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posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 03:56 AM
I am sure that somewhere,in the universe there is at least 1 alien civilisation.but I find it hard to believe that they visit earth and look like little green men except that they are grey.That they abducts humans to probe them and mutilate cows.of course these mutilations always happen in the USA,why not in the rest of the world? they have lots of cows to choose from

Yet there's tons of info about where they come from,what tech they use,how they reproduce and communicate...but how do they know?Abductions are probably halucinations after all because all these stories about greys and reptilians appeared strangely enough after scifi films of the 50's and all that.

The probability of life in the universe is low according to what we know,so how LOW is the probability of other aliens being humanoid???they could look like anything,we can't even imagine what they could look like because they would be different to anything that lives on earth...

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 07:31 AM
Cattle Mutilations linked to Mad Cow Disease:-

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 07:53 AM
I'm just thinking, why does all this Alien stuff happen in the USA? There must be a reason for this.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 07:54 AM

The probability of life in the universe is low according to what we know,so how LOW is the probability of other aliens being humanoid???they could look like anything,we can't even imagine what they could look like because they would be different to anything that lives on earth...

Here's my 2 cents on this one....I'm just gonna pull this from one of my previous posts on this subject....

mpeake wrote:
The reason people beleive aliens look similiar to humans is becuase we want them to. We feel that right now we are the top of the food chain and we are the best that any species can get. So if there was to be another race of beings out there with the capabilites to travel here and make contact, well, they must be highly evolved like us. So we give them human attributes, like eyes, nostrils, ears, etc...all because we use them on a daily basis. If we use them, why wouldn't they be used on another lifeform?

To me it's also due to the fact that humans fear the unkown. People fear what they don't know, so to make aliens more likeable in their mind, they make them less unkown. If you were shown 2 different aliens, one with 2 arms, 2 legs, a pair of feet and hands, eyes, ears, and a nose and then show them one with no arms and legs, no human facial features, perhaps a jellyfish like body with tentacles and it dripped goo, which one would you gravitate towards? My money is on the humanoid version. We create the version that will be most appealing cause we don't want to fear it. Religion has done the same thing to God. It gave him a long white beard, and a flowing white robe and put him atop a cloud looking down on us. It's all the same.

Further more, the is a large beleif that aliens take on a reptilian form. This, I beleive, comes from the side of humans that want to place an emphasis of fear on the aliens. In general, reptiles are a feared creature. They have been used in myths of man since the begining of time, so it's logical to give aliens a reptlian attribute so that we fear them.

[edit on 26-8-2004 by mpeake]

[edit on 26-8-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 08:07 AM
Minime alien stuff doesn't just happen in the US. Cattle mutilations are more common in the US but have been reported in other countries as well. As for UFO sightings, abductions, alien encounters and crop circles etc they have all been experienced by people all over the world. Try a google search or read any book on UFO's, there is tons of information.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Minime
I'm just thinking, why does all this Alien stuff happen in the USA? There must be a reason for this. has a large list of international UFO events. Check the link below. Over 2,700 and growing.

As for actual alien sightings, a large percentage come from South America as you can read for yourself on the long lists of alien sightings on (link below). There are quite a few euro and asian reports as well. Not much comes out of Africa, but then we really never have much access to African media sources.

Seems to me to be a global phenomenon.

[edit on 26-8-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by heelstone

Originally posted by Minime
I'm just thinking, why does all this Alien stuff happen in the USA? There must be a reason for this. has a large list of international UFO events. Check the link below. Over 2,700 and growing.

As for actual alien sightings, a large percentage come from South America as you can read for yourself on the long lists of alien sightings on (link below). There are quite a few euro and asian reports as well. Not much comes out of Africa, but then we really never have much access to African media sources.

Seems to me to be a global phenomenon.

[edit on 26-8-2004 by heelstone]

Guess so, I just read that Wiltshire, England has had the most crop circles ever reported.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 11:18 AM

The probability of life in the universe is low according to what we know

Not true, from a purely statistical standpoint, for example, the Drake Equation, there is an almost certain probablity of not only extraterrestrial life, but other sentient and advanced races as well.

Lets look at NASA's recent announcements of water on Mars. Where there is water, we have found life. So we have potentially two out of nine planets, around an average star, in an average galaxy harboring life in one form or another. With billions upon billions of such stars, and likewise numerous galaxies, it's actually the REVERSE which seems to be obvious...that the odds are against there NOT being other beings out there...

Now let's look at the evidence for aliens/UFOs.

Numerous photos, videos, etc. (yes, some are faked by hoaxers, but not all, especially such footage as NASA footage, gun camera films, etc.)

