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TA-ATTACKS: Italian Journalist Beheaded in Iraq

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posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 05:09 PM
Captors of the kidnapped Italian reporter, Enzo Baldoni, have informed Al Jazeera that Mr. Baldoni has been murdered. This comes only hours after Italy refused to meet the group's demands.

ABC Report
Kidnappers Claim Murder of Hostage

The kidnappers of Italian journalist Enzo Baldoni, taken hostage in Iraq, say they have killed him, the Arabic language television channel Al Jazeera reports.

The station made the announcement in a scrolling text newsflash. There was no way to immediately verify the report.

A group called the Islamic Army in Iraq told Al Jazeera television earlier it was holding Baldoni, who disappeared near Najaf several days ago.

On Tuesday, the group gave Italy 48 hours to withdraw its 2,700 troops from Iraq or Baldoni would be killed. Italy, which has the third largest foreign military contingent in the country, refused to bow to the kidnappers' demands.

A statement from Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's office said it would do everything possible to free Baldoni but its troops would remain in Iraq.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Mr. Baldoni was not only a reporter for the weekly program Diario, but he also did volunteer work for the Red Cross.

"He was trying to save human lives in Najaf by helping a Red Cross convoy in a spirit of solidarity which has always underscored his thinking and his actions," she told RAI television.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Mr. Baldoni and his driver were caught in an ambush between Baghdad and Najaf. The driver's body was found on Saturday.

[edit on 8-26-2004 by Valhall]

[edit on 8-27-2004 by Valhall]


posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 05:19 PM
Khaled Abdul Messih was said to be beheaded yesterday (though the images and video do not show an actual beheading) and now Italian journalist Enzo Baldon,who was taken just yesterday in now said to be beheaded.This is getting ridiculous.It's turning into and evil 'fad'
It sickens me.


posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 05:35 PM
Kidnappers say killed Italian hostage
Thu 26 August, 2004 22:59

By Heba Kandil

DUBAI (Reuters) - The kidnappers of Italian journalist Enzo Baldoni, taken hostage in Iraq, say they have killed him, the Arabic language television channel Al Jazeera reports.

The station made the announcement in a scrolling text newsflash. There was no way to immediately verify the report.


posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 09:22 PM
Here is a link to an image that was shown on TV (non graphic) IMAGE
Here is where it comes from,but nothing new really.
I believe this is an italian news site.HERE

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 11:58 PM
Please don't ask me why, but I feel strongly the next terrorist disaster will occur in Rome. I strongly believe it will involve aircraft.

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 01:15 AM
There is a solution to this. Not a nice one but there is one. For every hostage they execute we destory one of their religious symbols. They'll either quit doing this or they will run out of religious symbols and then we pull out leaving them with nothing. Make sure the public knows ahead of time that this will be the penalty for killing hostages. So they will know in advance who to blame.

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by Indy
There is a solution to this. Not a nice one but there is one. For every hostage they execute we destory one of their religious symbols. They'll either quit doing this or they will run out of religious symbols and then we pull out leaving them with nothing. Make sure the public knows ahead of time that this will be the penalty for killing hostages. So they will know in advance who to blame.

Or how about they behead a person for every Iraqi who gets killed by the coalition and continue doing so until the coalition pulls out?

Make sure the public knows ahead of time that this will be the penalty for killing Iraqis. So they will know in advance who to blame.

I think the beheadings are horrific but don't act like they are the only ones who are killing people. The fact that they are going after civilians instead of military personnel doesn't win them any points in my book but they are using methods to anger the population of the countries participating in the occupation so they will rise up and try to force their governments to pull out.

If the occupation ends, the beheadings of foreigners will end.

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 05:11 AM
We see now why it took a crazy-fearful leader like Saddam to keep all the different extremist groups under control.

Those shrines aren't just Iraqies, they belong to the world!
They carry the history of the World in them.
That is Babylon, that is why they are extremists there!!!

There are many predictions about Rome being in danger, especially when the Pope goes.
There will be a war in the Vatican!

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 07:38 AM
Beheading them won't phase them. Its just the nature of the best over there. But blow up a mosque (spelling?) or two and you'll see a reaction.


Give these ungrateful people what they want. Say... "Don't want us? Here ya go. We are giving you back Saddam and his advisors... fully armed. Enjoy losers!" Give them Saddam back and forever turn our backs on them. Its their problem not ours. Always was that way.

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 12:03 PM
The people in this entire region have been beheading people and worse for far longer than we've been in Iraq. It's only happening to US more frequently because our workers are in the middle of the mess at the moment. It wasn't the actions of the the U.S. or any other western country that turned these guys into barbaric animals... They have been like that for hundreds if not thousands of years. Don't forget that those who follow the Sha'ria have been dishing out beheadings and amputations for a very long time. Tesla made a good point about Saddam. It's a sad fact that it took an even bigger monster to keep some sense of order to Iraq, otherwise the tribal and religious factions would have torn the "nation" apart long ago.

And for those of you who keep calling our presence in Iraq an "occupation". If this were a true occupation... THEN WE WOULDN'T BE HAVING THESE PROBLEMS lol. We're having these difficulties because we couldn't get a full military occupation approved. Remember, this is just an operation of liberation lol. I'd like to see them try and behead one of our people from inside the walls of a detainment camp lol.

War sucks, but until this world is united... war is a sad fact of life
And all of the bleeding hearts in the world couldn't change that (no offense).

[edit on 27-8-2004 by fortunate1]

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 08:39 PM
O.K. Beheading is no longer scary to the public and media anymore. It would be scary if you were the beheaded person but otherwise.....

Why not squash their heads with bulldozers or chop off all their individual body parts and then tape it. That definatly would have much more of an effect on the public.

I'm really just joking by the way

posted on Aug, 28 2004 @ 08:38 PM
Indeed, Indy, what have I been telling people?

They deserved saddam, we should have left him alone and made nice with him.

To all the idiots who supported the Iraq war cuz they thought it was liberation and made the world safe, heres a thought:

Saddam regularly exterminated these same religous extremists that we now war against. As Bin Laden once called him a "godless socialist", saddam murdered and tortured these same extremists, deciding the a secular govornment was much better than a religous one, and any religous nut who had a problem with it would meet thier end very soon.

And now we prosecute this man for trying to rid his country of the same people we now are trying to get rid of. Irony, sweet irony.

posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 06:49 AM
Muslim countries must be ruled by a dictatorship. The people are too ignorant and lazy, they need a very strong leadership.
Any democracy in a muslim country will not work.

posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Indeed, Indy, what have I been telling people?

They deserved saddam, we should have left him alone and made nice with him.

To all the idiots who supported the Iraq war cuz they thought it was liberation and made the world safe, heres a thought:

Saddam regularly exterminated these same religous extremists that we now war against. As Bin Laden once called him a "godless socialist", saddam murdered and tortured these same extremists, deciding the a secular govornment was much better than a religous one, and any religous nut who had a problem with it would meet thier end very soon.

And now we prosecute this man for trying to rid his country of the same people we now are trying to get rid of. Irony, sweet irony.

I posted a thread quite some time ago titled "Was Saddam a brutal dictator for a reason" You might be interested in some of the responses. It is pretty interesting. Was saddam a brutal dictator for a reason?

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