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Where is all the love? I think I know.

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posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:25 PM
I can't shake the fact of what this world has quickly become, an overpopulated wasteland full of vice and iniquity. I blame parenting, more and more adults are becoming diagnosed with something called RAD Reactive Attachment Disorder. An attachment disorder is usually seen in children who have been neglected in some fasion by their parental figures, where the detached individual becomes emotionless and empathetic. This carries on into youth and adulthood, with an increasing likeliness of a young unintended pregnancy, increasing the chance that the unintended child will suffer from the same disorder. In adults it can ruin relationships through a lack of emotional values, either through infidelity or through excessive paranoia regarding the later. This disorder can only spread in these emotionally difficult times, and I see a very cold, untrustworthy future for humankind, the atrocities of todays and yesterdays do not settle without some impact on the future. I think we are at the pinacle of history, and although we have seen the devastation caused by our conflicts and malicous intenders throughout history leading to this point, I do believe we reside in the purest of times.
As fallacious as technology may seem to those of us capable of faithing reality, it does provide us with the greatest advantage had to oppose the discord running rampant throughout society. It allows for injustices and degregation throughout the world to be brought to the attention of those who can and would make a difference for those oppressed. It begins in the home, these days when gender lines are evaporating, along with the newfound freedoms and rights for women comes an increase in responsibility and higher expectations for those women to become selfsufficient. These added stresses have overwhelmed the female population, by disintegrating the very function and values that have been naturally instilled into the female psyche and physique.
Women do not react or think like men therefore their interpretation of existence would not be equal to a mans' contextually speaking. Their views would not be less equal on any account either, instead it should be viewed as just the divergence in society.
We should push towards a partition of sorts in matters involving both sexes, as in that true gender equality can be described as the complete lack of oppression to an unbiased representation of the opposite gender as a whole, and not the misconception that opposing sexes are equal to and parallel each other in every manifestation possible. To assume the later is approaching gender unequally, with that one could state that if a women is equal to a man than a women should be able to compete with a man, and a man should be able to compete with a women on any occasion and both will retain the same statistical odds of accomplishing the the task at hand. If this is true, then stating that a man can and should give birth to children, is also true, but we can all conclude that it is, in reality, false.
Another example using childbirth is the notion that married women who have children are expected to provide a portion of finance for the household, especially as of lately, if they do not, they are viewed as betrayers of the feminist movement, or as lazy and inconsiderate to her spouses providence. This has added responsibility to the woman in this context, and while erasing crucial nurturing time, it also seperates children from that ever so important maternal figure. It also leads to stresses that can cause infidelity, or may emasculate the faternal figure in the family setting by instilling this need to provide more so that his spouse may leave the workforce to reunite with her life at home.
Gender equality and women's rights are a great motivating force towards true equality, but I feel that the fundementals in these movements are flawed, and that feminism instead of promoting equality of women WITH men in a manner of respect, admiration, and morality, it mistakenly promotes equality of women TO men in a manner of power, responsibility, and dominance. For equality to exist there must be a loss to both groups and a gain for both groups. Women will never be fully integrated with me,n instead the sexes will have to rest on compromise in settling disputes, but with a firm understanding that both parties have availible to themselves specific rights that ensure that their opinions are heard and decided upon with unbiased judgement.
If this is not understood we will continue down a tormenting path of blatant disrespect for any value the opposite sex has, men will view women as the mistress and temptress, whereas the women will view the man as the en-captor and abuser. These critiques will then continue to be evident in society and all the more prevalent, the mistreatment of men by women and women by men based solely on gender must stop.
We must difine the roles of each sex in the family unit, because the family unit is dying and with it goes the ability to truly love and trust one another, our kids are growing up abused and neglected without choice, brought into the condition without choice, and often react to the mistreatment in a negative manner leaving them troubled, angry, and alone, to which they have no choice.
But you as an adult, as a spouse in a relationship, as a father, or as a mother, and both as parental beings, you do have a choice to love, love eachother and to love your creation, because your impact on the world cannot be determined until your children begin making the choices you have prepared them for, and how well you prepare them determines whether you suceeded or failed. For those who have no children of their own, it is up to you to provide where so many have neglected, it is your responsibility to the future of our race to mentor and care, because the children have no choice, the choice has been passed to all of you to make. Its as easy as love, help save love before its extinction and eradication.
You can make easy decisions your whole life, they are hastened, and so cheap are the rewards, but the decisions you value and invest time debating, the hard decisions to make, they are the ones that reap rewards of unimaginable wealth. Trust me, ask any heroin addict if it's easy to quit, it's easier to stay addicted, and the reward is a quick death and an uneventfully short life, but beating the addiction fills you with the confidence to accomplish your wildest dreams, and restores health and life, but it isn't easy...
I found the love, it's here in the truth, it does not make you feeble, the truth makes you stronger, the truth is discovering yourself and molding who you want to be in this world, and not giving in to who your expected to be.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:36 PM
holy wall of text batman. (had to say it)

