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POLICE in my Backyard :@

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posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:28 PM
I dont know if its in the right spot, so mods please move if you think it is nessesary

just half an hour ago there was an attack i believe which involved a knife so the rumours go, on a street across from my home. my dad calls me when he's leaving the street to lock all the doors and tell everyone to stay inside, which I do.

my mom tells me the police is in the backyard of the persons house behind our house looking around and they peek in on my backyard. i quickly snap a few photos of the police and it looks like theres a civilian following him

than few minutes later my mom tells me the police are in our backyard, I am like WTF!! i rush downstairs and and confront them and ask them what wrong,

the civilian guy said "oh theres been an attack with a knife and the guy ran by here, well i dont know if he ran by here"

i reply "so do you know if he ran by here, get out of my back yard"

the police officer is we are just checking to see if he dropped anything, we might be back, but we will knock this time

i was so angry i forgot to ask for the police officers badge and name

they leave and i ask my mom why you let them inside, she said they asked her to go inside but i didnt reply. I am so upset, the nerve of the officer and the civilian to just enter my backyard without any permission and than be we will ask for your permission next time

and i dont know who the civilian guy is, all i know he could come and rob me know because he seen my backyard and my door and the back entrance to my basement

i live in toronto, and not familiar with any laws of police officers being allowed into someone else property thats not near the crime scene to do a search

im going to find the number for complaints and give them a piece of my mind

i had all faith in police services before the chaos of the G20 and what the police did there. i have respect for police and i will never interact with them unless i have to but this made me lose faith even more

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:35 PM
Calm down.. Probably a routine check.. Nothing to get all pissy about, After all they did ask permission.. It would be a completely different story if they kicked your doors in..

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by ZarbeMomin

So let me get this straight:

A) Some maniac wielding a knife is reportedly seen running through your garden.
B) A police officer enters your garden without permission (in search of the aforementioned knife wielding maniac).

And it is option B that you aren't happy about?


posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:36 PM
Look, kid. Your Mommy gave the police permission, so you, as a minor, don't really have a say in the matter.

Can you imagine a scenario where there's a Bad Guy (tm) with a knife running around threatening people and the police would be compelled to knock on each door and ask permision of it was ok with the homeowner if the police, you know, checked out the back yard? There's an old English law called "Follow the game." You're allowed to. Seems like the same thing here.

Let your Mommy handle it.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:37 PM
I once had 6 civile police officers, running trough my appartment, with no permission, to catch some criminals in the yard behind the block i was living in. I just pop'ed another beer, and enjoyed the show.
They later came back, and said sorry for the interruption, and i said no problem, please knock next time

edit on 25-9-2011 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Really nice move, mate! Next time the police want to do their job and protect me. I'll just knock them down! LOL.. Just stay in your room and let them do their job, kiddo.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by ZarbeMomin

So if there's a chance there maybe a knife wielding nutter in your back garden, you'd rather the police knocked and asked if it was okay to search for him?........or would you rather they left you safely in your home and dealt with it directly?

Jeez!......some people really do have it in for the police!......damned if they do.....damned if they don't!

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:45 PM
I don't know about Canada, but in the U.S. they'd be well within their rights to enter your property since they were in "hot pursuit" of a suspect. Also, warrants aren't needed if the purpose is to protect the public/prevent destruction of evidence. Now, I'm not much of a fan of Johnny Law, but I'd rather my mom run into a cop in her backyard than a knife wielding lunatic on the lam from the man.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:48 PM
Would you be the same person who would complain because the criminal tossed a weapon into your backyard and the police did not take the time to look and make sure you were safe?

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by ZarbeMomin

I am not a big fan of police these days but in this case, you might want to be thankful that they were on duty and making sure the neighborhood was safe.

Sometimes, it really is for our safety. Not all police are like the ones on youtube.


posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:53 PM
I'm one of the first to say something when police abuse their authority, which is happening now more than ever. But, this OP is ridiculous. You have knife wielding person on the run, IN your neighborhood, RIGHT next to your house, the cops are obviously looking for him, to KEEP the neighborhood safe, and PREVENT another attack, and you're this angry because they spent 3 minutes in your yard looking to see if the guy dropped anything???

Everything is not black and white. Can we apply a little logic here. I'd actually say the OP, is not someone who cares about the well-being and safety of his neighbors. There is a guy running around with a knife, through your neighborhood, and you won't cooperate so your neighbors are safe? If I lived next door to you, i'd be more pissed at you than I would be at the cops.

Now, if there wasn't a knife wielding suspect on the run, in your neighborhood, you would have a reason to get pissed. But........that's not the case is it?
edit on 25-9-2011 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2011 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:54 PM
no im not a minor i own the house and my parents live with me. the are not in hot pursuit but searching for something. my room faces the backyard and i have been in my room the whole day finishing a report and i told them no one has passed through this way

my mom did not give permission, the police are now jumping across the fence of my house and the neighbour house

but what really ticked me off was the civilian guy on my property

they dont even know which way the guy ran off to

i apologize if my first post was not clear enough

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:57 PM
Wait, a guy who just attacked some one with a knife was seen very close to your house and you get mad at them for checking to see if he was near your house or on your property?