Numerous eyewitnesses, from military (even high-ranking), to other professionals, and from many different nations of the world, and spanning a time frame PRIOR to all of those sci fi movies, through today. Some of these witnesses are even Ex Presidents! (Sure some are whackos, but they are a minority)

The undeniable coverup of the Roswell incident, remaining as the only time the US Army ever went on record as recovering an extraterrestrial disc. (and then of course retracted it)

There are even pieces of material debris that seem to defy our current abilities of manufacturing (one of Art Bell's guests, should be an easy search).

Yet there's tons of info about where they come from,what tech they use,how they reproduce and communicate...but how do they know?

I'm assuming you're speaking of the Reticulan Grays? The basics surrounding the grays are pulled from many sources, spanning many years, that seem to be referring to the same entities.. Here's a quick recap off the top of my head, of some of the evidence of them...

1. Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill...pretty much the Roswell of abduction cases. Interestingly enough, Betty was able to draw a star map and indicate the position of the aliens' homeworld and system (Zeti Reticuli binary star system). Even more peculiar, is that these stars would not be visable from the Hill's hemisphere, so it isn't as if they were drawing familiar constellations....(and they have no astronomical background).

2. Numerous government documents alluding to the Zeti Reticuli system in connection with EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) (there are likely some fakes in here, but there are some which hold up to scrutiny as if you want to look, but I won't do the research for you...) There are also documents describing the inner appearance of the craft, and some of this corresponds well with both abductees, and Lazar's info (given below)

3. Interestingly enough, a couple years back, in the project to detect planets outside the solar system...a planetary system was discovered around Zeti Reticuli 2 (the same star claimed by the rest of my points here), yet then, it was announced as a "mistake" and then retracted.

4. Robert Lazar came out about some work he did at Area 51. There is ample evidence of his background being "scrubbed" by authorities, or at least some party. He too disclosed the 4th planet around the second star in that system as the homeworld for the aliens. Lazar is one of the primary sources for the drive system thought to be used...which simply corresponds to some other sources...

We don't really "KNOW" anything. Most of the material dealing with reproduction, etc. is from ONE source...(those involved with the UFO CoverUp Live shows, the Aviary, Yellow Book, whatever you want to reference here....) so that's still pretty up in the air... But, we can look at all the sources out there, and see where things corraborate and support the same arguement...and then make up our own minds.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Not true, from a purely statistical standpoint, for example, the Drake Equation, there is an almost certain probablity of not only extraterrestrial life, but other sentient and advanced races as well.

Yes,but we can't say the galaxy is full of intelligent beings can we?And I never said there were NONE.

Lets look at NASA's recent announcements of water on Mars. Where there is water, we have found life. So we have potentially two out of nine planets, around an average star, in an average galaxy harboring life in one form or another. With billions upon billions of such stars, and likewise numerous galaxies, it's actually the REVERSE which seems to be obvious...that the odds are against there NOT being other beings out there...

from a universal point of view there are certainly thousands if not millions oflife bearing planets

Now let's look at the evidence for aliens/UFOs.

Numerous photos, videos, etc. (yes, some are faked by hoaxers, but not all, especially such footage as NASA footage, gun camera films, etc.)

I have yet to see a convincing video,except the mexican one I can't think of many

Numerous eyewitnesses, from military (even high-ranking), to other professionals, and from many different nations of the world, and spanning a time frame PRIOR to all of those sci fi movies, through today. Some of these witnesses are even Ex Presidents! (Sure some are whackos, but they are a minority)

good point

The undeniable coverup of the Roswell incident, remaining as the only time the US Army ever went on record as recovering an extraterrestrial disc. (and then of course retracted it)

where is the undeniable proof? if your talking about what the military said about it after the crash (flying saucer) before they said it was a weather balloon,it could also be disinformation to cover something else

There are even pieces of material debris that seem to defy our current abilities of manufacturing (one of Art Bell's guests, should be an easy search).

I will look it up

I'm assuming you're speaking of the Reticulan Grays? The basics surrounding the grays are pulled from many sources, spanning many years, that seem to be referring to the same entities.. Here's a quick recap off the top of my head, of some of the evidence of them...

1. Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill...pretty much the Roswell of abduction cases. Interestingly enough, Betty was able to draw a star map and indicate the position of the aliens' homeworld and system (Zeti Reticuli binary star system). Even more peculiar, is that these stars would not be visable from the Hill's hemisphere, so it isn't as if they were drawing familiar constellations....(and they have no astronomical background).

yeah,I can choose a star and say the same thing and if i am lucky someone will discover a star there providing proof for my alien abduction story

2. Numerous government documents alluding to the Zeti Reticuli system in connection with EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) (there are likely some fakes in here, but there are some which hold up to scrutiny as if you want to look, but I won't do the research for you...) There are also documents describing the inner appearance of the craft, and some of this corresponds well with both abductees, and Lazar's info (given below)

3. Interestingly enough, a couple years back, in the project to detect planets outside the solar system...a planetary system was discovered around Zeti Reticuli 2 (the same star claimed by the rest of my points here), yet then, it was announced as a "mistake" and then retracted.

and what if it WAS an error?

