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Homework promoting polygamy & Islam garb sent home with students

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by bobs_uruncle
If you don't like what the government is doing, STOP PAYING TAXES and STOP SUPPORTING THE CORRUPT SYSTEM! The only way you are going to get change is to stop feeding the beast.

Howz that workin' for ya so far?

Working just fine actually. I have more in transferable tax credits, shareholder equity from loans and capital losses than I could ever use in a lifetime. And yes, the guberment did a 10 years audit on my companies and myself personally. Pay taxes, I don't ef'ing think so, the guberment @ssclowns owe me way too much. Plus, I am still keeping their secrets, they don't want no scandals now, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.

Taxes, that dog don't hunt here.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 9/27.2011 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Charmed707

There is a huge difference between a (as you said) "sexually mature teenager" and an adult. For one thing, people are not always honest. If a girl dresses provacatively and entices a man into having sex with her, he can always come back and say that he thought she was 18. This is almost always the case when a man is brought up on statutory rape charges. Whether or not the girl told him she was 18 or not is not the question, it is how the man perceived her to be and will use it as his defense.

I used to dress provacatively as a young woman, but it NEVER attracted guys my own age or men who had any good intentions. Wisdom is never achieved at the same time puberty decides to time to have sex.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by jaguarsky
When in history class they teach that most of the founding fathers owned slaves are they teaching slavery in a positive light.
They don't teach that accurately or in-depth, either. It's mentioned in passing, often with the conclusion being drawn that slave owners were white racists. Mostly by the students, mind you, but the teachers don't correct it.

How about the massacre of Native American tribes to make the way west easier.
It depends on which school system you're in--you've had to have notable Indians die/resist before it's more than a textbook footnote. I was taught about Custer's last stand when in Iowa because it wasn't far from where we lived. Down in Louisiana, they give you tickets to the after school powwow and say nothing.

Does that teach that genocide is a good thing?
Rarely get to Hitler, so I never got to see how they were going to take overt Genocide.

Just because a subject is discussed does not make the exercise biased one way or the other. Its called education.
How many classes read Huckleberry Fin anymore?

Really, I've been in Iowa and Louisiana school systems, as different as night and day, and what little of these issues are addressed, are minimal. There is not enough in-depth study of anything, in all honesty, just a bunch of sound bites and the teacher's favorite passions. Oh--and teaching to a test.

But hey, its Georgia. Sorry, I know all Georgians aren't' cretins, but hey, you guys keep letting the mouth breathers get all the press.
Banned book list. Georgia's in the limelight right now, but in all honesty, it goes on in every state, across all political, racial, and economic borders.

Originally posted by RedGod
More importantly though....what's so wrong with polygamy?
Those who keep dragging the issue back to this thought are making the issue too simple. Is there anything about the merits or lack thereof in polygamy that is so imperative to teach a 7th grader? Not really. If we don't want lifestyles forced on kids, we shouldn't even bring them up and let them figure out what they want. If we want certain lifestyles addressed as being preferential, then we educate. The problem is that the law is preferential--don't make a corporation out of marriage. Could the purpose of this paper have been accomplished without bringing up something that is illegal in the US? Absolutely. So, it's rather pointless to make this a 7th grade discussion.

Originally posted by FlyingSpaghettiMonster
reply to post by Afterthought

That's it really. This erroneous idea that Islam mentioned in isolation taints an argument, making it propaganda. That Islam automatically needs to be 'balanced' with information about other faiths, lest our vulnerable children are brainwashed. Would the same be said of a document using an example from the Bible? I doubt it. Not in the USA at least. Certainly it seems, not in Georgia.
Yet this same thing we MUST NOT DO to Islam because it taints an argument is EXACTLY how other faith's ideology is treated.

The only counter to this is: "Well, Chriistianity (specifically) had it's turn. We're combating the Christian toehold!" We fine and dandy. The problem is that if you don't give the same restrictions to 1 that you give to the other is that in the future, since Islam is taught unchecked, or unbalanced, is that we're ensuring our future generations are not well-rounded in their education. There is nothing right about that. And this is not even the end issue:

Not that I care if people are Muslims, but if you teach a whole generation that the things they believe are acceptable, culturally, then when it comes time to question "Why am I here?" they'll have the scientific answer of "You're a cosmic accident; nothing planned you," and the equally accepted "Allah Created you, and wants you!". In one, you're automatically acceptable and special because you were made acceptable and special. The other? Doesn't care who you are, and doesn't care when you leave. We're a social creature with a need to belong, and we're impressionable. People are going to pick up this faith, due to their exposure. Not all, and probably not even most.

Now. Did anyone notice that I gave the same reasoning that's given for keeping Christianity out of the schools? I'm a Christian, I want more in my faith. I want to be seen as being in an acceptable faith--so why would I deny this of others?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by bobs_uruncle

Pay taxes, I don't ef'ing think so, the guberment @ssclowns owe me way too much.

