Can someone maybe educate me or enlighten me as to WHY it is SOOO important to be "RIGHT" or "WRONG" on any speculative/contentious issue?
I mean, ok I get it everyone want's the GLORY of being RIGHT and no one likes the HUMILITY of being WRONG but I guess I just don't understand the
need to say "I TOLD YOU SO"...
There seems to be an intellectual expectation of sort to "acknowledge official story/info" etc otherwise you will be labeled any number of
unintelligent things. This behavior here, on ATS of all places seems way out of place...I can't imagine that some people would join this site simply
because it gives them an opportunity to bash others and their theories, ideas, etc when they turn out to be "wrong"...
People who live a fantasy, will do so until THEY ARE READY TO COME OUT, not because someone on ATS made them see the light...
which here seem to
have taken that on as their ROLE or DUTY to do in the name of "Denying Ignorance" they enter threads and ridicule and bash for any number of reasons
but mostly due to a superior sense of self-intellect based largely on what they interpret as facts and where they get there “facts” from…That my
friends is ignorance to the finest degree…
Here is the unfortunate side-effect of bashing and belittling people’s ideas, theories, and beliefs:
By BASHING I mean generalizing them ALL into a category (Tin Foil Hat, Truther, OS’er, Eleniner, Doomsayer, Fear monger, Sheeple etc) as to
immediately discredit them and everything have said or will say…By bashing I mean insulting or questioning one’s intelligence or ability to think
for themselves etc and this is done on BOTH SIDES of the spectrum…
Anyway the unfortunate side effect of the ridicule is some people (not all) lose their desire to create content or bring up talking points or the
worst, ASK QUESTIONS…because of the ridicule that is sure to follow regardless of what questions are asked it seems inevitable that someone come in
and destroy the OP. Some of you find this valuable…and that is unfortunate.
I guess this may be the nature of the beast when it comes to “humans” and their “beliefs” but at some point won’t we have to evolve or grow
past all that? Its ultimately childish behavior that I TOO AM GUILTY OF on occasion…just as now I am in a way “ridiculing the ridiculers” lol
This site is very important because of the multiple topics that can be discussed and addressed by people from both ends of the spectrum. This gives us
all here a much more detailed and informed picture of the world than ANYONE who solely involves themselves in MSM (CNN, FOX, MSNBC) or anyone who
solely involves themselves in Alternative News sources. Lets not ridicule members to the point of exile on either side otherwise our views will in the
end become predominant on one side and thus be biased. The only thing we all have to agree on is to disagree. The different theories, views, beliefs,
etc are crucial in maintaining a full spectrum picture of the world in which we all share. All views are equally valid or worthless…lol
Everyone here is a skeptic period. Whether we are skeptical of conspiracies or MSM stories or official stories or what have you so we all have at
least that in common…
I guess ultimately what I’m trying to say that we all to a degree need to learn to “get over ourselves” and how “awesome” we think we are or
even how “awesome” some other people think we are…The EGO needs to GO…this is something we all can work on myself included.
I think once the EGO goes out the door the evolution of conversations/topics on this forum would be improved 100%
This is all just my opinion though so take it for what its worth to you.