4. Robert Lazar came out about some work he did at Area 51. There is ample evidence of his background being "scrubbed" by authorities, or at least some party. He too disclosed the 4th planet around the second star in that system as the homeworld for the aliens. Lazar is one of the primary sources for the drive system thought to be used...which simply corresponds to some other sources...

if what he said was true he would be in trouble for disclosing top secret stuff,no?

We don't really "KNOW" anything. Most of the material dealing with reproduction, etc. is from ONE source...(those involved with the UFO CoverUp Live shows, the Aviary, Yellow Book, whatever you want to reference here....) so that's still pretty up in the air... But, we can look at all the sources out there, and see where things corraborate and support the same arguement...and then make up our own minds.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 01:36 PM
Funny.My alien 'friends" never said they were from Zeta reticuli.In fact they were very close all my life.
Gaz, you are not part of the Zetatalk effort are you? Is the "Seven Sister Pleiadeans" out of vogue now?

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 01:59 PM

Gaz, you are not part of the Zetatalk

No, I'm simply culling similar statements from various sources, all claiming the same point of origin...

My alien 'friends" never said they were from Zeta reticuli

check please!

Yes,but we can't say the galaxy is full of intelligent beings can we?And I never said there were NONE.

No, but you said the odds were against it...I was merely pointing out it is not so...

from a universal point of view there are certainly thousands if not millions oflife bearing planets

Exactly, and you don't think this improves the odds for other sentient life?

I have yet to see a convincing video,except the mexican one I can't think of many

Then you haven't looked hard enough...try searching for gun camera footage from fighter planes...

where is the undeniable proof? if your talking about what the military said about it after the crash (flying saucer) before they said it was a weather balloon,it could also be disinformation to cover something else

What would STILL be covered up more than 50 years later? I've given the undeniable proof on SEVERAL Roswell threads, so I won't type it for the 100th time, hehe...but a quick search would turn it up easily enough.... I said the coverup was undeniable, not that it would prove an alien disc crashed (though there is ample evidence for it)...

I will look it up

Was made of Bismuth I believe...maybe that will help if you search on it...

yeah,I can choose a star and say the same thing and if i am lucky someone will discover a star there providing proof for my alien abduction story

She didn't just choose a star, she drew an entire star system, one that can't even be seen from her hemisphere!!!

and what if it WAS an error?

Very well could be, but the big picture....

if what he said was true he would be in trouble for disclosing top secret stuff,no?

Yes, and he's had police documented death threats, and his life basically ruined in the process of the background erasing efforts (which are spotty at best...still leaving evidence of his schooling, etc.) But, it's a weird thing... By going public, if he were to be charged for violating the secrecy agreement he undoubtedly had to sign...then the government would be admitting that he is correct! So, the better solution was to simply destroy his credibility. I can't say he's telling the truth...but I can say with confidence, that somebody has definitely tampered with his background and made attempts to erase credentials....

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 07:18 PM
I'll present my arguments from a purely astrobiological point of view.

I was taught in school that the chances of other stars, besides the Sun, having planets was very low. This was not true. Combine this with trickles of creationism and you end up with a group of people not very acceptant about the huge possiblilities for life existing elsewhere.

The universe isn't an extremely diverse place, fundamentally. There's only one thing out there - galaxies. Galaxies at different levels of formation. From quasars to complete circular spirals. These galaxies consist of stars at different levels of formation.

The processes involved in star formation are the same throughout the galaxy and throughout the entire universe.

The same galaxies, the same stars, the same elements, the same planet formation.

It's not a question of which planets have life, it's a question of how long does life sustain itself for on each planet?

Why would life evolve similarly on other planets as it has done on Earth? I can safely say that it's due to the nature of the lowest point on the food chain, plant life. Plants have a unique ability to derive most of their energy from radiation sources, such as the Sun. Plant life evolves to effectively utilise the source of radiation, such as extending multiple armatures with radiation receivers. Plant life then becomes the environment for the evolution of everything else.

At one point or another, human ancestors (protoprimate like mammals) were tree climbers. Tree climbing is the basis for our current form.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by electric
I'll present my arguments from a purely astrobiological point of view.

I was taught in school that the chances of other stars, besides the Sun, having planets was very low. This was not true. Combine this with trickles of creationism and you end up with a group of people not very acceptant about the huge possiblilities for life existing elsewhere.

The universe isn't an extremely diverse place, fundamentally. There's only one thing out there - galaxies. Galaxies at different levels of formation. From quasars to complete circular spirals. These galaxies consist of stars at different levels of formation.

The processes involved in star formation are the same throughout the galaxy and throughout the entire universe.