There's a difference between working the system and proclaiming 'STOP PAYING TAXES'...especially on this site.
Personally, if everybody paid their fair share, we'd all be in better shape. Taxes are the price you pay for civilization.
edit on 27-9-2011 by JohnnyCanuck because: ...just because

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Charmed707

Originally posted by RedGod

Because adults are old enough to dress that way. High-school kids should not be dressing as provocatively as they are. People get surprised when guys, especially adult guys, pressure these girls into sex but it's hard to blame them when you see what they wear.

Adults should be setting the boundaries, not the standard.

There's not any difference between a sexually mature teenager dressing provocatively and an 'adult' dressing the same way. You mean to tell me certain clothing is innapropriate for a 16 or 17-year-old, but suddenly when they turn the magic number of 18, it's not? Adults dressing and behaving a certain way, all the while telling their kids not to is downright hypocritical...."do as I say, not as I do". Who could respect that? When there are nearly NO boundaries in the adult world, there's not going to be for the generation they're raising either.
There IS no difference. An adult shouldn't go around dressing like a tramp anymore than a kids should--it sends the wrong message to the audience. The difference is that in this country, you can't make an adult dress in a self-respecting manner, nor can you make them do what is best for them--yet, but kids have far less protected rights to do as they wish.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:02 PM
>>>Quoting from

The assignment consisted of a letter from Ahlima, a 20-year-old Muslim woman, and touts the advantage of a wearing a Burqa and finds the way western women dress to be "horribly immodest," according to the assignment.

The assignment shows Ahlima saying she doesn\'t mind if her future husband takes more wives. "I understand that some Westerners condemn our practice of polygamy, but I also know they are wrong, " the assignment said.

>>>End quote.

I don\'t know, to me this looks like an exercise in critical thinking. These young people where challenged with an obviously ridiculous premise in order to reflect on its consequence.

The outrage about this brings two things to light.

Many people are mentally ill equipped to tell satire/hyperbole/irony apart from real intention.

Many people will jump at the chance to take part in even the slightest bit of scandal.

There's a whole other set of reasons for this behavior, among them boredom, low self esteem, ignorance, you name 'em.

It hurts to witness this useless infighting, where so much energy is lost that could be used to achieve useful things.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:59 PM
Our children's freedoms are the most important feature we must protect.

The future of our world depends on our children. The mentality we choose to instill in their minds with a uniform code and restricted learning agenda would jeopardize the freedom of our future nation.

If we grow our children up without the idea that they have the freedom to learn and wear whatever they want, they will become too passive. A problem already seen in the current adult youth generation.

Our children should explore ALL religions, ALL cultures, and ALL current issues.

People here may be angry with the way Islam was portrayed in a positive light. Take your head out of the cookie jar and realize that 1/5 of all mankind (1.2-1.4 Billion people) practice and study Islam.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Well I guess its a good education to learn the perspective of others so we have a more open mind, its good to want to learn. Its an education to make children more tolerant and I for one think its a brilliant idea, and from what I've seen on tv some mormons polygamists seem quite happy, its not a lifestyle for me but unless the guy literally kidnaps or forces a woman to marry him ill back them 100% and wish them all the happiness.

Also girls are surrounded by celebrity sluts, so learning some decency isn't that evil either.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Pepeluacho

Our children should explore ALL religions, ALL cultures, and ALL current issues.

Yes, when they're represented equally and appropriately.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Pepeluacho


posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:29 PM
So why don't they do this in the middle east or many of these Islamic majority based countries....oh right, you could get killed for experiencing other

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by sixswornsermon
Only in America.

We are going to "tolerance and acceptance" ourselves right out of existence unless people start square filing the pc crapola.

Yeah Only in America

George W. Bush: Only In America

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:50 PM

...Originally posted by uroeger

Many people are mentally ill...

That pretty much sums it up.

Compare this statistic to how we were 50 or 100 years ago and it's quite shocking that "those backward people" were (and in some cases still are) living a peaceful life, no "noise".

Almost all of the people I have known in IT have ended up pursuing that life style, away from the city, the noise, living off the land if possible and being ecologically friendly.

People are mentally ill these days, too ignorant to know the truth because they lack the patience to see what is in front of them (a result of the insatiable appetite for information [or the perception of that], as soon as possible yesterday...). People crave sensationalism because that is the dog-bone they have been given all their life and they don't know any different.

We are literally about to repeat history, racism is bubbling to the surface again, all types of prejudice exist in society now and it seems WWIII is nearly afoot which will literally hard-reboot the world once again (for a short while) until someone ends up doing something someone else doesn't like because they are too self centred to pull their head out of their backside once in a while.

Seriously get a grip, take a look at some of the comments on this post and this forum, people need to take a step back and maybe open that window so they stop breathing in their own stale air.

Anyway rant my point is:


Really, is this the quality of education these days? I could expect to find this kind of thing in college or university where maybe, some kids are not total brainless idiots but still, anyone with half a brain would go "hold on, touchy subject, best let that sit under the pile for now".

And someone talked about kids freedom these days, have you seen your own kids these days? Someone put it best "sluts", both boys and girls and you can thank the big brother for this (the Media).

Bit of discipline would sort this world out, instead you have handbag politics at play with the world going soft on everything.

Right off to watch the footie on telly!

