Here is my belief personally, in regards to the topic at question, specifically "last minute weapons". To myself these do not include anything you can
make or have nearby. Let me explain. Even if you have 3 guns in your house (a gun is adequate protection IMHO in my example) Who is to say that when
an intruder strikes, or you become aware of said intruder, that the weapon is going to be nearby you where you need it the most. Or for that matter
will you have a lock on the trigger, is the mag loaded, safety off?
A killer is not going to let you pause like a video game while you go "retrieve" your firearm or any other weapon you have prepared in advance. Lets
say you have no children in the house (people with children should not keep a weapon locked and cocked without safety countermeasures unless they want
to become front page news statistics) and you keep a gun next to you in the night stand, safety off, one chambered. Great! your very prepared if you
hear something and have time to grab the weapon from the coziness of your bed. But what if your ( i hate to be crass) on the toilet? In the
den/office checking email late night? etc... if your following me. The truth of the matter is that unless you holster your weapon everywhere you go in
your house you can be left wide open and surprised. The way you "imagined/prepared" in your mind how an intruder would/could gain entry, could
terribly fail and not even come close to reality in regards to what actually could happen. You could prepare for every scenario that you could think
of that could happen and guess what? The one you didn't think of, or overlooked happens. Thats life.
Impromptu weapons. These will save your butt in situations like these. Now i do not claim to be an expert, but i am however a creative thinker on my
feet. These are not weapons that you "plan" on having or even using. This is spur of the moment creativity when it comes to self defense. Before i
go further let me just state a few things. I myself personally have 3 firearms in my home. And they are chambered with safety off for a moments notice
use. I however live totally alone so that works for me. Another thing is that i keep several other weapons scattered around the house. There is always
a stick/bat behind the front door and similarly at the rear entry of the house as well. A few knives in my bathroom (no i am not paranoid, i butcher
small game in my bathtub as i do not have a shed or a garage and it makes clean up easy) I have a 9mm located within my kitchen, a 45 in my bedroom
and a shotgun (loaded and ready) mounted on a wall in my living room.
Now it may seem as if i am prepared but i could still fall victim in a few circumstances. What if i am showering, in my den (use a PEN OR A LETTER
OPENER!!), in my closet etc etc. You could go on an on (what if i just woke up... enter anything you will.. its all a factor). And all though I am not
the expert and cannot possible be prepared for everything i must think outside the box. And i am sorry i am rambling on here, i have just seen too
many people flame/bash people here so i am trying to explain in detail so i dont hear "what about this, what about that" etc.
But lets just say for the moment i do not have these things i have mentioned. What do you do then? Impromptu as i stated before. Why? Because no
matter how many guns or "other" improvised weapons you prepare, who is to say you have access to anyone of them in the exact time of need. Look at
your surroundings and become accustomed to what is in your home already. Then brainstorm the potential for all as weapons. Catalog this in memory and
you have yourself an arsenal of defense.
Let me give you just a couple examples to see my point (disclaimer once again, this is if your weapons or "what you have planned on using" is not
available) After all this is a life or death situation we are talking about and becoming McGuyver with a hairspray/lighter flame thrower may seem
awesome, but doesn't always work out. Some of this may sound cheap. but again REMEMBER this is impromptu stuff.
In the bathroom, no weapons? have a nail clipper? Most have a file on them. Its like a knife but not as sharp. Aim for the neck/eyes/ or privates. In
bed? no gun in drawer? Have a lamp? Take shade off, smash glass light bulb, turn on... Jab anywhere on attacker, face preferable. Filament will
penetrate slightly but also electrify your attacker.
In your closet? Have metal clothes hangers? Untwist clothes hanger at the neck. Twist around knuckles and protrude between fingers. Punch with this
towards eyes or jugular in the neck. Cooking dinner? SMASH with frying pan , nuff said. Ironing clothes? Smash with hot burning Iron in face, nuff
said. Kitchen has knives.. RUN TO IT!! Have a belt on your pants? Take off and strangle them! Umbrella? WEAPON!! (stab face/eyes) Doing
laundry? Splash Bleach in eyes! Bite, Kick, push!! Heavy objects to the head. Kitchen trash bags over head to suffocate. (continued)
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27-9-2011 by protoaz because: spelling