posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 12:01 AM
Someone posted a concern about ending up in court, and I agree whole heartedly. If you throw a bottle of lye, or some other chemical that was
obviously prepared as a makeshift weapon, some clever prosecutor is going to argue that you, in fact had intent, ividenced by the fact that you
prepared a weapon. If not intent, that you were looking for a fight. By sticking with standard weapons (gun, knife, oc, etc.) as long as it is legal
in your jurisdiction, you can argue that you did indeed obtain it for personal protection, without looking like you were hoping to inflict massive
damage. Or...Prepare a weapon that doesn't appear to have been intended to be a weapon, such as (just because you mentioned chemicals, which I would
not use) bleach under your sink. I know thats a bad example, but im just trying to make a point. I personally, would just stay with weapons that
were intended by the manufacturer to be a weapon.