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Have the American people lost their Backbone's?

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posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by michaelmcclen

You are either a troll or an instigator either way I don't think you have the right to say anything about the US. Everyone involved in the occupywallstreet know that they are up against the meanest killing machine on the planet if they get called out. They knew and agreed to be non violent in order to not give an excuse to the authorities to call it out. What did your riots in the UK accomplish from what I can tell nothing. It takes a stronger and better person to be non vilent than an idiot to act a fool.

Not a troll, and im not from England so the riots over there have nothing to do with me, im from Northern Ireland.

Im not trying to instigate anything, I said have the American people lost their backbone because they wont defend a fellow citizen being oppressed. Its a legitmate question.

Violence never solves, anything lol, thats why the world is ruled by nasty , nasty violent people. Hell even look at Nothern Ireland we have murders and extremists running our time you come to the table arguing violence solves nothing , dont try to use that arguement with someone who lives in the developed world who's counrty owes everything to violence and to be honest seems alot better off than America.
edit on 26-9-2011 by michaelmcclen because: grammar

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:47 AM
"Americans lost their backbones. In the UK we stand side by side" ... Self-pleasing garbage.

As someone pointed out, these girls are isolated from the crowd. So there really is noone to standup except those women for themself. They just got maced, it was uncalled for but ... big deal. When I watched the video for the first time, I thought someone got shot. The way they overreacted is ridiculous.

Also they are surrounded by a police that has shown time and time again not to be restrained by commonsense or commensurability. Raising up against US police is ultimately more dangerous than in the UK. Escalation can quickly result in gunfire - not so in the UK. The mob simply has to be more carefull when demonstrating in the US.

Although very placative I agree with the poster who wrote about real men. I think it describes a real tendency within American society. However, I don't see the cause and consequence connected to this topic. Except the OP craving to demonstrate masculinity by saying he would protect those crybaby girls no matter what. Good puppy! You earned yourself a fanny

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:47 AM
eta doublepost
edit on 26-9-2011 by CriticalCK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by CriticalCK

Yes, like everyone else you digging too deep into the topic and not looking at the question at hand.

Has America lost its sense of community?
Has Americas lost their back bone to fight injustice?
Has America no chance of turning itself around?
Is the peaceful protests working?

Its not a trolling thread, its a discussion thread and its most certinatly not about me proclaiming to be a man, this is the internet everyone claims to be the biggest and badest keyboard warrior day in day out. This website is a discussion forum and I posed a serious question with a little back ground info about my community and how we would react in such a situation......never the less only a few have seen the real questions while the others like yourself like to have a dig at the OP because I challange the status quo and go against America!

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:03 AM
Yes, America has lost it's sense of community. People don't trust people anymore. Just the way it is.

Yes, America doesn't know how to stand against injustice. They only rally behind some cause involving children or puppies. No helping out the average Joe.

Yes, America does have a chance of turning itself around. I just think half the population has to die first, and not along ethnic, political, or any other subcatagorical lines. Just half it's population. Should wake up the remainder.

And No, peaceful protests don't work, because Cops are the first to bring weapons to a peaceful protest. Just their presence is a slap in the face to the whole idea. They are intentional catalysts.

I still have a backbone, so does every American. People always want to jump start this revolutionary business. Why? We all know it is inevitable. We get people jumping the gun on this and it's bad news for everybody. Just wait. It's all it takes. Everything will fall into place. It always has. The camels' back hasn't broken yet. People are not pissed enough. But it will happen.

edit on 26-9-2011 by Bobaganoosh because: addition

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Bobaganoosh
Yes, America has lost it's sense of community. People don't trust people anymore. Just the way it is.

Yes, America doesn't know how to stand against injustice. They only rally behind some cause involving children or puppies. No helping out the average Joe.

Yes, America does have a chance of turning itself around. I just think half the population has to die first, and not along ethnic, political, or any other subcatagorical lines. Just half it's population. Should wake up the remainder.

And No, peaceful protests don't work, because Cops are the first to bring weapons to a peaceful protest. Just their presence is a slap in the face to the whole idea. They are intentional catalysts.

I still have a backbone, so does every American. People always want to jump start this revolutionary business. Why? We all know it is inevitable. We get people jumping the gun on this and it's bad news for everybody. Just wait. It's all it takes. Everything will fall into place. It always has. The camels' back hasn't broken yet. People are not pissed enough. But it will happen.

edit on 26-9-2011 by Bobaganoosh because: addition

Thank you for one of the first honest answers, you truely seem to grasp what the point that im trying to convey

Althrough your not saying that I did, I would like to make it clear that im not talking about starting or instigating a revolution, If it happens it happens, if not , if not

This was intended to be an open and honest discussion but some people unlike your self cant see past America bashing and go straight for my throat.

Anywho, do you think its the average joe that doesent give two hoots about the general population and their problems or is it still mainly a class based system thats holding people back from converging on wall street?
edit on 26-9-2011 by michaelmcclen because: brain fart

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by michaelmcclen

Has America lost its sense of community?
Yes. The government has replaced the family and community. This is the true evil of the nanny state.