Unfortunatly if love is truth, and we belive the truth from whom we trust, surly we are only investing in mans twisted view of trust, truth and faith.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:39 PM
Though i did read that wall of text, your point is unclear. It's about segregation of man and woman? I think you dont know, there is love all around. About the man and woman thing, they will find equilibrium, as long as there is some sort of leverage. You come from a difficult childhood or something? are you depressed?

Next time make your thread a bit more pleasing to the eyes, this is grade 3 style.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Biigs
holy wall of text batman. (had to say it)

Unfortunatly if love is truth, and we belive the truth from whom we trust, surly we are only investing in mans twisted view of trust, truth and faith.

"we belive the truth from whom we trust"

If whom you trust is True then you know the Truth. Otherwise keep looking. Truth is LOVE. God is Love. Reality is Truth. Love is Reality. All these words are interchangeable.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:40 PM
holy crap superman...can you break down this wall!!!

i was going to attempt to read it but it was killing my eyes please space it out some use those English high school class skills! just edit it and ill come back and read it until then my eyes will bleed.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Biigs
holy wall of text batman. (had to say it)

Unfortunatly if love is truth, and we belive the truth from whom we trust, surly we are only investing in mans twisted view of trust, truth and faith.

Pink Floyd

I think it has to do with economics and having to work multiple jobs too. S&F though!

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

No its down to choice, ultimatly.

If you are told from every angle "respect them and do as your parents wish" you will grow up taking your parents word over anyone elses. Now inject a false flag into the parents teachings and the child will grow up belive that flase flag as the truth, through no lack of disrespect or dishonour the child is ultimatly wrong.

Now does god see that the same way, or does it make a leanience to the childs ignorance?

Who cares on earth god does very little directly, apparrently, thus anything you have been told from anyone is ultimatly up for debate, as your faith and trust in those may be false - and through no consious fault of your own.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by raj9721

What you wrote there a vast majority I do believe to be the truth.

I do not believe that all the youth of today are unruly, ignorant, disrespectful, unintelligent etc, but the vast majority are. This scares me no end, the days of being able to look another person in the face and say good afternoon as you pass by has now nearly ended. Most people now just look to the floor, never look up, never look around and hope that they can pass by the person coming the opposite way without getting into trouble from verbal or physical abuse. The world I truly hate now, I am only 46, but life used to be fun and happy, now it's just a sad lonely world and I feel sorry for children being born into today's world. I believe adults should really discuss with their partners about bringing a child into the world today and what is going to become of them and their future........

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:46 PM
i somehow got lost in the wall of text and references to gender in/equality.

to me, love is to be given with no expectations in return. i think most of the people around are struggling to be loved and have hate when they are not.

i think that is the problem with humanity at so many levels, from invididual, to society. most of us no better, yet we chose to make war not love.

oh, and far as gender and stuff, heck, love is blind. i mean, if its true love (love being passionate concern for another's well being), then such things as gender, etc dont even matter. we are all part of one soul and God, and our individualities including our bodies and often disagreeing minds, are mere temporary vessels from pt a to b.


posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by raj9721

I agree with you for the most part there Raj. There is also the issue of sexualizing girls in an attempt to bring women up to a level that is equal to men. It was always okay for men to go around getting tail, now it's okay for girls. On top of that, young girls are being flooded with sexually charged TV shows teaching them that it's hip to be trashy and loose. Then parents will defend said smut. "It teaches life lessons that I wasn't prepared to teach." Got to thank the Main Stream Media.

What I think they're doing is just trying to prepare society for living comfortably in poverty. Keep all the family working as much as possible and keep everyone breeding. Keep breeding consumers and you keep making money. At the same note, keep giving them hardships and the more you can tax off the top. Check this out:

Then the final result may be something like this (all humor aside!)

