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Homework promoting polygamy & Islam garb sent home with students

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posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by doom27
reply to post by sixswornsermon

yeah because you know all females who wear veils and participate in group sex and multi partner marriages are tools.

Don't take your anger out on other because you've never had a chance with group sex. Kids should be able to make their own choices, how are they to know what they want when their minds are manipulated by the same ideas, and never taught alternatives and other lifestyles?

Are you really a network administrator?

You sound like you might really be one.

They are thinking of having this town in Florida where people with unusual or taboo penchants for the children can all get together in some kind of big pedophile village. I saw it on a thread here recently. Kinda scary to me but to each their own....until the cops catch 'em is what I like to say.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:56 PM

the state has really jumped the bounds of reality with this one.
recommending illegal activities, suggestions based on a religious theme and all without parental input, notification or approval ... interesting indeed.
ppl, especially children shouldn't be encouraged to participate in illegal activities, period.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
To those who have pointed out that there is an obvious breach in the fact that there should be separation of church and state, you're absolutely right. Especially since the assignment asked if a girl should dress to please men or G_d.
Girls should dress for themselves. They should wear clothes that demonstrate that they have self respect.

Ah yes...the very type of subjective notion I described. So, to whose definition of self respect do you refer...yours or theirs?

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:58 PM
Do the assignment and get it over with. Culture isn't going to kill her. Why ruin the grade that will affect whether you pass or not? I didn't want to do my assignment either, but I sucked it up anyway and did it. Passed with a final A in the class.
edit on 26-9-2011 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:58 PM
I have no problems with uniforms. The covering of the female face -- yes.

I also believe that children should learn to handle a gun as young as possible so it takes away their curiosity.
Do I want this taught in schools? No.
Even though you never hear about Middle Eastern children accidently shooting themselves, it still isn't OK in America to hand a kid a gun and teach him how to handle it properly and with respect. Just as a girls and women should be treated. It doesn't mean we should hide either one.

I know, I'm going off on a tangent here, but it sort of is the same thing if you think about it.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by doom27

I'm not going to make fun of your incoherent argument, or point out that I think that you are trolling. Instead I will address your point for the sake of conversation:

As a parent, I will reserve the right to control and limit access to ideas or things that I BELIEVE may be harmful to my children. When they are older, they may do as they please.

As for my sex life, your general tone leads me to believe that I am most likely older , and more experienced than you. ;D

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by newcovenant

Please read the article.
It's not the teacher. The school administration responded to the father by telling him that the state told them to distribute the material to the students. The state is at fault. This has nothing to do with a teacher.

The State of Georgia is promoting these ideals. Not the school, not the city, not one teacher.

I think someone from the State Department forwarded the material to the school and that is all they are saying at this time. The State has not admitted this is a policy at all. It may be one employee gone "postal" is responsible and it is a grievous error.... then they are responsible. How do you know this employee was not in error or pushing an illegal and unapproved State agenda all by him or herself? Or even someone at the school who is saying the requirements are from the State when they were not.

What I am saying is, there is no proof the State even sent this.
edit on 26-9-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by sixswornsermon

I'm not hating on you, i'm just stating my opinion, and trying to spark debate, and yes i bet you are older than me. I just find it so stupid when some guy gets all butt hurt because the schools taught something he didn't like. If he doesn't like the way the school is teaching, he should shell out the cash for a private school or home schooling, instead of bickering that the free school is teaching something he does not like.

Kids should be informed of these things, instead of just learning how their system works.

And yes i am a network admin, i'm working now (:

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:58 PM
bring up Christian beliefs in class and you get suspended and called a horrible monster.

but send 13 year olds home with Islam propaganda and youre apparently a champion of freedom and the most well cultured person ever and everybody should be more tolerant of everything else. as long as its not Christianity of course. or anything about loving America. then youre a stupid intolerant bigot who hates all mexicans or some random garbage.

shame on whomever is responsible for this assignment being handed out to children.

and how is a school uniform even remotely related to islam dress codes? thats completely different things.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by doom27

Now this is a valid point, and I revise my earlier assertation of your posting intentions. If This father doesn't like it, he does have the right to homeschool, or voice his displeasure.

