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Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
reply to post by macman
Sorry I thought everyone in the military signed up with social security and was entitled to the benefits.
Maybe I was wrong here...........
Originally posted by texastig
Originally posted by spiritualzombie
From the denials of global warming and man's impact on the environment, to their constant loyalty toward corporations and support for war in oil rich nations, blind nationalism, hatred and distrust of outsiders, while always saving judgement and cynicism for the poor, the needy, the sick, the peace loving, and environmentally conscious. Does the mainstream republican base rely solely on a mixture of ignorance and greed?
There is something extremely disturbing about this hive mentality. In fact if you notice in debates and other discussions... republicans who do not embrace the hive mentality are shunned from the group.
I don't understand how any free-thinking, socially conscious person can embrace this twisted mentality? In order to support today's Republican party must a person also embrace Ignorance and/or Greed?
There are over 10,000 scientists that say human global warming is fake. Even the creator of the Weather Channel says the same thing. It is the sun that is heating up according to MIT and National Geographic. Corporations bring jobs. Iraq aided al-qaeda by giving them comfort and sanctuary according to Hillary Clinton, a Democrat. Republicans are not ignorant.
Originally posted by spiritualzombie
Originally posted by constantwonder
Originally posted by macman
Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by macman
not really just looking at stuff like this and see how it correlated to the thread topic
Where is the area to put things like racist, war mongering and profiteering?
War mongering and profiteering is far from a Republican only problem....
Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Barbara Boxer.... Democratic war mongering and profiteering happens to friend...
The ignorance being displayed here by both sides saddens me.
Wake up smell the bull#, Washington is a big scam where the few get rich of the many.
You think liberals care more about you than their own status you are crazy. Republican and democrat is nothing but a circus for public consumption.
These people are ALL SCREWING US. There is no good side or bad side no black side or white side, the side anyone in Washington is on is the GREEN side.
Until everyone posting dribble from both parties book of taglines realizes this we are doomed. And everyone throwing out the talking points is perpetuating the ignorance.
Good job
So then can we all agree to just be good people who push for peace, equality, and a sustainable clean planet? Can we all agree that money is not more important than the environment? Can we all agree that people should not be treated different based on age, race, sex, religion, sexual orientation? Can we all agree to not support laws that allow unlimited corporate funding to pollute our democratic elections?
This way we aren't siding with a party, but simple morality.
Originally posted by Grumble
65% of the Iowa Straw Poll voters did not believe in evolution.
Originally posted by Connector
Originally posted by macman
reply to post by EarthCitizen07
What lies?
My family and I have always done better. There is no need to lie.
What do you mean by service men relying on SS? I don't follow.
Yes, the middle class carries the brunt.
Yes, Bush created the TSA and PA. But, I don't consider him to be a Rep. More Dem then anything.
The PA screams of Govt control. That has always been the mantra of Dems, throughout my life.
The idea that people are to dumb, and that the Fed Govt has to step in, to safe us from ourselves.
But, lower taxes during Reps, lower unemployment during Reps.
Please don't just spout off unsubstantiated nonsense to back up your claim....Deny Ignorance!!!
Since January of 1948, Democrats have occupied the White House for a total of 313 months (out of a possible 745). The average monthly national unemployment rate during those 313 months? 5.29%.
The Republicans, on the other hand, have occupied the White House for a total of 432 months since January of 1948 (out of a total of 745). The average monthly national unemployment rate during those 432 months? 5.93%.
So, according to the data from, the national unemployment rate has been, on average, 0.64% higher when a Republican has been occupying the White House.
I'm happy to tell you that your second claim that taxes under Rep have been lower, but there is more to the story. While taking in lower revenue(taxes), they increased spending i.e increased the deficit.
Table 2 shows that Republican Presidents have been true to their commitment to low taxes. Under Republicans, there has been little change in the realized marginal tax rate since Eisenhower. Under the five Republican presidents, about 16 cents of every additional dollar of GDP has gone to Federal taxes. Democratic presidents since 1961, in contrast, have tended to take an average of about 23 cents of every additional dollar of GDP as new revenue. But as we have already noted, reality departs from the conventional wisdom when we look at spending patterns. In fact, Republicans since 1961 have spent 22 cents of every additional dollar of GDP, while Democrats spent 20 cents. On average, under Democrats, Federal spending rose by 20 cents and Federal revenue by 23 cents for every dollar of economic growth. Under Republicans, spending grew by 22 cents and revenue by only 16 cents. Eisenhower was the last Republican president who matched modest
spending increases to modest revenue increases.