Can you really not understand the situation? You were like "WTF?" Well duh, they were searching the neighborhood for a knife wielding attacker! Honestly I am surprised you did not get yelled at to get back in your house, for being stupid enough to go run through the area that they are searching for the guy.

Calm down! I bet you would be the first one calling for the cops help had he decided to hide in your yard.

They did you a favor and I see nothing wrong with them looking for a guy who just attacked some one with a knife, in my backyard. I would rather have a cop in my yard than a psycho knife wielding creep.

How about you?

You showed a complete lack of regard for your safety and the safety of your parents. They looked briefly for an attacker that was right next to your house. So what?

They were protecting you and your family. Why does that bother you?
edit on 25-9-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by ZarbeMomin
no im not a minor i own the house and my parents live with me. the are not in hot pursuit but searching for something. my room faces the backyard and i have been in my room the whole day finishing a report and i told them no one has passed through this way

my mom did not give permission, the police are now jumping across the fence of my house and the neighbour house

but what really ticked me off was the civilian guy on my property

they dont even know which way the guy ran off to

i apologize if my first post was not clear enough

So you don't care about the safety of your parents either?

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by ZarbeMomin

they dont even know which way the guy ran off to

Which is why they are searching the entire area.... It would be stupid not to.

As for the civilian guy, so what? Meter readers go onto your property all the time. Post men, UPS delivery guys etc.... Lots of people go right onto your property all the time.

Not to mention,how do you know it was not a detective?
edit on 25-9-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:04 PM
ok, I possess serious negativity for law enforcement in this country, but I must say.... are you MAD???

It's not like they came to smell the daisies, they were ACTUALLY tryna protect you!!!

Your story makes you believe that if a guy came to your house with bloody hands holding a knife you'd invite him in for tea and cookies...

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by ZarbeMomin

The civilian guy you are ranting about is most likely a plains clothes detective attempting to find a potential murder weapon in your yard. Can't say if they need your permission in Canada but I doubt it. If they do you should welcome them to come and search for a weapon that someone could step on...a child could find and hurt themself or just maybe put the attacker behind bars so he/she casnnot hurt someone again.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:08 PM
So, we complain when they don't do their job.
Complain when they do their job poorly.
Complain when they do something other than their job.

And now complain when they actually do do their job!

Well I guess it really is true that you can never please everyone.

A couple of months ago I came home to find a crap load of cops wondering my apartment complex. I start walking toward my apartment building and one runs up to me from behind the bush he was hiding in. He says "excuse me ma'am you can't go over there" I proceeded to ask him what was wrong, and he told me there was some guy apparently who was suicidal and had a gun and was threatening to shoot anyone who came near him, or himself. Of course the report came from my building, which only had 4 apartments in it.

Now although the report ended up being bogus, I was frightened there for a little while, because my then 8 month old son and husband were in the apartment completely unaware of the what was transpiring around them, and I had no way to contact them because my husband's cellphone was dead, and I was rightly so not allowed to go to my apartment. So I waited for 2 hours while the police officers made sure that everything was fine.

It must have been annoying for them when the guy who had been called in wasn't even in said apartment but let me tell you I was very happy that they took it so seriously, and would have been totally ok if they needed to enter my apartment to make sure my family was safe, and to take care of the situation...

What I am saying is, not all cops are bad, they're not all out to get you, and a lot of them really are interested in looking out for public safety. And when a crises situation hits they don't necessarily have time to get your stamp of approval for what they're doing when it could be a life or death situation for you or somebody else. However it would be nice if they could always involve the people around them, it's not always possible. I don't think its something to get worked up about, maybe you could ask them if a situation arises next time if they could please knock and give you the heads up first so as not to give you or your parents a scare. Chances are though, if they're running around looking for the guy they might not have the time to do that.

I know 5 cops personally, some in the US and a couple in Canada, and they are good people. Obviously there are terrible cops out there too, but they are not the majority...not yet.

Just sayin...
edit on 25-9-2011 by seeker11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2011 by seeker11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

they would have seen the guy was not there when they were on the other side of the fence peeking through onto my backyard

there was never any threat of a person in my immediate sorrounding

and i could give a S@#% about my neighbours who like to blast loud music into the night and toss their bottles onto the street and onto my lawn

i feel like clint eastwood in gran torino

ahh look they squashed my garden:@

and the civilian is actually a civilian not a plain cloths detective
edit on 25-9-2011 by ZarbeMomin because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by ZarbeMomin
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

they would have seen the guy was not there when they were on the other side of the fence peeking through onto my backyard

there was never any threat of a person in my immediate sorrounding

and i could give a S@#% about my neighbours who like to blast loud music into the night and toss their bottles onto the street and onto my lawn

i feel like clint eastwood in gran torino

ahh look they squashed my garden:@

Well, I'm glad you aren't my neighbor, and I feel sorry for your parents, who have to live with you looking out for them.

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