*Wow I drank too much coffee again*

edit on 27-9-2011 by old_god because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-9-2011 by old_god because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-9-2011 by old_god because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:31 PM
More to the story than that.

As for my take on it, the assingment saying things like "Islam liberated woman over 1,400 years ago. Is it better to dress according to man or God?” really doesn't sit well with me. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not going to say anything stupid like "This wouldn't be ok if it were Christians" mainly because Christians aren't the ones being stereotyped like Muslims are, i'm just saying that if this really was an assignment on stereotyping, it could've been done way, way better than this.. I would say they should've included more groups like atheists and mormons but, it seems like this article is focuses on religious people in foreign countries more so than simply the relgious/non-religious aspect. I'm just going to go with "It was poorly done lesson on stereotyping", because the latter explanation is just to ridiculous to be true.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Parents are so busy both having to work to make ends meet. People are going into debt and foreclosure and up to their eyeballs in stress because life isn't what it use to be. People refuse to except that corp has them by the balls and down sizing is out of the question, they are still trying hard to keep up with the Jones', mini van, soccer,riding lawn mower,last years Christmas on a credit card and all. While they are blind sided by how life is these days, this gets sneaked in on little Suzy? PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO YOUR CHILDREN!

Almost sounds like a perfect plan.

Glad this father was on his A game! I didn't see any other parents comment,too busy?


edit on 27-9-2011 by Staroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Honor93

Originally posted by Headband7
reply to post by Honor93

Understandable the homework shouldn't have even gone home separation of church and state don't put any beliefs in the public system. Either way I hope homework gets more diverse I don't really get where you're going with your moonshine analogy. That's a completely different thing, going home to brew monshine and sampling? Was her homework assignment to go home and become a polygamist for a day and stich up her own burqa to wear around the town? I don't think so the home work was over the line I'll give you that but my point is that we need to stop with the usual propaganda in schools.

ok, the moonshine example is because it is a southern heritage thing (like Islam is a religion), whose heritage shoulnd't matter. Also, moonshine is illegal as is polygamy ... regardless who is OK with it.
To send info like this home to 'brew' in a child's mind, to me, is equal in every way.
agreed, the prop needs to go but who is the gate keeper?

But your example was to DRINK moonshine.

This homework assignment isnt to BECOME 'muslim', its to see another perspective.

A more accurate and honest comparison for you would have been to READ about moonshiners.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Honor93

Originally posted by ARealandTrueAmerican

Originally posted by Honor93
ya know, aside from the illegal aspects of polygamy ... how is it that the commentary of a 20yr old and her comfort practicing such illegal acts, as an adult, relates to a group of 7th graders or a school 'dress-code' ??
which, by the way, was the initial assignment.

Did you read the article? Its quite clear. The teacher gave them an assignment meant to give perspective on the idea of 'dress code'. This specific example was a contrasting point to the western notion more provocative dress equals 'freedom'. It's not a promotion of 'shariah law', its an assignment meant to give students more perspective and insight into an issue.

That is the point of education-to learn new perspectives.

with this post, i'll go with a "i sure did but you sure didn't" answer for $100 plz

IF you read the story, you'll find the piece in question was authored by a 20yr old (adult) and relates to much more than any dress code ... hence the problem.
And as an aside, the assignment was Not about a 'muslim culture' because not all muslims don such attire. many dress conservatively and this didn't even address that topic.

Sigh. The article is NOT about promoting 'islam'. It is NOT about promoting Shariah law.

It was an assignment meant to give perspective on the idea of dress codes.

Quite simple, and yet your anti-muslim hysteria clearly prevents you from grasping the rather benign nature, as if READING about the opinions of a Muslim might turn these students muslim?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by buster2010

Originally posted by pngxp
bring up Christian beliefs in class and you get suspended and called a horrible monster.

but send 13 year olds home with Islam propaganda and youre apparently a champion of freedom and the most well cultured person ever and everybody should be more tolerant of everything else. as long as its not Christianity of course. or anything about loving America. then youre a stupid intolerant bigot who hates all mexicans or some random garbage.

shame on whomever is responsible for this assignment being handed out to children.

and how is a school uniform even remotely related to islam dress codes? thats completely different things.

No one has to bring up Christian beliefs they are forced on Americans from the time they are born. The father is blowing this way out of proportion. The girl is taking a middle eastern studies course and this was just a letter describing the differences between the women who follow Islam and western women. I question if this letter was actually written by a Muslim woman though because at the end of the letter she said God instead of Allah.

Riiiiight. So a judge saying "rot in jail or go to church" is an egregious offense against the 1st Amendment, but this father is "blowing things out of proportion". It's very convenient to the trolls that Islam is not only a religion, but a culture. So when a clear violation of the 1st Amendment exists, it can be brushed off as "they're just showing a cultural difference". You guys are hilarious.


posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by The Old American

How is this homework assignment a 'violation of the 1st amendment?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by technical difficulties
"It was poorly done lesson on stereotyping", because the latter explanation is just to ridiculous to be true.

I think the point of the lesson was made quite obvious in the article.

It was to give a different perspective on the topic of dress codes.

Incredibly simple when you just read beyond the headline.

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