Thinking about it a little more, I realize it is a knee jerk reaction to become upset (butthurt ??
) over a kid learning about another culture. I believe the reason it gets such a strong reaction, is because we are having it shoved down our throats to accept and tolerate things that some of us may find intolerable, and if we find it intolerable, we may not want to expose our kids to that particular idea.

What kind of systems do you administer, if I may inquire?

edit on 26-9-2011 by sixswornsermon because: clarity is good

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:19 PM
While I don't think that 'tolerance indoctrination' of this level is really appropriate for 7th graders, I'll tell you one thing about the story that makes me chuckle:

Don't like, oh, 150% of American males view porn regularly?? Isn't it well over 50% of women as well? These folks are watching some amount of 3way, group, homosexual, crossdressing type videos. But the moment the word polygamy comes up they get all up in arms. GOD FORBID that you should connect unusual sexual practices and LOVE! That's heresy!

Oh and Manhater:

Originally posted by Manhater
So, in my homework assignment I had to survive on an island with 5 guys and had to procreate civilization in order to make a community. Oh, and the 5 guys, were like, totally useless in doing the homework assignment. Imagine how I felt. I'll say 2 just gave me 5 lines to work with and proofread the work and said ok looks good. [They proofread it the day we had to make the speech]
Made an 89, I was sooo pissed. Just needed that last point. It had to be 7 pages long.
edit on 26-9-2011 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

You should have written the "story" to reflect your group's experience! (although I will say that 1:5 ratio would only lead to the males killing each other in a real life scenario. That's a little creepy of an assignment, asking HS students to imagine the challenges of "procreating civilization". Sounds like the teacher's watched a little too much of the porn I mentioned above!)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by blamethegreys

He was a strict teacher who put up with 0 tolerance. My group was the only group that had the 1:5 ratio, just how the group got placed. We all got to choose are own groups. But, by the time I went go to choose mine it was full. 1 Male got kicked out of class and never returned. But I still included him. He was one of the slackers.

My teacher was fair with the group grade considering I didn't want them to get an 89. But, I didn't want to fail with a 0 of not participating. So, I lied and said it was a group effort.

He knew they didn't participate. I told him and gave him my thoughts about it. And I told him I shouldn't have to suffer if I spent hours on 7 pages just to be failed because of my group. I don't think he wanted to see his hardworking student fail due to 5 slackers who didn't take the assignment seriously.
edit on 26-9-2011 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by pngxp

Sounds like to me its time for a major law suit against the state. This has been happeing all over there have been reports of students being sent home with prayer rugs and school books which claimed that Muslims founded the US. All being paid for from a group out of Saudi Arabia. The schools have become money harlots who are selling out the the highest bidder. Then wonder why people in this country don't know any history, any geography, science math etc. They are too busy spending class time and assignments on changing culture and being a nanny state. There have been court decisions in regards to seperation of church and state for decades. Removal of the ten commandments, Children being suspended from school for silent prayer Children being sent home and suspended for wearing christian crosses. It is pathetic that now we have to go another round of schools promoting Religion and shoving down everyones throat. Enouigh is enough whats next forced Buddhism? I guess Asia hasn't bribed enough school officials yet.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

The uniform concept is a way to keep students attention on studies. If it were not better all around for a multitude of reasons private schools would not employ it exclusively. Don't you think those parents would have balked? Do they hate their kids?

It is a way to keep students in a mindset that this time is not their own. When they change clothes they are done with the work, the studies and out for the fun. I think it gives educators that much more of an edge and helps students to feel, if not be industrious. Kids are equal instantly and nobody is gawking at inappropriate nudity, pants hanging off the hips, dirty plaid underwear showing, skirts up around the whahoo, and that ridiculous veil or the cumbersome burka.

"Do they hate their kids?" Good question, if I didn't know any better you seem to have it out for children.

Obviously, that's an exaggeration, but lets set some things straight here. As a kid, you should have just as many rights as an adult. It's your life and your decisions, your parents are your government however.

