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Dreams that stay with you, like memories.

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:29 PM
For a while now I've been having dreams that are extremely vivid.

I wake up feeling a strong emotion directed at whatever happened during the course of the dream, whether it be fear, anger, love, sadness, etc.

Does anyone else experience a similar thing?

Also does anyone else have a dream one night in a particular area and then another night have one that links to the place from the previous one?

Thanks, I appreciate your replies

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:36 PM
I have had many dreams that seem to be in the same weird world.

In this world the colors are all off. The sky is blue, but it's a distorted, ugly blue. Foliage is green but it's a light, sickly green. This goes for most of the colors in this weird dream world.

I know it's a specific place because the majority of my dreams are not in this world where the colors are all wrong.

In one of these dreams in this strange world some friends and I followed a path that had been created by fallen trees in a bog. The trees had fallen naturally, but had landed end-to-end perfectly to create a narrow path out into the middle of this vast swamp. One we had reached the end of the path we were stuck, and turning around was hard with all the people there. I noticed some spiders moving in and out of the fallen log we were standing on and pointed them out to the group. One of my friends in the dream (and in real life too) turned ghost white and said "OH NO! Those are Nibbler Spiders!" I asked him why they called them Nibbler Spiders and he said "because if they get on you they'll nibble your $%#&in' arm off!"

As we tried to run back the logs because semi-mushy, and started to pull our feet and hands into them..

I only mention this because you ask if we've had dreams that stick with us.. I remember EVERY single dream in this crazy off-color world very vividly, even years and years after I had them.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

That is really interesting, and exactly what i meant.

These places that our minds have constructed that we continuously visit.

Did you discover or uncover more of this place from dream to dream or did it all seem to occur in the one area? If that makes sense

edit on 27/9/11 by Burnerz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:42 PM
I've been absolutely fascinated by my dreams lately... in many of them I've had an awareness that is equal to my normal waking awareness, which blows my mind! I hear what you're saying about the strong emotions, too, I'll have such a strong emotion to an event in a dream that the feeling can last sometimes the rest of the day...

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by irontoad30

Yeah, im about the same. An emotional feeling that can last the rest of the day.

An amazing yet scary thought.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Burnerz

Ive had dreams that were exactly the same but at a different point in the story, and recurring dreams, which are hard to remember now but after you have had one its like, oh yeah I remember that before.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:46 PM
ive been having dreams of fighter jets lined up in the sky...its like they're attacking something i dont iknow what though. weird stuff

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Burnerz

This was the only dream about this swamp area, but other dreams with the same strange colors were always in nature areas. No buildings, no cars, no planes, etc. Some were set in swamps, some in lush but sickly looking forests, others in high alpine meadows..

I haven't thought about these dreams in years but your post made me remember, and like I said now that I'm thinking about them they are once again crystal clear.

I'm curious what you're dreaming about that brings up this conversation?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by fishman1985

Once again, exactly the same feeling i get. Even a feeling similar to deja vu. Revisiting the place in a dream at a different point in time and thinking, wow ive been here before.

For me, i was walking through what resembled bar/pub/house and it was completely trashed rubbish everywhere, furniture thrown about. Couple of months later i had a dream being at party, in the same place. I can assume before the first dream.

Will reply to any more posts at half time in the football, champions league just started

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:59 PM
Another aspect I find fascinating about lucid dreams are lucid nightmares... I typically don't hear much about this, maybe because when someone typically becomes lucid during sleep, (and they're having a nightmare), they can change the dream and make everything ok... not the case with me, however. No matter how lucid I get, I really can't change what's going on in the dream. So, when I become lucid in a nightmare, I'm REALLY experiencing every terrifying detail. (someone ask about my 'human bells' dream)...

Really, that's the only thing that provides a limitation to how deep I want to go with lucid dreaming (and even OBE experiences, perhaps)... but, still fascinating, nonetheless...

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:04 PM
Yup i have seriously mad vivid dreams,i can leap really high sometimes almost flying,MANY tsunami dreams all being on the beach of my hometown (not lived there for 15 years),massive ships attacking us from the air and the nastiest ones...i have (i guess) killed people in my dreams and buried them,then i keep having dreams of them almost being discovered due to the houses being knocked down..i'm there shatting myself.Had lots of them but no bodies have actually been found yet and not had 1 of those dreams for a year or so.. Phew.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

Last night in my dream, i was in the lobby of local cinemas. The layout of the place and outside surroundings were exactly the same however the furniture inside the cinemas and the shop fronts next to them were different shops.

The fear in the dream came from groups of people gathered by ethnicity, fighting. Lots of people from my high school that i had no interaction with were involved, most of them staff at the cinemas. The uniform there was different to the actual one.

While I never saw anyone fighting, most of the people there had weapons. It ended with me walking to the drinks counter and returning a box cutter to one of the staff. As I did that, all of the staff in pairs walked out of the cinemas in formation. Then I left and walked down past the shops.

I woke up feeling nervous and that stayed for the rest of the day.

I've had a dream that occurred in my grandmas living room. Where myself and people I had never met, however in the dream I had known them and the feeling of having knowledge of their past and connection to them was there. We were all dying of different illness hooked up to machines. Just sitting there, no one to help us, nothing.

I woke up and cried with proper sadness and it makes my eyes water to think about it.