The same galaxies, the same stars, the same elements, the same planet formation.

It's not a question of which planets have life, it's a question of how long does life sustain itself for on each planet?

Why would life evolve similarly on other planets as it has done on Earth? I can safely say that it's due to the nature of the lowest point on the food chain, plant life. Plants have a unique ability to derive most of their energy from radiation sources, such as the Sun. Plant life evolves to effectively utilise the source of radiation, such as extending multiple armatures with radiation receivers. Plant life then becomes the environment for the evolution of everything else.

At one point or another, human ancestors (protoprimate like mammals) were tree climbers. Tree climbing is the basis for our current form.

^^Very good^^

About this topic/thread...

Instead of calling it "aliens?", they shoulda called it "Agents?"

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 05:41 AM
Gazrok - in reference to the drake equation we still don't have enough information on the constants of that equaton to be of any use. While we are finding many planets due to new research methadologies the total number of planets discovered thus far is still much to small to qualify as a representative sample. Second while there is ample evidence of water on mrs at some point we have no proof as of yet that life did in fact arise. If I am not mistaken the drake equation is
number of galaxies in the unervise times number of stars in each galaxy times percentage of stars with planets times percentage of planets capable of supporting life times percentage of those life bearng planets that give rise to intelligent lfe times the length of time the average intelligent life form survives as detectbile times the widow of opportunity of that civilisation being detecabile coincideing with our civilisation.
The fact that we dont know enough about planetary formtion to posit how likely a star is to have planets alone is enough to reduce the utillity of the drake equation at this time.
While its a great theoretical model and "thought expiriment" there is no way to use it without being able to define the constants of the equation.

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by DarkSide
I am sure that somewhere,in the universe there is at least 1 alien civilisation.but I find it hard to believe that they visit earth and look like little green men except that they are grey.That they abducts humans to probe them and mutilate cows.of course these mutilations always happen in the USA,why not in the rest of the world? they have lots of cows to choose from

Yet there's tons of info about where they come from,what tech they use,how they reproduce and communicate...but how do they know?Abductions are probably halucinations after all because all these stories about greys and reptilians appeared strangely enough after scifi films of the 50's and all that.

The probability of life in the universe is low according to what we know,so how LOW is the probability of other aliens being humanoid???they could look like anything,we can't even imagine what they could look like because they would be different to anything that lives on earth...

98% we fooling our selfe on earth about all those aliens. 2% are merly a sighting of an real alien space craft/Close Observer, and all i have heard about those they are small light balls. 91% are to fast with their conclusions or wannabes.

[edit on 27-8-2004 by Cardu]

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 10:45 AM
Actually, the Betty Hill map wasn't even drawn from an Earth dwelling viewpoint! It was determined that the map she drew was along the same lines as mideival trade route maps but on a stellar level. The map was drawn as one would have drawn it from the point of origin of the route, which, when distances, orientations and various other solar positioning tools where applied, confirmed the stars on the map, and the Reticuli system was found as the logical point. It was also determined that the map was constructed in such a way that the Reticuli system was the only star system from which the map could be drawn and fit the apparent construction of the map. Here's a link to information regarding the Hill case, with some links to additional sources:

Also, a quick Google for Betty Hill's starmap produces many viable links, for and against the theories. One could also search 'Marjorie Fish' the astronomer/teacher that helped validate the map

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 11:15 AM
I was simply mentioning the abundance of sources concluding the same thing...I wasn't taking any of them (except for the certain coverup of Roswell) as Gospel, hehe...

Forget the Drake equation if you want, we're still talking common sense here... We have life existing on Earth. We're around an average star, with billions just like it in the universe. We know there are other planets around nearby stars. We know the same elements are found all over the universe. Given this, the odds that life arose on other planets is pretty damn good. From what we know of our only basis for comparison (Earth) we've seen life evolve into sentient life....again, improving the odds for such sentience to rise on another world/s.

When you combine this likelihood, with the evidence of visitation that exists (eyewitnesses, photographic evidence, material evidence, documentation), it makes a pretty good case that we are not alone here....

Actually, the Betty Hill map wasn't even drawn from an Earth dwelling viewpoint!

Never said it was, and that's an interesting point. I guess for me I always liked it because it isn't as if they could be said to have been avid stargazers and simply jotted down the stars and picked she drew a constellation she would have never seen in her life....

EDIT- As I haven't done so in a while, did the searches on the map. Somethng I didn't recall before... The map shows the routes taken by the EBEs, and appears to indicate that they were investigating yellow stars similar to their own, exclusively...intriguing. Other intriguing notes, are that even IF Betty was a gifted astronomer, in '61, the detail of that area wasn't even KNOWN well enough to authenticate her map at the time, let alone draw it!

[edit on 27-8-2004 by Gazrok]

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