So i'm my mid-30s
I feel like i'm in my mid-20s though, but that's besides the point, don't let me go off-topic with that one lol
But I used to Squint ALL THE TIME in high school and Univ., mostly towards the end of high school though, actually very much so.... I think
My eyesight was horrible, I tried glasses, contacts, then glasses again
then for like 10yrs or more I just stopped wearing glasses because I felt it was nerdy, even though I looked AWESOME in them
Couldn't do contacts either, it would take my hours to take them out and that used to piss me off
then for more then 10yrs I stopped it all
Now I don't at all feel like I need them and I never find myself squinting......ever
When 10yrs ago I used to.....ALWAYS
People in school called me snobbish because if they sat or stood not too far from me I didn't say or wave high, but that's because I didn't want to
In the library or caf, I used to ask my friends "Is that guy staring at me"
And I always wanted to start a fight with that guy, because I thought he was staring at me like he wanted to start something
And they used to tell me "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, for the millionth time nobody is staring at you"
But now.......
I'm fine, don't need glasses
i'm not 20/20
But I don't need glasses and don't ever find myself squinting
How is that possible?