Honestly I can recall so many more.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Burnerz

I get that too after waking from a dream.. I've had dreams that scared the $#@% out of me but were at first glance nothing to be afraid of at all.

It seems in dreams situations that if they were to occur in waking life would be easy to handle, but somehow in dreamland everything is blown way out of proportion. Something may happen in a dream that makes the dreamer afraid, and the fear shadows them even after waking.

Alot of my dreams are related in different ways. I used to have dreams where I could lift my back legs behind me and just float around. In my dreams everyone would ask how I did it, and I would always explain "you just lift your legs up like this, and float!" It seemed so real that I would wake up and part of my mind would still totally believe I could lift my legs and float - but it never worked!

I don't think dreams have some deep meaning, but I do think dreams are a time where the subconscious and conscious mind have a chance to get to know each other, share ideas, and leave their mark on one another.. I'm not sure why dreams have such a lasting effect when you wake up, but I've always tried to just enjoy it without seeking much of an explanation.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Burnerz

I love my dreams. I also have very vivid dreams, with lush colors and texture, and I find I can even taste, smell and feel in my dreams. Rarely are any of my dreams bad.

Sometimes when I wake up, that is when I feel like I am in a nightmare!

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:34 PM
The dream that i will never forget EVER was one where I saw a Grey alien sitting on a throne in the middle of a hall. In front of him were Jesus (long hair, beard, white robe, etc.) and Ginger from Gilligan's Island and they were about to start a fight. I had no idea what i was watching but i kept on asking myself "Why the heck is Jesus about to sword fight with Ginger?"

Well a few months later, I found out that Ginger was a part of the Satanic Church. When i found that out, I freaked out. I had absolutely no idea that she was a member of the church. It still stays with me as maybe a sign of some sort..

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Burnerz

I have recurring dreams of at least 5 or 6 places that I visit from time to time. The only thing that remains the same is the setting not necessarily the action though (my memory is fuzzy on this though)
I am amazed at some of the detail and lengthy storylines some of these dreams contain, so much so that I have been meaning to start a dream log of these. Remembering them in detail a few minutes after awakening has always been difficult for me, so I am considering using an audio recording device to record them.
It seems many people I've talked to about dreams believe it can be an insight into your ego/psyche. This is what interests me the most about these dreams, kind of a free self-psychoanalysis, lol.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Burnerz
For a while now I've been having dreams that are extremely vivid.

I wake up feeling a strong emotion directed at whatever happened during the course of the dream, whether it be fear, anger, love, sadness, etc.

Does anyone else experience a similar thing?

Also does anyone else have a dream one night in a particular area and then another night have one that links to the place from the previous one?

Thanks, I appreciate your replies

Who else seems to go to the same place every night in their dreams?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:58 PM
I've had so many of these, that were so vivid, left such an impression...that to this day (YEARS after the fact), I can still recall, with freakishly accurate detail, just about all of them. I've been threatening to write them down for years now. If I did, I'd probably have a hardback at least 450 pages thick!
And yes, some have the same scenery. One set, in particular, is an old tree house. Not a little one in a little tree either, this was a massive, sprawling oak; lower to the ground, and covered in thick ivy. Been there a few times. And in one, I had the weirdest sense of deja vu WITHIN the the dream I'm looking at my surroundings thinking, "I've been here before, this is so familiar!".

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Burnerz
For a while now I've been having dreams that are extremely vivid.

I wake up feeling a strong emotion directed at whatever happened during the course of the dream, whether it be fear, anger, love, sadness, etc.

Does anyone else experience a similar thing?

Also does anyone else have a dream one night in a particular area and then another night have one that links to the place from the previous one?

Thanks, I appreciate your replies

Dreams rarely hang around too long unless they evoke some deep emotion or meaning that extends into our waking lives. When that happens, we tend to assign significance.

Speaking for myself, dreams come in two packages; those that I wake not recalling too well and those that follow me fully into consciousness. I cannot help but file them separately because of this difference, but at the same time, there's never been an incident when any of either class has evolved into more than a dream.

I do try and devote some time to considering those that hang around and tease with emotional, spiritual or some other meaning of significance. They don't have to come true to be something worth listening to after translation. But that understanding usually comes after the fact... so, any possible precognitive dreams bear their value only after the fact.

In a nutshell, it's the dreamer's call to make.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus
reply to post by Burnerz

Alot of my dreams are related in different ways. I used to have dreams where I could lift my back legs behind me and just float around. In my dreams everyone would ask how I did it, and I would always explain "you just lift your legs up like this, and float!" It seemed so real that I would wake up and part of my mind would still totally believe I could lift my legs and float - but it never worked!

I have floating dreams all the time, man! Mine usually works by leaning back... I always feel the way you do; I'm left wondering why I can't do it in real life...

Although, lately this feeling is starting to make a lot more sense to me. For the past couple years, I've gradually got better at recognizing and working with my body's, er, energy fields, for lack of a better term... this isn't some vague, fanciful notion either, but it's something very real that anyone can feel... at any rate, if I can get relaxed enough and concentrate enough, I can replicate that exact same sensation, while I'm awake! And the more I do it and work with this 'energy body', the more I have the dreams of floating. So for me, there's a definite connection, although I don't know exactly what that connection means...

This also applies to dreams I have where I'm pushing/pulling objects with my mind...

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