Let's see if I can explain this right. Firstly, a dress code:yes. School Uniform:Absolutely not. Is this prison or a public school? It's called public for a reason, and children also aren't your personal dress up doll. To say this "evens" everyone's social status is laughable. Look at it from a distance. You see kids all the time in social groups, it wouldn't matter much more if they had to wear a jumpsuit hand picked by the school board.

They will still be ignorant and hateful as much as others are caring and kind.

As a small but equally relevant example: A basketball team wears a team jersey. On the court they rely on each other. Whether the school has a uniform or not, it will not change the perceived differences in each persons personality. They will still have conflicts, children are just like adults:Not black and white and have a sense of self. Changing their clothes isn't going to change anything on the inside.

I support a dress code, limitations, not absolutes are what is needed. To say I can't be who I am is telling the sky to turn purple. It won't help you any.

As to the subject of this being a time to "learn." I agree. However, it's still the child's choice whether or not to use it wisely. Just as it is the child's choice as to what interests they grow. To dictate someone's life like that is slavery, and I don't want anyone, no matter how poorly behaved or learned to experience 13 years like that.

And you say a dress code would also rid others of their religious garments. Are you for totalitarian authority? I couldn't tell through this penal system you're trying to pass off as a school system argument.

I dressed perfectly normal most of my life through school (my own personal hell if you will) blue jeans and t shirts. However, I didn't always get the best grades. People will pick on you for no reason other than seeing weakness. If I can't rely on the school to defend me like the law would in real life, why should I subscribe to their system? Both kids get expelled in a fight nowadays. How is that equality for you. Won't matter to anyone else but the adults. The kids will just argue over who won anyway and which party was in the wrong.

I'd suggest looking at giving children the freedoms you have without being partial, I'm sure you would feel like you were trapped in someone else's world.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by pngxp

Sounds like to me its time for a major law suit against the state. This has been happeing all over there have been reports of students being sent home with prayer rugs and school books which claimed that Muslims founded the US. All being paid for from a group out of Saudi Arabia. The schools have become money harlots who are selling out the the highest bidder. Then wonder why people in this country don't know any history, any geography, science math etc. They are too busy spending class time and assignments on changing culture and being a nanny state. There have been court decisions in regards to seperation of church and state for decades. Removal of the ten commandments, Children being suspended from school for silent prayer Children being sent home and suspended for wearing christian crosses. It is pathetic that now we have to go another round of schools promoting Religion and shoving down everyones throat. Enouigh is enough whats next forced Buddhism? I guess Asia hasn't bribed enough school officials yet.

This is exactly what we are dealing with.

Politicians argue about whether a bill will help a certain school district or schools in the state(s) and then the local government usually dips right into the money for the school and uses it for other things anyway. If our government cannot agree on a Constituency Plan that simple, how can we expect them to do anything else without botching it up.

They also like to dictate about how our students are some of the worst in the world or whatever. Yea, that tends to happen when a school has to base it's curriculum around subject matter to be found on a test that determines how much money the school gets (what little it can rely on) instead of teaching those who want to learn.

These officials and politicians should be concentrating on how to make the money issue work. Let the school districts decide what should and should be taught. But don't leave it up to a school board, you need a public vote for what to include in school curriculum.

With what we have now, we learn the very basic of basics, waste time on math classes you won't need most of your life amongst other things. You learn nothing about how the real world works and nothing about how other countries function.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by pngxp

Sounds like to me its time for a major law suit against the state. This has been happeing all over there have been reports of students being sent home with prayer rugs and school books which claimed that Muslims founded the US.

Please cite your sources. To hijack the meme...'citations or it didn't happen'.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by sixswornsermon
ETA: What is this newfangled "butthurt" word that is all the rage these days? Is it some sort of reference to rape of a persons but? I'm pretty sure that if my butt was raped, I would be justifiably pissed off. Does this negate the intended meaning?
It is in part a reference to rape, but it also stems from the phrase "chapped a**"--which has to do with doing enough exercise to rub your cheeks raw, or particularly acidic and explosive poop that eats your bum in the short period of time it takes to expel it (butt lava) . It has no place in here, because of the far more negative associations, but unless the Mods squash it, it's not going to be addressed.

