I've stumbled upon this extraordinary person while surfing the net some time ago and just wanted to share this discovery.
Many things he says are VERY profound. If someday you feel a little depressed, listen to him. He'll probably put back a smile on your face: youtube.com/benjaminsmythe
Still watching, and enjoying this much more than anticipated. Thank you!
Favorite quotes so far:
"Everything passes through except for you."
"The space in which it all happens doesn't move at all."
Thank you for this, looks very interesting. I like the way his face flushes when he talks and smiles. He groks. No time right now to go through the
longer video, but I'm coming back to this one, thanks again. S&F!
Originally posted by D1ss1dent
"Many things he says are VERY profound."
Absolutely, that was extremely authentic. Thanks much for the post OP, lovely.
I think by now there's like a hundred favorite quotes I can't exactly remember from the 34 min vid.
Beautiful! Thank you! Love it when he said...I asked God and nothing happened..and then everything was answered! At the point a person gets to when
he/she ask the questions....is when they will start to pick up on the answers.
This person is one of the only authentic "enlightened" people I've encountered. I've noticed that they (the very few who are real) always seem to have
a fundamental argument, and sit on it, like a rock, and that it's the source of a great deal of ecstatic humor for them, which other's, in their
feeble and ignorant attempt to understand them can't seem to "get", which tends to make them only laugh all the harder, to the chagrin, and even the
personal insult, of those making the inquiry, from the frame of what they already think they already presume to know.
He's got this argument, and it's a very powerful one.
His "teaching" reminds me of the saying of Carl Jung, that every religion in the world is merely a defence AGAINST having an authentic spiritual
Personally I believe that this "model making" ability is the very gift of God, gift of life, which is, by it's very nature, to be real, and to be an
actual GIFT, radically free.
So as a "gnostic evolutionary Christian mystic" I am forced to agree wholheartedly with his argument, as I am Adi Da's argument (to follow)
"Therefore be ye perfect, even as your father in heaven is perfect."
"The wind blows where it pleases, and you don't know from whence it comes or wither it goes. So it is for all who are born of the spirit."
It is said that you will know a person by their fruits.
Whoever comes along and unties the contraints of the ties that bind us, he comes in the name of the Lord, imho. How's that, you may ask?
Love. To be real, and authentic, it must be unconditional, and free. Otherwise it's not love, and imo, love is the first/last cause of existence
itself, for the sake of personal and mutually shared experience, if for no other reason than that it's better for there to be something, and not
nothing (how boring).
P.S. I've noticed a serious deteriorization of Benjamin Smythe in his latter videos, when he strarts assuming the role of a "big nothing" Buddhist
wiseman. I think he went and fell into the abyss and lost his sense of mirth and humor, making the same damn mistakes these guys ALWAYS make, it's
absurd. If he doesn't get back his humorous, natural self, then I'm afraid I'm forced to go thumbs down on him, but the jury's out, perhaps he
might "get" something about the nature of say Christian love, and have his humor restored. We should never zero ourselves out, it's niether
healthy, nor appropriate. If we end up with that "hollow look" and lose our passion, and our self expression, we're #ed. I fear for him now, I
think he's going insane, and losing the integrity of his own unique personhood in his big nothingness. There is no nothing, and the hand that lifts
us from the pit is a hand of loving mirthful joy and happiness.
In other words, he'd better screw the redred and forget about being "enlightened" at all. There's still hope for him, but I'm worried, honestly.
There's a "look" he's getting (I think he's talking post Sazzen or whatever they call it), and I find it disturbing, and at complete odds with
the persona and "beingness" he projects at every other time. It's almost creepy imho.
I wish him well though. Good guy. Just might be starting to take himself to seriously in the role of big nothing.
It is not possible to forget being enlightened, enlightenment is the natural state. When this state has been realized there is no turning back and
Ben totally gets it. His way of seeing the world may look insane to you because the 'normal' way of viewing the world is the insanity.
I find it strange that you initally big him up and then in your last post you put him down. You say you fear for him, that he has fallen into the
abyss and is making the same mistakes 'these guys' always make.
Maybe 'these guys' know the truth, but you can't see it yet.