So who's the party for smaller government again?
Here's an other GREAT site that breaks down all of this going back to 1948 but stops at 2001
Taxes, GDP, Growth, Presidents
Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by FallenWun
kitilani your back
word had you were banned
Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
Originally posted by macman
The Govt has no business sticking its nose into welfare and the like for the masses.
Then who does? What is the purpose of government then?
Originally posted by FallenWun
Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie
No, it was not created by Dems to save the planet.
It was created to make this guy wealthy and powerful.
In the pursuit of denying ignorance as well as debunking the claim the the right wholly embraces ignorance, can you back up your claim that global warming was made up just to make Al Gore rich?
The above is an example of an honest question with no insults. I might just have a heart attack if I actually get an answer or response that is not some dismissive insult.
Originally posted by SeventhSeal
Originally posted by macman
Originally posted by SeventhSeal
Originally posted by macman
reply to post by SeventhSeal
How is that?
I forgot so many more bigoted statements for you to agree with.
Republicans cheer on Executions.
Republicans cheer on letting those without insurance die in the street.
Republicans boo a marine in Iraq simply because he's gay.
Republicans were voted into Congress to work on the economy and decided to inflict their religious ideologies upon the American public.
Republicans praised, loved, respected, trusted the federal government when it introduced the Patriot Act and lead the country into a Middle East occupation, killing over 100,000 people since 2001. The same Republicans turned against the government when a Democrat entered office and provided the same ideas and treatment the previous Administration. I wonder why. Oh could it be because of Fox News propaganda and...PERHAPS...maybe his skin color? Nah. What am I saying? I'm just a Libertarian who actually thinks most Republicans are bitter about a Black man entering office. I mean, hell, only the liberals could be racist right? They voted for Obama based on his skin color, but there is NO way Republicans can be racist. Right?
Oh, here we go again.
Another shared brain johnny come lately.
No, Reps do not cheer those things. I don't see parades in the streets for those things.
Please do your homework and state correctly.
I'm guessing you missed the debates and the last 4 years of hypocrisy then.
Oh well.
Originally posted by FallenWun
Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
Originally posted by macman
The Govt has no business sticking its nose into welfare and the like for the masses.
Then who does? What is the purpose of government then?
Hopefully you noticed that Macman carries himself as a soldier here on ATS.
I think ignorant is probably a really nice way to put it when someone dressed in a military uniform says that the government has no business looking out for the welfare of its people.
Shhhh. Don't point out the irony to him. It makes him mad when you expect him to think.
Originally posted by spiritualzombie
Originally posted by awakened1
Wake up from the false left vs right paradigm aka Divide & Conquer tactics, Republican & Democrat, Liberal & Conservative are PRODUCTS that have been created for the masses to give the illusion of choice in the Political arena. They no longer exist as they did when the founders were around.
The SAME Agenda has been in place for years, call it conspiracy, New World Order / Illuminati / Bilderberg whatever... but it has controlled & infiltrated and Paid for both sides of the the Political Agenda through "Think Tanks", Lobbying groups, Corporations, Privatization of the Central Banking Cartels and so forth.
Stop getting distracted by the R vs D aspect, behind closed doors there is ONE party, agenda, way of doing business.
Obama is a Puppet doing exactly as he is told, just like Bush and those before... The Last President who openly spoke out against the Conspiracy and tried to shut down the Federal Reserve was eliminated. Since then not one has stood up, they tow the line, because thats the deal they are given for the "power" to become a Puppet and spokesperson to Millions of sheep who will follow and not question for the most part
as long as people keep believing there is a difference then they win, they have the population fighting over it while we are all lead to the slaughter and scammed
edit on 25-9-2011 by awakened1 because: (no reason given)edit on 25-9-2011 by awakened1 because: (no reason given)
Okay, I just woke up... Democrat and Republican both sh*t. I agree. So does this mean now humanity can agree that equality, peace, love, and the environment are where our priorities should be?