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
Hmmm...what it also conveys is the fact that there are things in this society which we consider evils, that to those who practice Islam are not. It conveys the fact that these things are not always forced upon women, but are considered societal norms in some places. It conveys the fact that some of these moral designations may actually be subjective...even if one does not ascribe to them.
It's not that it shows Islam one way or another, but that there's no other viewpoint there.

Originally posted by newcovenantKids are equal instantly and nobody is gawking at inappropriate nudity, pants hanging off the hips, dirty plaid underwear showing, skirts up around the whahoo, and that ridiculous veil or the cumbersome burka.
Pros and Cons of Uniforms.

The thing is that I was subjugated to uniforms, and there was no equalization due to wearing the same uniform. I know it can happen, but there are cases where a uniform can't hide the differences in economic standing between any given set of students.

Originally posted by newcovenant
No but unfortunately it happens in back alleys of America after nights in the bar rooms to women who do not cover up properly and drink a little too much all the time. It is called rape. They don't follow up with the stoning but sometimes well what they do is worse. Would conservative clothes have helped these girls? Yes. That and going home earlier and drinking a whole lot less. It is a combination of factors and nobody follows the bouncing burka out of a bar.
What is important to note is that you did not take blame away from the rapist.

What people fail to understand is that males responses are triggered by sight, predominantly. It doesn't mean that they have to respond to their reaction, nor does it give them the right to rape...

Originally posted by Honor93
ppl, especially children shouldn't be encouraged to participate in illegal activities, period.
And that's the rub. Multiple wives is illegal in the US.

Originally posted by pngxp
bring up Christian beliefs in class and you get suspended and called a horrible monster.

but send 13 year olds home with Islam propaganda and youre apparently a champion of freedom and the most well cultured person ever and everybody should be more tolerant of everything else. as long as its not Christianity of course. or anything about loving America. then youre a stupid intolerant bigot who hates all mexicans or some random garbage.
You know the best part to me? Both Christian and Jewish culture, while having a preference for monogamy, had acts of polygamy from their beginnings. Yes, Christians and Jews in America, when setting up the laws of the land, at that point, were predominantly monogamous, but it doesn't mean that this was a uniform decision. Besides, there are non-religious groups that are predominantly, or even unanimously against polygamy: the feminist movement.

Originally posted by redrose123This has been happeing all over there have been reports of students being sent home with prayer rugs and school books which claimed that Muslims founded the US.
This upsets me more than anything else that's been said here.

Originally posted by Xen0m0rpHAs a kid, you should have just as many rights as an adult. It's your life and your decisions, your parents are your government however.
No they shouldn't, not without the same responsibilities. If they're not required to support themselves, they don't get the same rights. If they don't do adult time for beating up an old man, they don't need the same rights. This is not the same as saying they shouldn't have any rights. Now, I'm aware that you show some distinction in rights, but that doesn't change that there are reason why children ought to be "subjugated".

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by pngxp
bring up Christian beliefs in class and you get suspended and called a horrible monster.

but send 13 year olds home with Islam propaganda and youre apparently a champion of freedom and the most well cultured person ever and everybody should be more tolerant of everything else. as long as its not Christianity of course. or anything about loving America. then youre a stupid intolerant bigot who hates all mexicans or some random garbage.

shame on whomever is responsible for this assignment being handed out to children.

and how is a school uniform even remotely related to islam dress codes? thats completely different things.

No one has to bring up Christian beliefs they are forced on Americans from the time they are born. The father is blowing this way out of proportion. The girl is taking a middle eastern studies course and this was just a letter describing the differences between the women who follow Islam and western women. I question if this letter was actually written by a Muslim woman though because at the end of the letter she said God instead of Allah.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 09:11 PM
Not happening, so I very much hope that US citizens will stop this in its tracks and follow trail to whoever is promoting this and ensure they never see any responsible positions again.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by Afterthought

I hate to sound like CHINA but personally I think all students should wear uniforms like they do in private schools and the boys and girls should be separated for classes so each could concentrate on studies.

Sorry but you only get one chance to learn for free.

You better get the most out of it.

I took my kids out of the uniform police crapola and would never allow them separted. I would rather they wore droopy bottoms and held hands in the hall. VIVA LA FREEDOM. EVIL IS EVIL AND ITS CALLED OPPRESSION.

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