need to know as reality is you'll get a complaint from somew rights or advocacy group and be held responsible directly for any fallout that happens. That is one of the Core Tennets of our democracy that many do not know about and that is we hold our leaders responsible for everything and rarely lay blame solely at Gov't feet. This must remain to keep the nation held together at the seams. This is one of those things that it's better to look away instead of probing. Transparency has its limitations whereas you can't use FOIA to get say, an accounting of The NSA budget.

The Government answers to the people while the White House and TOOTPOTUS are the highest entities in the nation and can at its sole and exclusive discretion leak or announce things. The WH in that regard has something called "Blanket Discretion" that means that it alone has the sole authourity to disclose just about any element of Gov't it wishes. This is one of the few instances and cases that Gov't does not have to answer for an item if it does not wish to.
edit on 30-9-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:17 AM
CPU locked up and it double posted apologize.

edit on 30-9-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by Sunsetspawn

The way I see it, half the country is too stupid to even begin to question what the magic box tells them. A good portion of the other half isn't concerned because their career, their sports teams, their finances, their sitcoms, their pets, their clothes shopping, and their family issues are more important.

You have brought up an interesting point. People are failing to realize the what is causing the population to be dumbed down into believing lie after blatant lie. The conditioning is so effective that anyone who tries to awake these people from their zombie lives are automatically labelled as a tin foil hat wearing loon.

This self defense mechanism that they have subconsciously enacted is a major road block to th much needed awakening that they so desperately require.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by Ben81

If you want to save a friend you will fake his death and tell to everyone his body was destroyed so he can live in freedom 4ever

That is an interestin perspective that not many people have thought about. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for the avatar compliment. It is very appropriate for another thread I have going. As soon as I saw that picture I knew I had to upload it to ATS. I'm surprised I haven't received any negative feedback yet

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by gamesmaster63Thanks, Games. They have a hard time dealing with the truth, because when it gets in their way they ignore it.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed
I've contacted my sources in the Pentagon.
They were able to get me the actual photo of the person they buried at sea.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by beezzer

LOL, that made me laugh

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Sunsetspawn
I agree with you 100%, and I enjoyed Patrice O’Neal’s take on the whole Bin Laden conspiracy and everything else that was mentioned. I had not heard this clip before and thanks for bringing this to everyone’s attention. Yes it was funny, but it was also thought provoking. I hope people here listen to it.
It shows what this forum is all about, looking at things we are told in a different light and not taking everything the government and lame stream media tells us as the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I applaud you Sir.
But what kills me the most is as I read through everyone’s posts here, is how many people on this site just take what they are told by the government and media as the gospel. To me that is a closed minded approach and only breed’s argument. Not thought provoking conversation. This gets us no closer to the truth.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

You totally went the other direction with what I said. Sorry I didn't write in a manner that made more sense to you. THey will never tell anyone he is alive. The government has more to gain by keeping that a secret.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by mikemck1976

This is a "My way or the highway" deal as that ship has sank and will not do what you want just because you want it a certain way. That is truth. This is not spin, no slant, no none of that.

The reasons I cited you, yet again failed to read. Nothing matters, don't care how anyone thinks, the reasons I posted earlier up are the final reasons.

Do y'all even listen to yourselves half the time? You could be told that the colour of water is brown and you'd believe it while clearly seeing that the colour is in fact aqua blue. Not attacking but am being realistic so do not take it as such. Anything to take an underhanded swipe and jab at Obama.

Until you begin to question the GOP the same way you do with Obama I'll remotely consider taking you serious but until then nada!

Continue to provoke an argument and you will be reported to the Mods here!

The pics would look something like this :

Do you really want pics like this splashed across the evening news?
edit on 1-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

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