I'm so sick of this "false left/right paradigm" mantra. It's great and cerebral and intellectual, but the fact is, you talk to people on the street and it doesn't matter -- they still hate gays, or they still hate muslims, or they still think we have no responsibility to take on the destruction of our environment and the pollution of the planet. They still have no sympathy for people who are sick or unemployed, but they still support the super wealthy who they feel deserve special government assistance in the form of tax breaks.
No politics... let's just agree to be decent human beings yes? The fact that one party leans toward all these things more than the other... Does it matter in the false left/right paradigm? Does the false left/right paradigm matter when these people still lean towards ignorance and greed?
Wake up and see that there is a very real division of morality here.
Originally posted by ARealandTrueAmerican
Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie
Good hell, another Evil republican thread?
Yep, all Republicans and Conservatives are Satan's Spawns.
All want to kill brown people, make grandma eat out of the neighbors garbage cans, give babies M16s and chant "USA USA USA" at NASCAR events.
How original...
So, you would consider yourself a fan and defender of the Republican Party?
I find that kind of sad. Have you noticed they are as bad as the Democrats?
Originally posted by macman
Originally posted by spiritualzombie
Originally posted by awakened1
Wake up from the false left vs right paradigm aka Divide & Conquer tactics, Republican & Democrat, Liberal & Conservative are PRODUCTS that have been created for the masses to give the illusion of choice in the Political arena. They no longer exist as they did when the founders were around.
The SAME Agenda has been in place for years, call it conspiracy, New World Order / Illuminati / Bilderberg whatever... but it has controlled & infiltrated and Paid for both sides of the the Political Agenda through "Think Tanks", Lobbying groups, Corporations, Privatization of the Central Banking Cartels and so forth.
Stop getting distracted by the R vs D aspect, behind closed doors there is ONE party, agenda, way of doing business.
Obama is a Puppet doing exactly as he is told, just like Bush and those before... The Last President who openly spoke out against the Conspiracy and tried to shut down the Federal Reserve was eliminated. Since then not one has stood up, they tow the line, because thats the deal they are given for the "power" to become a Puppet and spokesperson to Millions of sheep who will follow and not question for the most part
as long as people keep believing there is a difference then they win, they have the population fighting over it while we are all lead to the slaughter and scammed
edit on 25-9-2011 by awakened1 because: (no reason given)edit on 25-9-2011 by awakened1 because: (no reason given)
Okay, I just woke up... Democrat and Republican both sh*t. I agree. So does this mean now humanity can agree that equality, peace, love, and the environment are where our priorities should be?
I'm so sick of this "false left/right paradigm" mantra. It's great and cerebral and intellectual, but the fact is, you talk to people on the street and it doesn't matter -- they still hate gays, or they still hate muslims, or they still think we have no responsibility to take on the destruction of our environment and the pollution of the planet. They still have no sympathy for people who are sick or unemployed, but they still support the super wealthy who they feel deserve special government assistance in the form of tax breaks.
No politics... let's just agree to be decent human beings yes? The fact that one party leans toward all these things more than the other... Does it matter in the false left/right paradigm? Does the false left/right paradigm matter when these people still lean towards ignorance and greed?
Wake up and see that there is a very real division of morality here.
I knew you would see it.
Just took some discussion.
Great for you.
Now, what is your next step?
Originally posted by spiritualzombie
Originally posted by macman
Originally posted by spiritualzombie
Okay, I just woke up... Democrat and Republican both sh*t. I agree. So does this mean now humanity can agree that equality, peace, love, and the environment are where our priorities should be?
I'm so sick of this "false left/right paradigm" mantra. It's great and cerebral and intellectual, but the fact is, you talk to people on the street and it doesn't matter -- they still hate gays, or they still hate muslims, or they still think we have no responsibility to take on the destruction of our environment and the pollution of the planet. They still have no sympathy for people who are sick or unemployed, but they still support the super wealthy who they feel deserve special government assistance in the form of tax breaks.
No politics... let's just agree to be decent human beings yes? The fact that one party leans toward all these things more than the other... Does it matter in the false left/right paradigm? Does the false left/right paradigm matter when these people still lean towards ignorance and greed?
Wake up and see that there is a very real division of morality here.