Originally posted by michaelmcclenHas Americas lost their back bone to fight injustice?

Americans, by and large, no longer understand "justice", and thus are blind to "injustice". Our "justice" system is just as corrupted as our political system. Our judges are for hire. Our police have the "us" vs "them" mentality. Many police officers are enjoying their "power". They are not our protectors or our avengers, they are jack booted thugs, servants of our tinpot dictators.

Originally posted by michaelmcclenHas America no chance of turning itself around?
Not anymore. With the formation of the SS(sorry, DHS), and the "patriot act"(Orwellian double speak at it's best), we are now a Huxley style police state with Orwellian style surveillance mostly in place. At this point, effective resistance is not even a pipe dream.

Originally posted by michaelmcclenIs the peaceful protests working?
They don't care about peaceful protest.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by michaelmcclen

Anywho, do you think its the average joe that doesent give two hoots about the general population and their problems or is it still mainly a class based system thats holding people back from converging on wall street?
The average "joe" just wants his six pack, his football, and for his wife to stop nagging him about stuff. He does not even know that he is in chains.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:54 AM
I don't think it has much to do with twinkies or fat, I think it's fear.
It's a big part - the human herd thing. Americans ARE looking around. They are waiting for others to do something, and see what happens.

I think it was pepper spray they got the girls with, btw.

Then another part is fear. Cops do horrid things to people - they might bust your teeth out or scar your face up. They might put you in jail, and ruin your record, so you can't get a job. KWIM?

Americans are manipulated, bewildered and scared. That doesn't mean that they do not have backbone. It means they are a cautious, peaceful people when it comes down to their own interactions. (Even as they might not be when it comes to their country going to war....)

They are waking up. There's denial - it always comes first - then they have to reconfigure their belief systems - and then ...THEN....they will probably raise HADES.

But you know - like - ok, occupy wallstreet in NYC - and just, by chance, there's been several front page stories about the NYPD - I saw one story about how they have 34,000 cops, and another where they can shoot planes out of the sky all by themselves. There's a message there - you don't think that was just coincidence do you? Because I don't.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Heart Is Black

Originally posted by caledonia

Originally posted by Heart Is Black
The Americans are weak, fat, lazy and too sorry to get off their asses and do something. The ones who do not fall in that category are the ones on prescription meds and dying.

Sometimes I am ashamed to be an American, nothing really gets done over here.
I guess the brain washing started going down after the Titanic sunk or some # like that.[edits by]edit on 25-9-2011 by Heart Is Black because: (no reason given)

i do volunteer work for various organizations.
locally we have volunteers at the municipal apple orchard, over 200.
we have volunteers for the trail system.
the animal disaster response team.(sets up emergency animal shelters)
scouts, sports, hospitals, nursing homes, gardening, library.
animal rescue, foster homes,adoption, dogs, cats, bunnies, horses.
all have volunteers helping make a better society.

finding something positive to do to improve your community and meet great people is everywhere.

and the volunteer groups i work with don't care about race, religion or age.
and the cops don't beat us up.

edit on 26-9-2011 by citizen6511 because: clean up post

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by michaelmcclen

The average Joe has his hands tied. It isn't a lack of caring. If Joe is fortunate enough to still be employed, he dare not request time off to protest. If he is unemployed, he is too broke to even go.

We all care, but there is no direction. Peaceful protests will not be taken seriously and everybody knows it. Violent protests will make everything worse, even if it does convey our disdain for the present state of play.

So we are left with the old addage. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.

If we wanted to grab some attention, we should just storm DC with nerf guns. Equip about 3 million people don't with nerf guns, and when they are slaughtered by riot pigs the world will see just how evil our government is, and that they don't represent the american peoople.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 01:26 PM
I have to agree that america lost its voice. The laws we have in place are a slap on the wrist for a protest (minus the inital beating). I see events like occupy wall street and would figure a sea of ppl would choke out the city but it looks kinda small almost like more cops than people. I feel ashamed that more ppl arn't standing up to this corruption when i saw all the protesters stand up for the arab spring when if they got arrested for that it woulda been years in jail or worse. Don't get me wrong there is a big difference in the protest one was staged so it was on every tv channel worldwide and wall street hasn't been on Tv at all. Everyone seems to think the next president will change the country which it untrue they don't have the power to do it. he only has 1/3 of the power needed and how much u wanna bet the corruption is loaded up in congress and the house.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 12:00 PM
Yes, the United States Has lost its backbone, We fight wars that have a seemingly new target ever weak we kill our young soldiers that get dooped into the military for the prospect of college because mom and dad can't possibly pay that and neither can the kids, we over medicate everybody and its a federal offence to get your drugs anywhere else. I believe the last time the u.s. had a back bone it was the revoltutionary war from britain. We have long since forgot our Constitution the original one we've amended the amendments so much that its no longer anything we can be governed by. I think that the declaration might be the only untouched document. and it lovingly states in the 1st paragraph:

when in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

that paragraph is our fail safe. Because the doc is so long i have provided a link to it.

American fail to understand that those founding fathers thought of almost Everything and tried there hardest to make sure that IF in the event this government werent to work we had grounds to do a walk out.

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