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Are there any men out there who have never punched their house in the head?

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posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:39 AM
The beautiful and wonderful creatures we call women are true to themselves in most cases, because if a women shows compassion, then she really feels it deep within, or if she shows empathy, then she is truly experiencing this emotion.

Yet men are different IMO.

A man can feel a little or a lot obviously, but mostly chooses to "show" the emotion rather than truly "feeling" it, because he knows that is what is expected of him.

A man may "choose" to show compassion, rather than really feeling it and naturally showing it as an outward appearance.

This I feel is a safety mechanism to remain strong no matter what the situation, and not to become vulnerable.

There is however, a part of all men which a women should never see.

The part that is the true raw animalistic self, the part that shows its ugly head once in a while.

My partner became upset the other day because I became enraged with something she had said. The animal within came to the surface and I punched the dash board of the car quite hard. (I would never actually hit a person)

I was confused with her reaction because I have punched many things inside my house etc when no-ones looking and is quite normal for me, so I decided to ask around at my workplace how many other men have gotten angry and punched something.

7 out of 7 men freely admitted they have punched a door or something in their house on several occasions.

Another friend I was visiting the same day showed me holes in the door from when something fell on his head and awoke the beast within.

This got me thinking, does every mans inner beast come out from time to time after it has been awoken by the mans true feelings of rage?

Are there any men out there who can honestly say they have never punched something after getting seriously angry?

Or ladies, do your partners or husbands get punchy with the house from time to time?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

Punched plenty of things when I've been angry.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

I broke my hand punching something hard and carpeted.

Re-broke it punching the mrs (playfighting, she gave me a dead leg). I tried to get her back and she stuck her wrist in the way and I re-broke the 5th metatarsal so much it deformed my hand from the bone trying to push out of my skin.

Operation, metal plate, pins. All fixed.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:48 AM
It's not only men who do this. I have assaulted a wall or two in the past. I think women just hide it better.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

I broke my hand punching something hard and carpeted.

Re-broke it punching the mrs (playfighting, she gave me a dead leg). I tried to get her back and she stuck her wrist in the way and I re-broke the 5th metatarsal so much it deformed my hand from the bone trying to push out of my skin.

Operation, metal plate, pins. All fixed.

Apart from the pain and damage you have done to yourself, I found that reply hilarious

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by CN1018

I am sorry but this is abusive.

Imagine you are arguing with someone and that person punches the dashboard of the car. The message is clear and unmistakable. "keep arguing and you are next! You can't get away, you are in a car.

It is one thing to punch something when you experience sudden pain or to punch a wall when no one else is around.

But this kind of behavior (destruction of property) is just another way of winning an argument using force and intimidation.

Tired of Control Freaks.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:01 AM
What the hell is wrong with you people??! I can honestly say I've never punched a wall or a door.. I like to kick or stamp on things.. It Causes far more destruction..

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by TiredofControlFreaks
reply to post by CN1018

I am sorry but this is abusive.

Imagine you are arguing with someone and that person punches the dashboard of the car. The message is clear and unmistakable. "keep arguing and you are next! You can't get away, you are in a car.

It is one thing to punch something when you experience sudden pain or to punch a wall when no one else is around.

But this kind of behavior (destruction of property) is just another way of winning an argument using force and intimidation.

Tired of Control Freaks.

It's an expression of intense frustration. If someone wanted to punch you, they would. It's no different than a woman (or man in some instances) crying to express an emotion, which is often used to win an argument and manipulate someone. Both can be forms of control to those who allow themselves to be controlled.

I grew up around abusive behavior. People who physically abuse others are the last ones to have holes in their walls.

But that's just my POV.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:32 AM
I've punched plenty of men. Never a woman.Never a child, never an animal,(scratch that, I punched a rottweiler while being attacked).

Never a house, never a car. Where's the fun in that?
I respect the fact that you didn't hit her for sure. But if you did, would you post it here?
If you feel that you are prone to losing it in the future, try anger management.
Writing and playing music helps me.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

I too used to lash out and punch, kick inanimate objects when my rage became to strong to control. I was a child by the way this went on until i was around 14. I have since carried out alot of work on how i deal with things and as such have managed to get these negative emotions and reactions in check. You seem to feel it is ok to behave as you do, why? simply because the handfull of men you have spoken to have agreed they do the same? Does that make it right in your book, i hope not. For one day it will no longer be the dash, a door or a wall you lash out at, it will be a stranger or maybe even your wife. How would you feel then? Maybe you asked the wrong people the wrong question, maybe you should have asked the respective partners how they felt when the men behaved in this way. I can guarantee it wouldnt be admiration, more likely fear and disgust. However if thats how you wish to be percieved by others then who am i to judge.
A word of advice, seek help now before you hurt something other than your car.
edit on 24-9-2011 by shinzaun because: spelling

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by AnimositisominA

When I get overly angry, If i feel punchy, my first thought is to punch something, but never someone.

Ive trained in Gracie Juijitsu and MMA (martial arts) for a number of years now and have never once punched or lashed out towards another person.

So I am confident within myself to release the anger in the way I do.

I shouldn't have punched the dash board in front of my partner, but its happened now and all I can do is live and learn.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

once had a run-in with a wall at the workplace. long term frustration can result in a poor choice of outlet.

as for the poster claiming the OP is a control freak, i chuckled.

in America women are free to exhibit over-the-top behavior and make wild claims, accusations and verbal assaults at will, and they do. boys are raised not to hit girls. women need only point finger and accuse and a man is under arrest. it happens every day.

sad part is how many women don't realize their behavior would not be tolerated if they had external genitals. then again, they probably do. people push buttons and play the victim later. an uneven legal system only serves to encourage such poor behavior.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by LargeFries

I couldn't agree more

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:03 AM
i honestly have never punched anything when i am angry. i take a cold shower or wash my face with cold water. plan my revenge at the calmest moment possible which is usually before i go to sleep.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by DOADOA
i honestly have never punched anything when i am angry. i take a cold shower or wash my face with cold water. plan my revenge at the calmest moment possible which is usually before i go to sleep.

You have a lot of dead bodies under your house......dont you.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:10 AM
I'm female and I'v punched walls, doors, the inside of the roof of my car when I lose my ****...
Aside from the painful knuckles, you usually feel better afterwards lol.
Sometimes you just need to release your anger, and the best option seems to be something that you cant miss and you wont hurt.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

Why punch a door or a wall in your house?

Why not do the sensible thing and kick your own ass?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

hahaha why would i kill anyone. i know they'll all die a slow miserable natural death if accidents do not interfere. victory is achieve when they punch the wall.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

Hahah brilliant!

Prefer to resort to the elevator and baby wants some milk scene in that movie though.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:21 AM
walls, doors, cement post, field goal uprights, car roof, steering wheel, all things i have punched in anger. Things i have never punched in anger any human or animal. Its not about control its about expressing a severe frustration with the situation at hand. Though it may not be "normal" i think it is a perfect and valid way to blow off stress. People would have no problem with it if lets say you were hitting a punching bag, but do to the fact that it is some random inanamit object all of a sudden "your" crazy for doing it. just my op though.

thank you and good day/night depending on your location in this universe.

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