I knew you would see it.
Just took some discussion.
Great for you.
Now, what is your next step?
Macman, I woke up long ago...
While both parties express their own forms of ignorance and greed... It is politics after all... I continue to hold the stance that the Republican Party has shamefully become THE PARTY for epic levels of mainstream misinformation and consistent widespread Ignorance and Greed.
When I talk about Republicans I am indeed referring to the mainstream view. How majority of republicans present themselves through mainstream channels combined with mainstream republican voters who speak on their behalf every day.
Always defending oil, drilling, war, corporations and the wealthy, while consistently scoffing at the poor, the unemployed, the sick, cleaner energy and the environment. Basically what you would imagine being the human compassion side, they are against... the money and power side, they are for. Consistently.
And when asked why... Never a clear honest answer, always spin and misdirection. I truly think this party believes spin is the same as a real answer. They only know spin. It's like they went to college and only learned the art of bullsh*t and failed all their courses on science, history and math.
They now appeal to either the ignorantly lowest common denominator, or the corrupt and greedy.
Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie
Ok, so, by that retort, the OP topic should be something like "Mainstream Republican/Democrat: The parties of ignorance and greed".
Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
I understand that the Hegelian philosophy was embraced by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who co-wrote the Communist Manifesto. That is a fact of matter. I don't make up stuff like that. I know that Marxism spread, and that Progressives embraced the philosphy. To be fair, Bush Jr is 3rd gen Bonesman, and I've posted that more than once. Skull and Bones is a Yale fraternity, a secret society, whose members often go on to join the CFR. This is also fact.
Hegelian dialectic is a method of pitting one argument against an opposing one. The conflict of the OPPOSING views produces a synthesis.
Antony Sutton says that this philosophy was brought to Yale by individuals who went to the University of Berlin and imported the idea. That also is fact. Sutton was a research fellow at Hoover.
Sutton exposed Skull and Bones after receiving a packet that had some documents involving the secret organization.
Sutton says that European bankers financed the Bolshevik revolution and Hitler too. I am not saying that banks and corporations are without fault or even evil, but I am also saying that Marxism is an attack against Capitalism, while communists and socialists alike have benefited from the financial support of said institutions.
This is why I have no trouble at all implicating the Socialist financier George Soros in the destruction of currencies, and in the protests against Wall Street.
People mistakenly say that the two opposing sides are exactly the same, but this is to misunderstand the process of the dialectic, which philosophy itself came out of a leftist ideology.
Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Sutton says that the resulting synthesis of the pitting of the two opposing sides is the New World Order, and it is neither right nor left. Today we do see a blurring of the lines of demarcation between the parties. People call this "centrist", or moderate. Hence we have a John McCain who has an R back of his name, but espouses a lot of liberal ideas. We have a Barack Obama with a D, who is mostly leftist but pretends to be centrist, but he stands to make a lot of money from the manipulations of the BP Oil disaster, and pays off all his Union friends and pals and people who voted for him with taxpayer money, but his social ideology is clearly Progressive. He has Marxist ideology, radical friends like Ayers and Van Jones, mentors like the Communist Frank Marshall Davis.
So you see, it's not that the left and right have no differences, it's that the conflict of the two produces something neither right nor left. Sutton says the Elite use "conflict management" to achieve their goals.
I am fully aware of the degradation of the Republican Party, but I still hold to conservative/Libertarian ideals.edit on 25-9-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)
State capitalism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term State capitalism has various different meanings, but is usually described as management of business and productive forces by the state—especially when such management is done in a capitalist manner, even if the state is nominally socialist.[1] It may be compared to the term state socialism, which has a different theoretical emphasis but largely overlapping meaning in practice.
Corporatized (partly privatized) government agencies and a state that owns controlling shares of corporations listed publicly, thus acting as a capitalist itself, are two examples of state capitalism. State capitalism has also come to refer to an economic system such that the means of production are owned privately and the state has considerable control of the allocation of credit and investment. State capitalism is a term that is also used (sometimes interchangeably with state monopoly capitalism) to describe a system such that the state intervenes in the economy to protect and advance the interests of large-scale businesses. This practice is often claimed to be in contrast with the ideals of both socialism and laissez-faire capitalism.[2]