posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:05 PM
I became a nonsmoker 27 days ago so I feel ya. I am still getting a bit of my nicotine fix with the patch but yes I can smell & taste better.
The price for smokes here in Indiana is up to $6 bucks a pack. Times that by two and it gets costly. I've since bought myself a pair of bitchin
leather boots I've been drooling over for the last year.
The little rationalizations the brain come up with to try and trick you are endless. My fav is the "oh, you can just have one..." Right. Sure.
To the person who asked if we are doing this from some type of cultural pressure. First, don't help my rationalizations. Secondly, in a way we are as
the forementioned price is a pressure, not being able to smoke when you go to dinner, a bar, or even a concert these days is pressure as well. But in
addition to those: I lost my grandma at 60 to lung cancer and my mom also at 60 to COPD and a myrid of other smoking related illnesses. I have a
special needs daughter and I want to be here for her as long as I can.
OP just come back to your thread when you need some support or to vent. We'll be here for ya!