I feel that this is why the rules -- and roles -- of those in society are changing.
edit on 26-9-2011 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:52 PM
We are meant to create an everlasting bond between the male and female entities, this bond itself is a living being that is dependent on the cooperation and dedication of both individuals, infidelity on any level or the evidence of betrayal in any matter to one another is a direct violation of this bond. Betraying your spouse can be perceived as something trivial like a problem with the loss of compassion in the relationship and the lack of solving the issue at hand, both are betrayals, or something urgent like a sexual or emotional affair. Not everyone intends or even considers infidelity as hinderence to loyalties, instead the act of hiding the occurance is thought of as more disloyal. People are surrounded by constant temptations nowadays, with technology and the internet, that influence their thoughts away from their relationships, it also provides a distraction allowing one to disconnect emotionally from their partner. For those of us that still believe in the sanctity of relationships and the rising degregation of these relationships as a result of the false society protrayed in commercial media, formed to feed the temptations in our nature as to stimulate and intoxicate one in the ephoria of fantasy, so that one becomes addicted to feeling one gets when interacting with commercial media. It feeds our impulses, making us want more, it is the systematic destruction of our ability to recieve reality and act accordingly with discipline, instead we have become accustomed to giving in and giving up in hopes that we will be instantly rewarded just the same way the TV instantly rewards us for giving in. The truth is, there are no rewards for this behavior, irrationality and impulsiveness leads to mistakes and depression of confidence in individuals. Before you tell your kids to "move back from the TV!" or "Log Off Now!" we should first evaluate if any exposure to these tools is mentally safe, and if there should be laws imposed banning these luxeries from American society? Think about it, with 60-80% of Americans suffering from either a mental illness or social disorder, what could be causing it? TV is a critical wound to American society, it is an addiction, and like an addiction it is filling a void, so to admit it is a problem is half the battle, removing this addiction is the other half, and 50% is filling the void with something productive, and the final 50% is sustaining freedom from the addiction. Altogether it takes 200% of dedication, so the most enthusiastic you can be, and then double that in dedication. We can teach, we can learn, but we cannot at any measure let the wrong be taught, because then the wrong is learned.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by raj9721

I blame technology

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by raj9721

Sure Raj, it could be the TV. Though making a law is not the answer. You can't go around making laws to solve societies issues. It just doesn't work that way.

What you need to do is introduce a new way of thinking and hope it catches on. Right now when kids hear "honor" they think of a first person shooter where they get to kill terrorists and save the day.

Don't believe me?

Honor should be something that starts in the home and between people. Not between soldiers and civilians in a "hostile country." How completely skewed.

I think you should write a book, Raj. The hero does nothing but honor all his agreements, follow through with all of his plans, never wrongs anyone and promotes genuine loyalty.

But who would notice these days...

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:05 PM
Our true problem lies in our disconnect from nature and our...I know it is cliche, but our inner self! We are zombies living in a concrete world of square corners, no stars at babbling brook...smog, traffic jams, stress...etc. We have to reconnect.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by blazenresearcher

I Second that. Someone needs to make the outdoors and nature hip and cool. Maybe Will Smith? Hah.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:09 PM
I am 21, I am in a healthy and solid relationship, I had a wonderful and fulfilling childhood, I am sick and tired of the lethargic, arogant, and failing views of Americans today, we have become a defeatest and seperated culture and ironically it stems back to our cultural idols, and the strive to become accepted, it is now the accepted trend to "not be accepted" to rebel, to spread spite and hate. This model of hatred has been disguised in our media and portrayed as an "activists", "hippie", "left-wing", my favorite "open-minded" motiff. We see it in our music, sitcoms, movies, and web, its tones of rebellion and overthrowing bureaucracy, when its true message is to give in and give up to hate. It's scary because it reminds me of the Judeo-Christi depiction of the Devil and the spread of evil, in that evil tempts you to give up, and after complete submission only then does it gain control of your actions, before this point it was your free will that determined your decision.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Ittabena

Perhaps the armish folk and are onto somthing......

Live simple have simple problems, live complicated have complicated problems.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by raj9721

Welcome to "you live in an illusion created by the Puppet Masters 101"! All true...everything that you said. "They" control everything you watch on TV, Music, Education, Politics, Government, Wars. They use words like "Patriotism" and "Freedom" to go over and mass murder hundreds of innocent people, women and children. Where did the money go???? Hmmm it was dangled in front for all the gluttonous greedy people in the big SUVS and McMansions...then they let the other shoe drop...the hammer come down. It was all orchestrated I tell you.

Best thing to do is not watch not support or give your attention to their agendas, demands, enticements....because you are right....they have an agenda and plan that has taken many many years to come to a head. We are all finally getting our fat a**es of the couch and doing something about it.

OMG...I just had a rant...this is supposed to be a LOVE thread....apologize...carry on!
edit on 26-9-2011 by blazenresearcher because: (no reason given)


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